Chapter 403
The southern route is in full swing, almost advancing to the city of Derry, so what about the eastern route?
In fact, Cao Wenzhao was on the east line all the way, because there were no big cities between Ava City and Dhaka, so the army on the East Road didn't encounter any resistance at all. If he hadn't waited for the extension of the railway, he would have breathed a sigh of relief Rush to Dhaka.

After going through untold hardships along the way and breaking through the barriers of mountains and rivers, Cao Wenzhao finally led 40 troops and 30 captives on the East Road to repair the railway near Dhaka after more than a month.

At this time, Aurangzeb was already in the city of Dhaka, and the last encounter outside Mysore had cast a shadow on him against the Ming army, so he had never dared to go to the wild to fight against the Ming army. However, there was a city wall It's different, 20 troops stationed in a city, 40 troops are very difficult to attack, at least he thinks so.

Cao Wenzhao didn't think so. It would be a dream for a 20 army without muskets and artillery to resist his 40 army. The artillery under his hands is not vegetarian!

This Dhaka city was built in 1608 by Subeda Ilan Khan, the Governor of Bengal of the Mughal Empire. It is only [-] years old. It is considered a new city, but the city wall is not very high, less than Five meters, not much higher than the walls of a small county town in Daming. Cao Wenzhao really didn't pay much attention to such a small city.

While ordering the Annan Army and Donghu Army to hurry up to manufacture siege equipment, he led the Guanning Army and Dingliao Army to form a formation outside Dhaka, preparing artillery to bombard the city wall.

The Guanning Army is a first-class army with [-] artillery pieces of various types. The Dingliao Army was also promoted to a second-class army in the Monan Grassland War. It has [-] artillery pieces of various types. The number of cannons can be described as terrifying.

Cao Wenzhao didn't bother to besiege the city anymore, because he still had [-] cavalry under his command. If the enemy abandoned the city and fled, they would chase them all the way, which would be much easier than besieging the city.

He directly chose the east side of Dhaka City as the main attack target. Nearly [-] artillery pieces were placed one mile west of Dhaka City. They were lined up in order according to their range. The front was protected by five rows of musketeers, and the left and right were [-] cavalry raiders. , and he himself led the remaining musketeers in the rear.

When Aurangzeb saw the densely packed artillery under the city wall, he felt his scalp tingling for a while. Last time, the Ming army in Mysore seemed to have suffered enough with only a few hundred artillery pieces. This time there were nearly [-] pieces. How can I fight this?
Cao Wenzhao didn't care whether Aurangzeb's scalp was numb on the city wall. Once the formation was set up, he directly ordered that all artillery be loaded with solid bullets, aimed at the city wall, and bombarded continuously!
The artillerymen of the Ming army were so agile. Setting up the cannon, loading gunpowder, loading shells, aiming, and igniting the test fire were like flowing water.

Aurangzeb saw through the binoculars that the Ming army was starting to set up artillery, and he was so frightened that he said "Be careful and concealed", and then ran directly down the city wall and went back to the Governor's Mansion!
He knew that it was impossible for the Ming army to attack the city before they had built the siege equipment. It is very likely that the bombardment at this time was to intimidate the defenders in the city. Let them intimidate them. Behind the wall, what if you have artillery?
Naturally, Cao Wenzhao didn't want to threaten him, but wanted to flatten the arrow stacks on the city wall, so that there would be fewer casualties when attacking the city. After all, the defenders hiding behind the arrow stacks can also cause certain casualties. The stack is flattened for you, let's see how you aim and shoot the arrow!

After the test firing, the artillery commander calculated the shooting parameters according to the landing point of the shells, and then reported a series of parameters to adjust the various artillery. After the adjustments, the salvo directly started.

"Boom boom boom", [-] artillery pieces roared together, and the sound made the entire Dhaka city tremble. Aurangzeb, who was on the way to the Governor's Palace, was frightened. This Ming army is crazy. Well, it's fine to fire two cannonballs to scare people, and then a round of salvos, what if you think there are too many shells?
The number of artillery shells prepared by the Ming army is really not ordinary. With the current production speed of Ming Dynasty, how many shells can be produced in a year is really incalculable. With the train transportation, Cao Wenzhao does not have to worry about insufficient shells at all, so The order he gave was to bombard continuously!
"Boom, boom, boom", the Ming army's bombardment was a joy, and it never stopped for a whole day. After this day, the arrow stacks on the city wall were almost bombed, and Aurangzeb collected When he received the report from his subordinates, his face suddenly turned pale. It turned out that the Ming army wanted to flatten all the arrow stacks, and the arrow stacks were gone. How could they release arrows and shoot indiscriminately?How can this city be guarded!
In the early morning of the next day, the Ming army continued to form and prepare to bombard. Cao Wenzhao raised his binoculars to look at the situation on the city wall. He couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this. The soldiers of the Mughal Empire are really lazy. Don't know if you repair the arrow stack overnight, although it doesn't have much effect, it can also make the enemy spend more time.

According to the leisurely customs of the Mughal Empire, if you let them work overtime at night to repair the city wall, it would be better to kill them, so the generals guarding the city didn't think about it at all. What about Fei's hands and feet!
Naturally, the Ming army would not be polite. After setting up the artillery and adjusting the shooting elements, there was another heavy bombardment.

Booming and booming, the commander of the artillery found a problem. He immediately put away his binoculars, ran to the central army, knelt down in front of Cao Wenzhao, and said in surprise, "I want to report to Deputy Marshal Cao, the repair of the city wall of Dhaka City It seems that it is not very reliable, and the subordinates found that the parapet walls in many places have been smashed through by shells!"

Cao Wenzhao was overjoyed when he heard the words. If even the parapet wall can be blown away, then there is no need to attack the city. Just use artillery shells to smash all the defenders on the city wall into meat paste. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahahaha, Very good, go, adjust the angle, and cut off their parapet too!"

The artillery commander said he obeyed, and ran back to command the artillery to adjust the shooting. Next, the artillery shells directly aimed at the female wall and blasted violently. The city wall of Dhaka city is not as well repaired as the city wall of Ming Dynasty. Reliable, after less than an hour of bombing, the entire western female wall was riddled with holes, and it was only a matter of time before the whole wall was leveled.

When Aurangzeb received the news, he was in despair. How could the city be defended? Without the female wall, the city wall is bald, and the defenders on the city wall have not become the target of shells!

That night, Cao Wenzhao received a secret report from the scouts that the defenders in the city had fled from the west of the city!
He ran well, he didn't order the cavalry to pursue immediately, but ordered the scouts to follow far behind, and it was enough to determine the direction of their escape.

Early the next morning, when the sky was just dawning, Cao Wenzhao and Qin Gongming led 20 cavalry to follow the marks left by the scouts, and chased them all the way. In less than an hour, they chased [-] cavalry from the Mughal Empire. army.

At this time, they were preparing to camp and rest by a small river. When they heard the thunderous sound of horseshoes, the 20 army immediately fell into chaos. No matter how the officers shouted, they could not organize together.

Facing such a scattered enemy army, Cao Wenzhao and Qin Gongming directly led the cavalry to charge up, fired a volley of guns, and then smashed down like a thunderstorm with a unified grenade. The entire army of the Mughal Empire immediately collapsed, and everyone scattered. Run with your feet open.

Cao Wenzhao is the most experienced in chasing the fleeing enemy army. When he followed Lu Xiangsheng in the northwest to suppress bandits, he led 20 cavalry to capture more than [-] fleeing bandits. This time he brought [-] cavalry, To catch [-] fleeing Mughal Empire soldiers, that's not easy!

(End of this chapter)

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