Daming Military Empire

Chapter 448 Tsarist Russia finally entered the set

Chapter 448 Tsarist Russia finally entered the set

After the Netherlands and the United Kingdom were settled, Sweden, Denmark, and Tsarist Russia came next. Richelieu knew that Sweden and Denmark were actually more difficult to talk to than Tsarist Russia, because in the war against the Holy Roman Empire, both Sweden and Denmark Been tricked by him!
It is difficult for people to be fooled by the same person twice in a row, so Richelieu never thought about asking Sweden and Denmark to send troops again. He only hoped that they would see the situation clearly and agree to provide some food for Tsarist Russia.

To say that Sweden and Denmark were really pissed by Richelieu. Over the past 20 years, they have almost contributed to the war against the Holy Roman Empire. Although the money for the war was basically provided by the Netherlands, Britain and France, they lost money. The loss is human, and the loss is quite heavy.

Like Denmark, they were actually quite powerful before the war, because their king Christian IV was the king of both Denmark and Norway. The two countries united together have gradually achieved a dominant position in Northern Europe and established With a powerful navy, Denmark before the war can be said to be one of the most powerful countries in Europe, and even in the whole world.

However, Christian IV was lured by Richelieu, thinking that he could really overthrow the Holy Roman Empire. In order to rob land and interests, he took the lead in sending troops and became the vanguard of the anti-Habsburg alliance. The Allied Forces of the Holy Roman Empire led by Wallenstein were defeated and lost, and the [-] elite army was completely lost. If they did not have a powerful navy, they would have withdrawn from the ranks of powerful countries from now on.

Sweden is even worse. The most outstanding king in their history, Gustav the Great, died in the war with the Holy Roman Empire, almost extinct!
When the legendary Emperor Gustav II died in battle, his only heir, Princess Christina, was only six years old. The most outstanding king was replaced by a little girl who could only cry. Sweden almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, they also have the legendary virtuous Count Axel Uxenschena, who is also one of the most outstanding politicians in Swedish history. If it weren’t for his support, the Swedish people would I'm afraid they will become subjugated slaves before the day their queen succeeds to the throne!

These two countries were pitted so badly by Richelieu, their resentment towards Richelieu can be imagined.

Fortunately, both Christian IV and Earl Uxenchena knew that if the Ming Empire led the Ming Habsburg Alliance to rise strongly, all countries in the anti-Habsburg Alliance would suffer. Richelieu was deeply resentful, but after receiving the invitation, he still sent an envoy.

The representative sent by Christian IV was his son-in-law, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, Count Caufez Urfelt, and Count Uxencienne personally led a delegation to Paris.

However, the two countries had made a decision before sending out the envoys. This time, even if Richelieu could say a flower, they would not send troops again.

The two countries really can't afford to be hurt. No matter how foolishly they are tricked into charging, they will probably be killed by Richelieu without waiting for the Ming Empire to take action!

Fortunately, this time Richelieu just wanted them to provide food and grass. They couldn't afford people, but there was no shortage of food and grass.

After Urfelt and Uxenchener arrived in Paris, Richelieu also took them to start a secret meeting, but this time there were five people instead of three. Ke consciously played the role of translator and chime in.

After some difficult negotiations, Urfurt and Uxenchen finally agreed to Richelieu's request to provide food and grass. In the end, they all only agreed to provide food and grass for up to 10 horses. If there is more, then I'm sorry, you Richelieu figure out a way for yourself!
Although Richelieu pretended to be very reluctant on the surface, he was actually very satisfied in his heart. In fact, the attitude of the two countries was more important than food and grass. If they did not agree to participate, it would be difficult for Tsarist Russia to send troops. After all, Tsarist Russia The great nobles here are not fools, no matter how greedy they are for money, they cannot easily agree to send troops.

They still know how terrifying the Ming Empire is now. Sending troops to fight against them is a very dangerous thing. Without a good reason, it is impossible to convince them.

The reason why Richelieu chose to hold talks in Paris was to persuade the four countries, including Britain and the Netherlands, to create a general trend in which all five countries actively participated.

There are only six countries in the anti-Habsburg alliance, and now the five countries have agreed to provide money, food, and weapons. If Tsarist Russia does not agree to send troops, are you embarrassed?

Of course, his preparations are not limited to these. In short, as long as Sweden and Denmark are settled, Tsarist Russia will be easy.

Now, everything is ready, just wait for Tsarist Russia to enter the set.

Will Tsarist Russia get in easily?Of course not. In fact, they have not been very enthusiastic about participating in the anti-Habsburg alliance. It's not that they can see through the conspiracy of the old fox Richelieu wisely. The main reason is that their current focus is not in Europe, but in the Far East.

The colonies in the Far East are where their interests lie. As for who is the hegemon in Europe, it has little influence on them. Therefore, they basically did not participate in the war against the Habsburg Dynasty. They just chose a side and stood in a team. Joined the anti-Habsburg coalition, so as not to please both sides, both sides wanted to beat him.

However, this time, they really couldn't sit still, because the courage of the Ming Empire this time is too scary. If they really let them bring up the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, then Tsarist Russia will also be in danger. After all, they The territory now occupied is too vast, who would not be jealous!
Therefore, they did not hesitate to send an envoy. This time, it was their cabinet prime minister who led the Russian envoy to Paris for discussions. The current real ruler of Tsarist Russia, the great nobleman Morozov.

The arrival of Rozov made Richelieu overjoyed. He knew Rozov's status in Tsarist Russia. As long as this Rozov was solved, it would be equivalent to the success of Tsarist Russia!

It would be troublesome if other people led a group to come over. In the end, we still have to deal with Rozov, and I don’t know how much money will be spent.

As for how to smash it, Richelieu had already thought about it.

On the night of Rozov's first arrival in Paris, Richelieu invited him to the Duke's Palace alone, in the name of being a cleanser for him.

Naturally, Rozov would not refuse the invitation from the actual ruler of France. He came to the duke's mansion without hesitation. Until now, he thought it was just a simple welcome banquet.

The banquet was real. Richelieu prepared a sumptuous French meal for him. The round table was filled with all kinds of precious dishes. However, there were only two people attending the banquet, Richelieu and him!

This Richelieu is really polite, to have prepared such a sumptuous banquet for him alone. At this time, Rozov was quite moved.

But he didn't know that the table full of dishes was not a regular meal, and there was a bigger meal waiting for him.

(End of this chapter)

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