Daming Military Empire

Chapter 452 The Battle Begins

Chapter 452 The Battle Begins
Taking advantage of the time when his personal guards went to fetch iron spears for him, Yang Zhong began to observe the enemy army again. At this time, almost all the enemy troops stepped onto the river, even the luggage behind them came up.

Looking at it, he suddenly discovered a very important problem, that is, the enemy did not bring siege equipment!

Although the city wall of Manjingwei is not high, there are still ten feet. That is to say, it is impossible for the enemy to climb up directly. At least they have to build a personal wall or a ladder to climb up the city wall. Now the enemy has no siege equipment They didn't bring them, and when he thought of the white cloaks on them, Yang Zhong finally understood.

This group of people is preparing to launch a sneak attack. If they don't pay attention, let them rush to within a few hundred steps of the city wall to find out. At that time, they will rush up directly, and they can easily rush up by building a human wall. But now, I guess they I dare not.

Thinking about it, Yang Zhong's eyes couldn't help showing the light of hope. From this point of view, Manjingwei can probably defend it in all likelihood.

Because Manjingwei is located in the mountain pass, the valley to the west is not very wide, and it can accommodate tens of thousands of people attacking at the same time.

If it was a sneak attack, 10 people could rush up like a tide, catching one's own side by surprise and breaking the city in one fell swoop.

However, now that the enemy can't make a sneak attack, they must be stationed to make siege equipment, which is not so easy to make.

If the ladders, well fences, and siege vehicles are all built, it will be convenient to siege the city. If 10 people take turns going up, it is estimated that our side can support it for a day or two at most, but building ladders, well fences, and siege vehicles for 10 people The city car will take at least seven or eight days.

If you only build ladders and siege vehicles, it will take at least four or five days, but the attack power is much weaker, and your side can carry it for at least three or four days.

If they only built ladders, maybe a day or two would be enough. However, if the enemy carried the ladders and rushed naked, the casualties would be great. Such an attack can last at least five or six days!

Calculated based on the distance between Manjingwei and Zhenzhenhewei, the reinforcements will arrive within five days at the fastest, and ten days at the latest. As long as you persist until the reinforcements arrive, you will win!
Now it seems that no matter how the enemy attacks the city, it is impossible to break through Manjingwei within five days, it depends on whether the reinforcements come fast enough.

Yang Zhong knew that he would win when the reinforcements arrived, and Golovin naturally knew that once the reinforcements from the Ming Empire arrived, he would be out of the game.

However, it was discovered by the Ming army at a distance of three or four miles, and a sneak attack was no longer possible. If he was discovered at a distance of three or four hundred meters, he would try again. Now that it is still so far away, he is not even interested in trying. All gone.

If there is no sneak attack, then there is only a hard attack, and he also knows that the reinforcements from the Ming army will arrive in ten days at the latest, so he has already thought about it before coming. If the sneak attack fails, he will build a ladder to attack hard!
When the army arrived on the other side, he directly ordered half of the people to set up camp on the river bank, and half to go to the mountain to cut wood and build ladders. After such a toss, there would be no drama on the first day.

Seeing this situation, Yang Zhong simply asked his personal guards to issue an order to invite all the generals above the battalion level to come to the city wall for a meeting.

Soon, two regiment commanders and ten battalion commanders lined up in front of him neatly.

When everyone arrived, Yang Zhong directly said loudly: "I just observed carefully, the enemy army came very hastily and did not bring any siege equipment, so we still have a great hope of defending Manjingwei."

Everyone was excited when they heard the words. Everyone is not afraid of death, but death is valuable, and it is naturally the best to be able to guard Manjingwei.

Yang Zhong continued: "Now, I will say a few points, and everyone should take note of them.

First of all, ammunition must be saved. The ammunition we carry is limited. If we want to persist for a long time, we must not waste ammunition.

If the enemy doesn't swarm up, they can't fire in volley, they must aim and shoot. In each round, each soldier is only allowed to fire two rounds at most, that is, twelve bullets.

You should also pay attention to saving grenades. Although each soldier is equipped with ten grenades this time, they cannot withstand random throwing. Therefore, each round is only allowed to throw two grenades.

Then, pay attention to the attack distance. It is winter now, and everyone’s clothes are very thick. I just took a look, and many of the enemy soldiers are wearing animal skin clothes. According to this situation, if you are a hundred steps away, you will be hit. Even if it is too small, it can't do much damage, so you have to wait until the enemy is within a hundred steps before you can shoot.

Finally, taking advantage of the enemy's efforts to build siege equipment, we also need to prepare more city defense facilities. Forget about rolling stones and trees, it is no problem to hold on to the city walls for a few rounds now.

Everyone prepare more ice water, gather the buckets and basins you usually use on the city wall, and let them cool down first. In addition, everyone on duty at night will go down to plant some mines. We have [-] mines. Go down and bury a thousand pieces every night.

Do you remember everything? "

When everyone heard the words, they shouted in unison: "Understood."

Yang Zhong nodded and said: "Everyone pay attention to rest when you are free. This battle cannot be finished in a day or two. Okay, let's go down and prepare."

The first day passed like this, and both sides were preparing nervously, and a big battle was about to start.

Early the next morning, Golovin couldn't bear it anymore. He also knew that time was running out, so he planned to build ladders while attacking the city!
After a little preparation, he ordered [-] soldiers to carry a hundred ladders to attack Manjingwei.

Tsarist Russia is also an old expert in hot weapon warfare, so they naturally know how to avoid bullets, so they did not foolishly line up in a neat formation to face the guns, but formed a skirmish formation, rushing over the mountains and plains.

The strange screams of the Rakshasa soldiers outside the city did not affect the officers and men of the Guan Ning Army in the slightest. They still stood erect on the city wall, neatly and completely motionless.

Yang Zhong didn't directly command the soldiers defending the city. He said everything that should be said. The quality of the officers and soldiers of the Guan Ning Army is very high, so there is no need for him to nag all the time.

He just held an iron gun in his hand, standing straight in the middle of the city wall, waiting for the enemies to rush up, and then stab them down!
At this time, the battalion commanders of the two battalions were watching the enemy's position nervously, three miles, two miles, one mile, three hundred steps, two hundred steps, and they were within the range of their rifles.

The two battalion commanders ordered at the same time: "Pay attention to concealment."

With a sound of "swipe", the soldiers who were still standing upright suddenly squatted down at the same time, leaving only the generals at all levels standing behind the arrow stack, observing the movement of the enemy through the hole in the middle.

The Tsarist general who commanded the siege was so depressed. The city wall was still full of human heads just now. He was just about to order the soldiers to aim and shoot. When he swiped, all the heads disappeared!

Hide, right, just right, he yelled directly: "Accelerate the charge."

"Kill." All the siege soldiers immediately spread their feet and rushed towards the city wall as if they had been stimulant.

However, just after rushing to a place a hundred steps away from the city wall, "boom boom boom", there was a dense explosion, and ice cubes, mud, and snowflakes were blown up everywhere.

With the explosion of mines, the battle finally started!

(End of this chapter)

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