Moe Cultivation Diary

Chapter 1230 A Special Beginning

Chapter 1230 A Special Beginning

(Thanks to Yu Yaye, the domesticated little fox, Zima was born before the flood, and Mu Fengjun for the reward)

(Hey, those who want to see the Holy Grail can continue to wait, so they won't write directly...)
"Captain, what should we do?"

On the streets of a certain city, several figures in gray armor stood respectfully behind the girl with short gray ponytails, asking for something.

The calm, unconfused expression is exactly the characteristic of the gray-haired girl with a single ponytail, and the most impressive thing is her hands.

The appearance of a cello, a mysterious weapon taller than a man.

Gun shield?

To describe the type of weapon, it can probably only be called a gun shield. The black shield in the shape of a cello has a long spear tip at the top.

Normal people may not be able to see anything, but if it is a certain 'specific' group of people, they may not be able to help running away the moment they see it.

Its fame, among the 'certain' crowd, is enough to be daunting.

"The moving forest...why does it wake up at this time"

The girl known as the 'head' couldn't help frowning after hearing the subordinate's report. The moving forest... is the only thing that can be thought of.

But its recovery period should be 50 years, why did it wake up at this time?
And the content of the report is too abnormal, it actually stayed outside the city?
According to previous records, it will move to the entire town, and then... devour all the lives in it, condensing their blood.

The traces this time are completely different from the previous records. Could it be that there is some conspiracy?
Theoretically, as a member of the Church of the Holy Church, you should not ignore it after seeing it. Now you are staying outside the city, who knows if it will be covered at any time.

Given its size, it would only take an instant to erode towns.

But now, they themselves have another task, so is it worth spending time here.


Troublesome thinking, I really hate this kind of thing, the gray-haired girl looked at the other girl beside her,
The purple braid was much longer than the gray-haired girl's. The gray-haired girl's single ponytail was no more than the shoulder position at most, and she was wearing a dark purple top with a white skirt.

Cold and silent, the girl called Shion exudes a similar aura all over her body.

Refusing to communicate, with a cold expression, like a person living in another world, which is incompatible with the current world.

Only when he heard the voice of the gray-haired girl, did he look at her with emotion, making people sure that it was not a doll.

"Liz. We have other more important tasks"

"Since it hasn't eroded the town now, it is very likely that there will be no action in a short period of time. It won't take long for the church to react and send other teams to solve it."

"And that guy... if he waits too long, he will disappear immediately, leaving us not enough time." Sighing, the girl named Ziyuan said analytically.

"Well...then it's decided, report it to the association immediately, and we'll be ready to leave right away," Ziyuan said, making the team leader 'Liz' make a quick decision.

What Ziyuan said makes sense, but as for how it makes's too troublesome to think about!

Regarding it, Liz also has her own thoughts in her heart, staying outside the city, maybe there is a power here that frightens her?In any case, it is enough to hold out until the arrival of other church teams.

That guy... Even if she led the knights to attack together, they could only end up with annihilation in the end, right?In terms of characteristics, it is too suitable for group battles.


Bending down, a few figures in gray armor said respectfully, and then quickly disappeared into the street. It was not a few people who went to crusade, but the entire knight group.

They also need to convey the news to the Knights.

This time when they passed by this town, they also discovered an anomaly outside the city and collected information. They never expected to encounter it...

There is a terrifying existence that may wipe out the entire army if you are not careful.

"Liz, let's go too, we don't have much time left." Seeing the gray-haired girl beside her, Zi Yuan sighed.

The shadow of illusion, related phenomena have already appeared there, and it can be confirmed that the dead disciple is about to appear, and they must arrive in time.


"Girl, I see that you two are very talented and have amazing bones. I think you are a genius that is rare in a hundred years."

Just as the two were about to leave, a voice suddenly came from beside them that made them freeze. Is there anyone else around here? ?It should have been confirmed before and no one guessed it right.

"!" × 2
At some point, a small building suddenly appeared in the empty place next to the two, and a figure in a black robe stood in front of it and said with a chuckle.

"Are you interested in visiting other worlds?"

The black robe covered the face, and it was difficult to see the real appearance below anyway, but the voice gave the two of them a very comfortable feeling.

Male-like non-male, female-like non-female neutral?
"Who are you!"

After all, she is an elite who has been trained all the year round. As the leader of the String Shield Knights, Liz immediately realized that she stood sideways in front of Ziyuan, pointing her shield spear at the black-robed figure.

Since when did it appear there?How did architecture emerge?

From the beginning to the end, the two of them didn't notice anything else beside them. If it wasn't for the voice of the figure, they probably wouldn't have noticed anything unusual when they left.

"Don't panic, I have no malice towards the two of you, and how do you consider my opinion?" Leaning against the wall of the hut, there was no change in the voice of being pointed at by the unusually famous concept armed in the other world, and the black-robed figure lightly said with a smile.

Not a vampire?
First of all, the information that can be determined, if it is a blood-sucking species, no matter how you see her shield gun, there will be some reactions, even if it is an ancestor.

"To other worlds?"

Compared to Liz, Ziyuan's reaction was immature, but she quickly discovered the key point.


Just now, she quickly noticed this name, which can be said to be of great significance in the magic world.

'Clock Tower', 'Atlas Court', 'Wandering Sea'

More than [-]% of the world's magicians are members of the three major parts of the magic world, and the remaining [-]% are wandering magicians who have not joined the association.

And the last half of the remaining...'Moon Moon Tower'

It is rumored to be the inheritance place of the great sage, the source of western magic, but its existence has disappeared for more than 1000 years. In the hearts of most magicians, this is just a place of legend.

Most magicians will know this name, but [-]% of them have never been there. Only through the mouths of Zellich and other magicians can it be confirmed that this place still exists.

In some major disasters in history, people from "Watching the Moon Tower" will also appear.

The magician team of 'Stigmata' and the Knights of 'Holy Grail' can determine the team under 'Moon Moon Tower', everything else is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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