Moe Cultivation Diary

Chapter 706 My master was abducted by a house girl

Chapter 706 My master was abducted by a house girl
(The new book has already accumulated 2 manuscripts, but it seems that the internal signature has to wait for the editor to go to work, and the recent dot mother is not safe, and all authors are blocked in various chapters...)
(For the new book, it should be released within a week at the latest, and the title is tentatively named [My master was abducted by a house girl])
"Is anyone there..." Youfeng called out in front of a building in Tiangong City for confirmation. He had rang the doorbell several times, but there was no response from inside.

"Are you sure it's here?" You Feng casually confirmed through the micro-communication device.

"That's right, as a result of the intrusion investigation, this is Wuhe Shiori's home. If you want to decline the invitation, you can go in directly." An affirmative voice came from the other side of the communicator.

"..." Youfeng was slightly entangled. If there was no one, he wouldn't mind waiting here. The problem is... Through the gate of the courtyard, the door of the room is open...

If there is no one at home, no matter what, I would not open the inner door... It is not too difficult for ordinary people to go through the outer door.

"...Go ahead and have a look..." You Feng murmured as he easily jumped to the other side of the door, and there was only one day left to refuse.

"The target has entered the room." In the Fraxinus above Wuhe's house, the analyst Guanmura Yu Lingyin was reporting the situation to Kotori.

The residences of Wuhe Shiori and Wuhe Kotori are naturally one of the places that Fraxinus focused on observing, and Fraxinus had already known about it before Youfeng was about to arrive.

"How is Shiori-san's situation?" Kotori looked at the screen without any surprise, with a pearl in her mouth, and asked Lingyin about Shiori's situation.

"I'm in the private room of Fraxinus doing a game guide for women's clothes X-pulse, and I'm forbidden to leave before completing a certain task. Do you want to inform Ms. Shiori to go back?"

"I don't need it for the time being. The presence of Yufeng means that the favorability is still not high enough. What do I need to do today? What about Tohka and Yoshino?"

"I just finished the usual inspection, and I'm going back to Ms. Shiori's house."

"...Have you finally cleared a line?" In Fraxinus' private room, Shiori lay back on the chair with a sigh of relief, and finally completed the planned first stage.

Qinli assigned her the first phase of the task, at least she had to complete the line strategy that was most involved with Youfeng before she could go back.

Wuhe Shiori, who has almost never played this kind of game, was blushing in the later stage and reluctantly insisted on finishing the game. This kind of strategy game inevitably has certain scenes, especially if it is the kind with cute boys.

Seeing the ending scene, Shiori feels slight regret, the line that Kotori chose for her is the one that has most to do with Youfeng.

The temptation that is not at the same level at all made Shiori subconsciously choose the answer that might lead to Youfeng several times, and the result... endless repetition.

Now Shiori understands a little bit why her otaku friend Tonomachi is so obsessed with this game, and if she really has enough time, she also wants to try a little bit to see if she can conquer Yufeng Line.

"It's about time for Kotori to take me back, and I have to cook dinner later." After finishing the strategy, Shiori complained to Kotori through the instrument.

The game is not bad, it's not bad, but it made her skip a day of class... I have to pack up and make dinner later, it's hard to do...

"Miss Shiori, go take a shower first. There is a temporary problem with the transmission device and it is being repaired. It will probably be fixed in a while."

"Huh? Is that so?" Shiori slightly turned his head to look at the bathroom in the next room. After staying for a whole day, his body still felt a little sticky.

"Captain, is this going to create a classic encounter scene in the bath?" Some support personnel on the bridge already panted excitedly and said, as support personnel, they have to watch the whole process.

"Dream, keep your eyes on me, and be prepared to be punished if you see anything you shouldn't see." His face suddenly darkened, and Kotori said gloomyly to the inside of the bridge.

Letting Shiori go to attack the elves is also a last choice. If possible, Kotori absolutely does not want to share Shiori with others.

The reason why I asked Shiori-san to take a bath first... is because Tohka and Yoshino haven't come back yet, so we need to create the best time to meet each other.

As an elf, Youfeng and the two may have more topics, which will help Shiori-san to build up her favorability. The bathing is purely to make the other party leave a better impression, and there will never be a sloppy look. What a favor.

"I'll leave Reine's teleportation to you, choose a time when Shiori, Tohka, and Yoshino are close"

"...There seems to be some problem with the teleportation function." Following Kotori's instructions, Reine said suddenly as he was preparing the teleportation device.

"Huh!?" Almost biting the pearl in his mouth, Qinli said with a small face twitching, she didn't say what she said.

The Fraxinus is currently one of the most sophisticated warships in the world, but it doesn't mean that there is no possibility of problems, it's just that the chances of them appearing are so low that they can be ignored.

"The target and location of the teleportation have been locked in advance, but the teleportation cannot be carried out according to the instructions... It is very likely that the teleportation will be carried out at any time." Looking at the problem, Lingyin analyzed the possible consequences.

"...Tell Shiori-san, don't go to the bathroom for now..." Thinking of the worst possibility, Kotori said immediately but it was still a step too late, the image from Reine said that Shiori had already locked the bathroom...

"...Don't ask the maintenance department to repair it for now..." Qin Li said with one hand covering her face, the best case scenario is that the plan will be scrapped this time.

Now if the maintenance department is asked to repair it... Kotori is more worried about whether it will directly touch the teleportation, and it is not what she wants to let Shiori who is taking a bath go home directly...

If you want the plan to proceed normally, it can only be achieved perfectly if you normally touch the teleportation when Shiori finishes bathing and changing clothes...

"Reine, try to prevent the teleportation from being activated during the bath time."


It's a big deal to give up this plan to increase the favorability...

With the private screen turned on in front of her eyes, Kotori has been watching the shadow on the bathroom, usually sister, you take a shower very quickly, but this time it will be faster!
On the other side, Youfeng has already entered the first floor of Wuhe's house through the door.

"Is there really no one..." Entering the room, You Feng glanced around casually, but there was no one.

Although the dead energy has not recovered, and the body cannot move a lot, it is still no problem to sense the trace of an ordinary person... However, the structure material of the Wuhe family seems to be a bit special, and it is not impossible to cover some of it.

"..." Scanning around for a while, Youfeng walked towards the second floor. Wuhe's house is neither too big nor too small. The scale of a normal two-story villa is only the second floor if there is no first floor.

 Wisdom teeth have cavities, I went to extract them today, it was really a knock out TT
  Eleven is very busy. A few days ago, netizens came to entertain, and then I went to the comic exhibition and went to see the tooth extraction orz
(End of this chapter)

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