Moe Cultivation Diary

Chapter 720 The Eve

Chapter 720 The Eve
"If it's not because there is still business to do, I will definitely throw you to the worm pile." On top of [Mithril], Youfeng said fiercely.

After returning from the maid cafe, You Feng fought decisively with Yue You, and then...didn't fight...the body didn't recover and couldn't function, but was molested...

"I'm also quite surprised," Yue You said subtly on the commander's chair of the Mithril bridge.

"Even though you knew I was the one preparing the project, you still chose the scariest and most angry project... You chose the two best ones"

"..." Youfeng's tone faltered, but it was not because of curiosity... I wanted to know what could make me feel frightened and angry...

If he chooses the happiest one... It seems that there is really no danger, and the most delicate dress just makes him feel more subtle, and he has no other thoughts.

"Let's talk about the business first..." You Feng changed the topic, although he was cheated, why did he feel that he was at a loss...

"Obviously it was Youfeng who brought it up first~" Yueyou looked at Youfeng with a smile, no matter how you look at it, you think it's cute~
"Cough, has the display device started yet?" You Feng asked unhappily, tilting his head.

The whole plan this time is to attract the main force of AST and Fraxinus away by him and Mikong Youhua respectively, so as to avoid possible troubles.

Then Huang Quan and Iskaya raided the headquarters of AST, and stole a copy of the finished product and related materials, um, it should be said to be robbed.

In order to prevent accidents, there are several other backhands. The most uncertain factors in the incident are Origami and Makoto Takamiya. An accident may occur if either of them returns.

In [Mithril], the last pilot of the third-generation aircraft has been on standby, but unfortunately he did not appear in the end, it was Mu Lengqing who sneaked over...

"The research started last night. Even the most common combination will take a month without any improvement, and those children will need time to adapt." Opening the overall progress, Yue You thought for a while and said.

The purpose of snatching the display device is naturally to combine with is to make it a step further.

The current plan is not to have the is and the manifestation device perfectly combined, but even the simplest combination will take a month to study.

"If the robbing is Fraxinus or DEM technology, it is estimated that it can be directly applied to IS within a week," Yue You said regretfully.

Even if Ast's headquarters in Tiangong City has information, it is not very detailed, and more research needs to be done by their technical staff.

"Whether you can snatch it without taking action is still a problem..." Youfeng complained boringly, with the current staff of [Mithril], they can only bully the AST headquarters...

There is a certain chance of failure against Fraxinus or DEM, unless the headquarters sends a large force, anyway, if you get the most basic information, it will take time to research it sooner or later.

"One month...should be fine," You Feng muttered, frowning.

"After today, both Fraxinus and DEM should have discovered us. If they didn't, it would be too bad. Let's start the real plan tomorrow." With some faint confusion, Yue You nodded and said.

As long as the plan starts, they are equal to the enemy of the whole world, elves, DEM, Ratatoskr and other hidden traversers.

Although there are not many opportunities to use it in battle, Yue You temporarily added a lot of changes just to be on the safe side.

At the same time as the plan was being set up, the headquarters has already begun to manufacture the military type of the third-generation IS, and the information of the display device has also been passed on.

Researchers from both sides started research at the same time, trying to combine the two in the fastest time, and for the last time in the Yueyou project, they also wanted to find a way to replace energy with magic power.

The biggest disadvantage of Is is the energy problem. The defensive barrier and attack consumption are too serious. Even the military type can be exhausted within 5 minutes when it is fully deployed.

"Tomorrow... prepare for the official debut of Infinite Stratos," Youfeng nodded in agreement.


"Commander, the above is the actual record of what I saw today." In Fraxinus, Kannazuki Kyohei, Murasame Reine and other real high-level officials looked at the screen together.

In the gorgeous red mecha, the normal AST members were almost crushed, and only the captain Ryoko Kusakabe could barely hold on. If it weren't for Kannazuki Kyohei, it would not be a surprise that they would be wiped out nearby.

"Exclude the possibility of DEM, is it a hidden force that we don't know?" Qinli said with a headache while biting Zhenzhubao, just ordinary hidden forces are not enough.

The key lies in the other party's technology. It can be seen that there is no display device that masters miracles, but it can crush ordinary AST members. It can only show one thing, that they have been crushed technologically.

"I didn't expect this kind of power to exist in the world..."

"Then there's another section..." As soon as the screen changed, Reine Murasame switched to another video. The video was very short, less than ten seconds long, but two similar mechs appeared on it.

"AST's headquarters was also attacked by an unknown mecha today, and the spare display device and some information were taken away"

"At that time, our energy was not there, and the information we collected was limited"

"...It's the same mecha again..." Kotori said with a frown.

"We are also in the target of the calculation." Murasame Reine opened another picture uncomfortably.

"Create an ultra-small special space shock to attract the main AST personnel and Gongping, where they were dragged by the battle and couldn't return, and the headquarters was attacked at the same time"

"There is another special discovery. The maid coffee shop that Shiori and Yukaze went to is not in the registered shop, and there are even signal shielding devices around it. The contact with Shiori has been intermittent during the day."

"Origami, Tohka, and Kurumi also went there for unknown reasons. The real purpose should be Origami, using the blocking settings there to prevent her from receiving the help information from the headquarters."

"Do you mean that we are being used?" Kotori interrupted Reine.

"I'm afraid Youfeng also reached some agreements with them, and it's even possible... Youfeng is theirs"

Standing up, Kotori wandered back and forth towards the bridge, what is the opponent's purpose?Steal the display device?It can be seen that the other party does not have this technology.

It's also unreasonable. Although the display device is a taboo technology, it is not too difficult to obtain, especially for that level of power. Many special teams have the basic display device.

With that kind of technological power, why did he start to act at this time?
 There will be a fourth change if the recommended tickets for the teacher's house reach 570 (nodding, today at midnight is [-] votes,

(End of this chapter)

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