Moe Cultivation Diary

Chapter 728 Dangerous Game

Chapter 728 Dangerous Game
"The first [Friendship Terminator - Flying Chess Battle] on the chessboard battlefield is about to begin." Floating above the battlefield, the blond girl Yueyou shouted loudly.

Except for the contestants, the rest were divided into three groups and sat on the sky. That's right, they were sitting on the sky. The entire chess piece was the field. Naturally, there would be people watching the battlefield, which was the sky. Yue You stood in the center with a microphone.

Originally, she was in charge of the inner game field of the traversers below, but... Anyway, it will take a while for the first game to be decided, so she simply ran over to give an explanation in advance.

"The defending side is Youfeng, and the attacking side is Wuhe Shiori and Yawu sisters. The four parties have already boarded small planes. The game with the world as the bet is about to begin!"

"..." A large number 3 appeared in the sky, and then gradually changed to 0, and a dice appeared directly in front of Youfeng, a 32-sided dice...

"It's become a bit much..." Youfeng said with a twitching corner of his mouth, never heard that there are 32 dice in flying chess...

Pressing the button in front of him, the 32-faced dice, one person tall, started to spin rapidly, and then slowly stopped.

"32?" With so many sides, Youfeng didn't know which side was the correct number. Looking along the screen in front of the dice, there was a big number, 32.

"Damn it!" Before Youfeng could ask a question, there was a sudden strong impact from the base where he was sitting, and the windshield opened automatically, and Youfeng immediately flew into the sky. According to the rules of the game, all force abilities are prohibited.

"It's actually 32! When you come up, Youfeng won the big prize!" Seeing Youfeng flying into the sky, Yueyou said subtly.

"I think everyone can find that this game is not an ordinary game. It has some special features. Zero and 32 are special cases in terms of dice."

"Throwing players will randomly bounce to any place around them, and lose the plane within ten rounds, and can only throw six-sided dice"

Yueyou's explanation reassured Qin Liyi a little. It seemed that the chances of winning the game were quite high, and the gap between 32 faces and six faces was not one or two.

"Ah!" Before they were relieved, there were two consecutive screams, and the eight dance sisters were bounced into the sky, left their seats and got off the plane, turning into walkers.

"By the way, the initial roll has a 50% chance of being either 32 or zero"

Then why did you act surprised in the first place!Looking at Yue You who had turned into a calm expression again, more than one person present thought so...

"Seventeen..." Shizhi looked at his own number and read. After the number stabilized, the small plane under his seat immediately erupted.

[Your life has never been ordinary, your best friend is secretly in love with you, your sister is peeping at you, and you on the other parallel line are simply a model of a winner in life, p point +100]

The plane stopped on the grid with the number 100 printed on it, and a line of words floated in the sky, making Shiori's expression extremely subtle. What do these words mean...

[Chosen by the world, as a person chosen by heaven, he has not realized that he is no longer a member of the group until now, p point -100] Also standing on a grid of 100, You Feng's mouth twitched, and he was unexpectedly caught by a The game complained...

"The second round..." Rolling the dice again, a four appeared in front of his eyes, losing the plane, and Youfeng could only choose six-sided dice.

【You will never stop being chased away by a girl with a whip. Brave boy, go through it quickly】This time, you landed on a plane pattern, so...youfeng flew away again.

"...can win." Looking at the top statistics of the situation, Shiori said excitedly to himself.

The total number of board games is 1000 grids. Currently, Yufeng and Yuxian have exceeded the number of steps from the end point. Yaguya is still 987 grids away, but he also lost the plane, as long as he can grasp it.

"27" Shiori's plane started up again, across a distance of tens of meters, and landed on a question mark pattern.

[As the protagonist of the era, it is not impossible for a soft girl from heaven, but considering your gender... Look, heaven? ?coming】

As soon as the message of the question mark appeared, the sunlight above Shiori's head was suddenly covered by shadows, and the next second...a figure fell into her arms...

Looking at the magnificent butterfly-purple pupils, Shiori couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart. Although he was holding a person on his hands, he didn't feel any gravity.

"...Um, I can only say that everything is possible." Yue You, who was explaining in the sky, said in a wicked way, which is another good material.

"Successfully jump to Shiori's plane, until the next event is triggered or it is Yufeng's turn to roll the dice, the two will act together"

"...Youfeng, why did you do this? Is it true, or is it just to ambush those people..." Swallowing, Shiori still remembered the hostile relationship between the two, tilted his head slightly, and his mouth was dry Asked dry tongue, seeing Youfeng for some reason... I remembered the scene when he came to my house...

"... Shiori just needs to enjoy the game." You Feng also felt a little embarrassed, the planes are all single cabins, there is no place to move around...

"However, if you lose, the chessboard will really crash, and the contents inside will be released." Before Shizhi could be happy, Youfeng's words broke her extravagant hope again.

[He was attacked by a nuclear bomb] Before Shiori could say anything, a red warning line appeared in front of him.

"I'm sorry Shiori, Yukaze has too much advantage now, so I can only blow you up together." Yamai Yaguya said apologetically, and I don't know if it was the reason of the game, but it was clearly transmitted to Shiori's ears .

Because of crossing reasons, You Feng, who was still a thousand away from the end point, directly reached 732 steps, spanning nearly a quarter of the distance...

The shadow is getting bigger and bigger, in the eyes of Shizhi and Youfeng, a huge missile is getting closer...

The violent explosion shook the entire chessboard battlefield, and a small mushroom cloud with a radius of twenty game grids rose gradually, leaving behind two charred figures...

"Hachimai Yaguya used the nuclear bomb card purchased from the store, and the action is prohibited for three rounds within the bombing range." Yueyou explained with a smile while stretching out one hand towards the scorched black figures of Youfeng and Shiori.

"Now everyone understands why they are called friendship ruiners. In order to win, you must use any means. Friends are just hindrances."

The following words have been subconsciously ignored by others. Looking at the bleak situation in the center of the explosion, Allen couldn't help swallowing. Fortunately, he didn't participate in this game...

Allen is by no means the only one who thinks this way...

(End of this chapter)

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