Chapter 792

In the year 2100 where Youfeng lives, an identity card contains more information than imagined, and it is precisely from it that Janos saw his parents' information that he became suspicious.

Becoming Saitama's disciple, Genos also consciously took on the task of a housewife, responsible for all problems inside and outside the apartment, and happened to have seen this photo and had doubts.

"? Why didn't I know I had another brother?"

I suddenly have a descendant who has reached the level of a god... No matter how you look at it, it is unacceptable!And I can be sure that it is not my direct lineage, and I have no brothers...

Unless I can reproduce what happened during the sex month period again, I will have an extra daughter when I don't even know it.

"..." Saitama, who had always been calm, also scratched his nose in an instant, and was raising his head to stop the bleeding.
Getting stronger made Saitama not only bald, but also emotionally indifferent, but at this time he was rarely shocked. He still has an ancestor, and in front of his eyes?
Fuck!Wouldn't the only one who can fight against him be even more incapable of fighting!Fighting against each other is truly deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!

"This is the policy before the big reform that I investigated from the headquarters with S-level authority"

After turning on the computer and logging into his personal page, Genos quickly called up a set of relevant policies after 2050.

In 2050, country Z implements an elite policy, and will receive various government benefits such as late marriage and late childbearing.

You Feng nodded silently beside him, it seems that there has been this before, when his parents were almost fifty when he was born, right?At that time, the average age of human death was around one hundred, and fifty had not yet entered middle age.

In 2102, the elite policy of late marriage and late childbearing was revoked, and the second-child policy was opened.

Because of late marriage and late childbirth, a couple has to bear the upbringing of four generations, and it is not impossible for four generations to live under one roof due to the general increase in physical fitness.

It is difficult for families to shoulder heavy family burdens, so the government has reopened the two-child policy and advocated having two children to avoid an aging population and excessive burdens on the younger generation.

"Mr. Youfeng also said that he died a long time ago."

"It is very likely that after the death of Mr. Youfeng, the teacher's great-grandfather was born, or it is possible that Mr. Youfeng was found missing and gave birth to a second child."

"Judging from the similarity of photos and data analysis, Mr. Youfeng has a 90% chance of being the great-grandfather of the teacher family"

Saitama and Youfeng's moods at this time are quite subtle. One is that they have a descendant, a descendant after several generations, and the strength of this descendant has reached the god position, and the other is that they suddenly have an ancestor.

It was a very happy thing. I have been alone all this time and have relatives, but this old ancestor... looks younger than me, and looks more like a girl...

"This can also explain why the teacher can meet opponents who can't tell the difference. After all, they are passed down in the same vein. From this, it can be seen that Mr. Youfeng's parents are probably not ordinary people."

Genos judged calmly, those who should be surprised have already been surprised, no wonder Mr. Youfeng and the teacher are on equal footing, in the eyes of Genos, the teacher's terrifying strength that no one can be, can't find an opponent at all.

"..." Even Youfeng himself began to doubt, whether his own parents, those parents who have no idea are really ordinary people?

Don't tell me that you might still be wandering somewhere in the world now...


"Give me the information about that guy Youfeng"

At night, after the headquarters of the Heroes Association in City A judged that Youfeng had left, Tornado went directly to the data management center and asked for Youfeng's information.

Although the two stayed together for a period of time, they knew very little information, or how could they know the information if they didn't communicate much at all.

"You Feng?"

"The guy I recommended, you have collected some information about her, right?" Impatiently stretched out her hand, she wanted to see how strong You Feng was.

She has been clamoring to be older than her. After knowing her real age, let's see how she can fight next time.

"Even if it is S-level, this does not meet the requirements of the association..."

"The one I recommended can't read her information, it's too wordy, and I have to read it myself"

"...for you" In order to avoid all the data from being damaged, the staff member of the association compromised, anyway, it was recommended by the other party, so I knew it already.

"Because the age of the other party is too long, there is no specific information, only some basic information speculation"

"Ha! Presumably 236 years old." Looking at the message, Tornado said in surprise, 236?There isn't much information about Youfeng, and one piece of information made her startle 236!There are more fractions than her.

"Are you sure you didn't have tremors and played one more? You are about 23 years old."

"According to the analysis of this person's age, it is about this age. The other party has a special identity. He is an undead who has been dead for 200 years. The specific information will take a while to collect."

"The undead who died for 200 years..." Tornado finally understood why Youfeng could confidently say that she was older than her...


"Where did Mr. Youfeng live before?"

After Genos broke out a series of results, both Yufeng and Saitama fell into a subtle silence. The incident happened too suddenly, and there was no time to react. That's probably what it meant.

Only Genos continued to ask very curiously.

"Where is life...another world, only recently returned"

"The reason for coming back?" Genos nodded, no wonder there has been no news all this time, no matter how powerful people of this level have existed for more than two hundred years, there will be news.

"You're considered your own people, so it's okay to tell you... I came back after fleeing from disaster," You Feng said with a sigh.

I wanted to live a normal life for a year, but I didn't expect it to be difficult to be normal for a year, and the shocking problems came one after another.

"Escape! With... the ability of the ancestor, you also need an opponent to escape from." Saitama's eyes lit up, and he was very clear about Youfeng's full strength. It didn't mean that a strong opponent would appear soon.

"Mr. Youfeng... can't beat him?" Genos asked solemnly, isn't the earth very dangerous.

"If you work hard, you can beat it"


"If you dare to fight desperately with your girlfriend and fiancee..."

Rumia has stepped into the first level of the big monster, but it is still too short. Youfeng really has the confidence to win, but the have to work hard.

Wenwen is only able to work hard with herself. If she wants to run, even if she is rising a level, it is unlikely.

(After sleeping all day, I'm still sleepy to death, what's the matter...By the way, I can't find the erotic book on Happy Shuke's client)

(End of this chapter)

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