Moe Cultivation Diary

Chapter 832 Departure

Chapter 832 Departure
"Knight Demes once said that he has a good friend in England, but please rest assured that he has not disclosed any other relevant information"

"Then how do you know?" Leaving the horse, Bertrand asked with interest as he walked up to Joan of Arc and stroked the stubble on his chin.

Subconsciously, he already believed what the girl said. Demes didn't tell her anything. From his eyes, he could tell that she wasn't lying, or that only a perennial liar could be so firm. He personally preferred the former.

Because of that kind of temperament, a holy girl, people can't help but want to believe her from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that she is right, and Bertrand understands a little bit why Demes, the guy who intends to hang out to death, cheers up.

"Compared to real English soldiers, markings were removed"

"Hahahaha, that was indeed my negligence, but I can only be sure that we are not English soldiers, so how can I be sure that I am Bertrand's?" Bertrand laughed. He removed the sign when he left England. You can find it if you look closely.

"I feel, I believe you are Bertrand." Looking at him calmly, Joan of Arc did not fluctuate much from the beginning to the end, as if everything was within expectation.

"...Demes, you were watching from the side." Looking at Joan seriously, Bertrand suddenly shouted loudly.

"How is it, our new master?" A figure left the village and came between the two with a confident tone.

"Is this little girl really an ordinary villager a year ago?" Bertrand was still groping his stubble in disbelief.

The point is that kind of temperament and calm, believable holiness, full of self-confidence at all times, it is difficult to shape even ten years of battlefield, let alone a year, before they were ordinary villagers.

"Well, I almost killed her at that time." Demes also felt a little emotional. If he hadn't realized it at that time, he might have made a big mistake.

"That's it for one year, and maybe in a few years we can really stop the war." Today's knights are born for war, but what real knights hope for is never war.

"But there is no time for us anymore," Bertrand said with a serious face, and it is not without reason that he came at this time.

"...Saint, this is my old friend Bertrand, I have something important to tell you this time." With a serious expression on his face, Demes solemnly faced Joan and bowed his head.

He probably already guessed that there is only one possibility for old friends to come at this time, and there is no time left for them anymore.

"This is not a place to talk." With her keen intuition, Joan probably guessed what it was, and calmly led them towards the dilapidated church.

The place where she met the 'demon' has unknowingly replaced the place where she originally lived.

"Your Highness, according to the information I received before I came, after a five-year rest, the English army is preparing to invade again, targeting Orleans, the fortress in southern France."

"If my news is correct, the battle with the defenders of Orleans should have begun by now"

The dilapidated church has already lost the appearance of a church inside. If Youfeng was here, she would definitely be surprised. Joan of Arc, who believed in the Lord in history, would not do this even in a dilapidated church.

"..." Bai Nen's fingers slid across a point on the map. The one-year teaching also includes military affairs, and Joan of Arc has already become very familiar with the map.

The betrayal of the Duke of Burgundy caused almost the entire north of France to fall, and the important fortress guarding the south was Orleans.

Once the Fort Orleans is occupied, not to mention that the entire south is safe to defend, under the suppression of the Duke of Burgundy, most of the south will become the territory of England.

"How long will the defenders of Orleans last"

Joan's goal is to expel the British army and restore the whole of France. Once the Fort Orleans is captured, it can be said that there will be no chance.

No matter how confident Joan of Arc is, she would not consider fighting against England, which owns a large area of ​​land and is at its peak, by one person. That is not self-confidence but stupidity.

"In half a year, Orleans is fully equipped as a fortress. As long as those monsters don't fight, the defenders of Orleans will not be stupid, and there is no hope of breaking through within half a year," Bertrand said solemnly.

England's special 'humans' are likely to win Orleans quickly as long as they play. But again, every time they play, there will be interference from unknown forces and they will not be able to do their best. They will not be allowed to play until the critical moment.

With England's strong army and the reinforcements of the Duke of Burgundy, as long as the two besiege the city, even if they have reinforcements, they will be able to take down the city of Orleans sooner or later, and they probably won't be dispatched.

"Saint, it's time." Demes reminded him beside him. He could see that Joan was still hesitating, and he understood the reason.

Youfeng still hasn't come back half a year after leaving, maybe they have another month to wait, but who knows when she will come back.


Joan of Arc didn't know that the best time had come. As long as there were normal generals in the top French ranks, they would definitely organize reinforcements to rescue Orleans.

And if she can join the reinforcements in a certain capacity, there is hope to repel the English.

"Don't think about it anymore, everything is ripe"

"Get ready to go." Hearing the familiar voice next to her ear, a girlish smile appeared on the corner of Joan's mouth. He finally came back, so there was nothing to consider.

With excitement in his eyes, Demes waited for a year, and finally arrived.

Both he and Bertrand hoped to end the war, but England's victory meant slavery, and the whole of France would be in slavery. The king's methods can be seen from the previous five years of squeezing.

Neither of the orthodox Celtics had ever truly recognized the current King of England, Henry VI, from the bottom of their hearts, especially after discovering those inhumans in the army, they were even more repelled.

"Knight Bertrand, are you willing to help me fulfill my wish?" Looking at Bertrand with pure eyes, Joan of Arc asked seriously.

Demes had already offered her loyalty. If she hadn't strictly refused, Joan would even be called a teacher, and this Bertrand, whether he wanted to or not, needed to ask.

"I, Bertrand, will fight with 18 people, and I am willing to fight for you." Half kneeling in front of Joan of Arc, Bertrand clasped his chest with one hand and said seriously.

"What did you say? It's obviously recruited by the start-up capital I gave you as a seller. You only recruited 18 people in a year, and it's too useless." Bertrand's oath made Demeston say with a smile .

"Your family property is only small, and you can't even recruit ten of them yourself." Facing his old friend, Bertrand said disdainfully.

Soldiers who are absolutely loyal and will not betray, and whose strength meets the standard are not so easy to find.

(End of this chapter)

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