Moe Cultivation Diary

Chapter 850 My eldest lady is the cutest

Chapter 850 My eldest lady is the cutest

The gate of the fortress was destroyed, the outcome of the Sanlu Fortress had basically been decided, and the rest was a matter of time.

After witnessing that the wind easily blocked the shells and broke the door with one blow, the morale of the Burgundian defenders dropped to freezing point, while the French soldiers were greatly encouraged.

The envoy of the Lord, the Saintess personally went into battle, the iris flag was flying, and there were powerful and terrifying attendants. This is the Lord helping France, and they will surely win.

In the eyes of the soldiers at the lower level, Youfeng has been labeled as a servant protecting the saint, and only women who are equally holy and powerful can protect the saint.

"..." Standing on the wall of the fortress, Joan looked at the city sadly.

The periphery of the fortress has been captured by France in a short period of time. Without the protection of the fortress, the overwhelming disadvantage in terms of numbers, morale has dropped to freezing point, and it is a question of how much combat power can be maintained.

Only the inner city of Sanlu Fortress was still screaming for killing from time to time. Witnessing the loss of life, Joan couldn't help but bow her head. It would not be an exaggeration to say that everything was caused by her.

Although I know it is necessary to fight, but the sadness in my heart is difficult to meet.

"I really don't understand why I have to be sad." Floating beside Joan of Arc, Youfeng looked at the inner city indifferently, well, it really doesn't feel like...

"Life is dying, shouldn't we be sad for them..."

"It's just that the body is dead, but it doesn't mean that the soul is gone. It's just a different way of living." Since Xingyue has a heroic spirit, there is no doubt that she also has a soul. As for where to go, I don't know.

There is also the underworld and hell in Gensokyo, and the death of life is completely indifferent to Youfeng.

Of course, my relatives are an exception. Even if I know that there is a soul, I guess if I see Linyue and Wenwen dying in front of my eyes, I will go berserk.

As for the others, let them die...

"Soul?" In the bishop's creed that Joan of Arc once believed in, there are also people who have committed crimes and have to go to hell to be purified after death before they can finally ascend to heaven.

"That's right, I'm currently... It can also be regarded as a soul state. I don't know how many years I have been dead." Sitting on the wall of the fortress, Youfeng said indifferently.

My current heroic spirit state, the heroic spirit and the main body... should be similar, a big man with cute big tits
"Is Xiaoyou a soul?" The sadness in his eyes decreased, on the one hand, he thought about the problem of the soul, and on the other hand, he was attracted by Youfeng's identity.

"The name that hurts the stomach"

"I'm a real ghost, and my young lady is the master of all ghosts. Even any god would kneel and lick her in front of her." Mentioning ghosts made You Feng think of her own young lady, although she was a bit greedy and sleepy, But in terms of strength, there is absolutely nothing to say, manipulating death, the natural enemy of all life and ghosts.

I guess even if I control myself to do some shameful actions, I can't resist... It seems like I haven't been done like that orz
Thinking of the shameful life in Baiyulou, Youfeng almost bent forward in frustration and manipulated death, so he couldn't resist...

"...the eldest lady of Xiaoyou's family?"

The subtle change in the eyes, the sadness was almost thrown aside, Joan of Arc said strangely.

I have always felt that my god should be a very powerful type. From the guess and the last conversation, I can also confirm that it is a character from the time of King Arthur. He even called Mei Lin a little girl, and a young lady?

"Xihangji Yuyuko, my eldest lady"

"Youyouzi of Xixing Temple...Youfeng of Xixing Temple..." The two very similar names made Joan clearly able to discover their meanings.

"The eldest lady of Xiaoyou's family...does she like Xiaoyou very much?"

"It's kind of like that." You Feng said with some tangled chin against his jaw, how should I put it, I really like his...cooked food...

"Joan wants to see how my young lady looks like?" Looking at Joan with a smile, Youfeng's expression should be a little ostentatious, proud of her young lady.

"Yeah..." With a delicate emotion in her heart, Joan nodded affirmatively.

The purple magic flow is gradually condensing into an illusory figure, which gradually condenses into a cute girl with pink hair.

" beautiful" Although she was not reconciled, Joan of Arc couldn't help admiring, such a beautiful person, no wonder she became Xiaoyou's eldest lady.

"Female King Arthur, Miss Xixing Temple, Xiaoyou is really...too caring." With her head tilted slightly, Joan said a little unhappy, really, she was too caring.

"It's hard to refute." Wanting to refute a few words, Youfeng found out depressedly that he was absolutely right when he said that he was a playboy. Wenwen, Lumia, and Saber only need to be greater than two to open a harem, and now they are three.

"Burgundy's reinforcements seem to have returned, much later than expected."

Putting away the magic power, sitting on the city wall, rows of soldiers in the distance are daring to come here, even while marching, they maintain their formation, making Youfeng look up at each other.

It's just that they came a little late. According to their estimation, they should come back before the attack. If there is no reinforcement from Count Dunoy, they will face a double blow.

As a result, because of You Feng's breakthrough, the time to enter the city was greatly increased, and the opponent came later than expected. The suppression in the city was almost complete, and the opponent's reinforcements finally dared to come.

"I'll go out of the city to stop them." Joan of Arc said with a frown. The suppression in the city has not yet been completed. Once the opponent is allowed to rush in, the situation will become even more chaotic.

In the suppression of the Sanlu Fortress, there is no need to worry about the enemy in one direction, and the pressure is not as great as imagined.

"I don't think it will be needed anymore." Pointing in another direction, a team of mixed light and heavy cavalry arrived in time, and the Burgundian soldiers who noticed it stopped immediately.

The confrontation between the two sides did not last for a moment, and the Burgundian troops began to retreat slowly. The mixed troops of light and heavy cavalry did not attack, and moved towards the direction of the Sanlu Fortress after the Burgundian troops disappeared.

"It seems that our lord Earl's journey is not easy, he is probably blocked." Seeing the light and heavy cavalry approaching, Youfeng said with a smile.

The light and heavy cavalry led by Dinoir were not in perfect condition, and blood appeared on the armor from time to time. Not only the heavy cavalry, but also many light cavalry were wounded.

As You Feng said, seeing the heavy cavalry entering the city, the English invaders also noticed the problem, and immediately focused on the city gates defended by the original Burgundian army.

As a result, as soon as they left the city, the cavalry led by Dinoir had an encounter with the opponent. Fortunately, England was famous for its archers, and they were unwilling to confront the cavalry head-on, so they harassed them and let them go.

Dinoir, who was walking into the fortress, was also full of shock. How long did it take to really attack a core fortress?

 Orz found that the psv card box is missing today, my game.
(End of this chapter)

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