Pride girl

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
It was midsummer, and the night was dark.

A round of bright moon hangs obliquely in the pitch-black night sky, and the cold moonlight pours down like running water, covering everything in the world with a layer of silver-white veil.A little bit of twilight added a few strands of loneliness.

At this time, it was almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and most people either stayed at home or stayed in some consumer places, and there were very few pedestrians on the road.

A place like a university campus is even more quiet, so quiet that even the sound of the breeze blowing the leaves is particularly clear.

Suddenly, a crackling sound pierced the silence of the night.

I saw a petite figure rushing out from the gate of Pinshang University.On the side of the road, under the street lights, one can vaguely see a girl with a high ponytail, a light yellow T-shirt, and a pair of light blue jeans.

Behind her, a tall and slender boy was chasing after him, wearing athleisure clothes.He covered half of his face, but his movements were very fast, with big steps, he caught up with the girl in a few steps.He grabbed the girl's arm with one hand and pulled her into his arms.

"Xiaoxi, listen to my explanation!" The voice was flustered and urgent.

"Explain? What else is there to explain?" Gu Xiaoxi never knew that her voice could be so sharp and hysterical.

However, anyone who sees her boyfriend who has been with him for six years kissing me with another woman, especially when that woman is still his so-called close friend in his boudoir, can still remain calm as before!
She really didn't know how else to describe herself other than being blind.

"Xiaoxi, things are really not what you see!" The boy hugged her tightly, no matter how much she struggled, he would not let go.

"Qiu Ze!" A faint voice sounded not far behind the two of them.

A girl with long hair and a shawl, wearing a small powder blue dress, was approaching the two of them step by step.

As she approached, you could see the grievance on her face, and if you got closer, you could still see the flash of hatred in her eyes when she looked at Gu Xiaoxi: "Qiu Ze, at this time, Are you still going to hide it from Xiaoxi? Love is something you can’t force, can you? You don’t like her anymore, don’t you?”

"Li Xinyue!" The boy turned his head and let out a low growl. When he met her resentful eyes, his voice slowly softened and softened, and there was a trace of helplessness: "Xinyue, you promised to give me time to tell Xiaoxi slowly. , Didn't we agree to wait until we graduate from college? How can you go back on your word?"

"Yes, how about I regret it? You said you would tell her slowly, do you really have that plan?" Li Xinyue pointed at Gu Xiaoxi with a confident expression, as if Gu Xiaoxi was the third party who stepped in to break them up: "During the day you Holding hands, dangling in front of me, at night, I still want to hear her talk about your love history. Lu Qiuze, have you ever thought about my feelings? I don't want to wait like this any longer. Today, you You have to choose between her and me, with her without me, with me without her!"

Lu Qiuze didn't move, but still held Gu Xiaoxi tightly.

Gu Xiaoxi had stopped struggling, silently raised her head and looked at Lu Qiuze in front of her, looking at his familiar eyebrows, but suddenly felt very strange.It's strange that there is only disappointment and cheated anger in my heart, but there is not much suffocating pain.

It seems that the man who abandoned his mother and her still affected her more or less!
"My father said that when we both graduate from college, we can go directly to work in his company." Li Xinyue smiled like a proud princess: "In this way, you can stay in City H and wait until we get married." , you are the general manager of our Li's Jewelry Store. My father is only one of my daughters, and in the future you will be the person with the highest shareholding in our Li's Jewelry Store. "

That's why...

The hands holding her arms slowly relaxed, and Gu Xiaoxi looked at Lu Qiuze in amazement. She really couldn't believe that he, who had been dating for more than six years, was actually this kind of man—he was the same as her father whom she had never met. One type of man!

The summer wind is hot and dry, blowing on her body, but it makes her heart gradually chill.She looked up at him fixedly, but he turned his head and looked at the row of dim street lamps without moonlight.

"Xiaoxi, the current society is very realistic. There is no human relationship. No matter how good you are, it is impossible to be left in City H. Even if you stay, you will only be a wage earner. The man's ambition is everywhere, and I don't want to go back to that remote small fishing village. , I don’t want my talents to be drowned out, I don’t want to—”

Gu Xiaoxi interrupted his words: "So, you married her to save decades of struggle?"

She admitted that she did it on purpose, and she wanted the man who betrayed her to end badly.It's a pity that she underestimated how obsessed that woman Li Xinyue was with Lu Qiuze. After hearing what she said, that woman smiled proudly.

Are you proud of it?Is it something to be proud that the man you like only likes your own money?She, Gu Xiaoxi, really couldn't think of anything to be happy about!
Still not looking at her, he nodded slowly but firmly.

That gentle and handsome face, at this moment, no longer moved her heart as much as before. At this moment, she didn't want to look at him any more: "Lu Qiuze, congratulations, you have your long-term meal ticket. Oh, no, The shareholder with the highest share of Li's Jewelry is not only a long-term meal ticket, but a real golden rice bowl. It seems that the kind of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, luxury villa and beautiful life you yearn for are not far away from you—"

"Xiaoxi!" There was irrepressible anger in Lu Qiuze's voice.

Injured self-esteem?When you choose such a path, do you still have self-esteem?
The corners of Gu Xiaoxi's lips curled slightly, and he smiled sarcasticly: "Lu Qiuze, congratulations, you are free from now on! Don't worry, I, Gu Xiaoxi, will not pester you. From today onwards, we will go back to the road, and the bridge will return to the bridge. There is no intersection. However, Lu Qiuze——you will regret it, sooner or later!"

She turned around neatly, took two steps, turned her head again, looked at Li Xinyue, and smiled sweetly: "Li Xinyue, he likes you, why do you still have to act with me? Are you worried about him, or are you worried about yourself?" No confidence? A man who can sell himself for money, even if he marries you, so what? After marrying you and getting what he wants, are you sure he won't abandon you? "

She admits that she is a stingy person, and she will take revenge!She believed that no matter how much Li Xinyue liked him, these words would eventually cast a shadow in her heart.

Leaning provocatively at Lu Qiuze whose face changed slightly, Gu Xiaoxi raised his eyebrows, shrugged his shoulders, turned around very chicly, and left!

Li Xinyue's complexion changed wonderfully, panic, panic, anger, hatred, a pair of eyes fixed on Gu Xiaoxi's back as if on fire, and suddenly ran towards her like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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