Pride girl

Chapter 131 You Are My Goal

Chapter 131 You Are My Goal (3)
After seeing that the little boy's blood had completely stopped, Gu Xiaoxi quickly took the needle, walked off the operating table, and walked directly to the chief surgeon, Chen Ping.Unexpectedly, this girl with a faint tiredness on her face, apart from tiredness, the only thing she can find is calmness and indifference, without the slightest bit of pride or arrogance: "Doctor, the next operation on this little boy will be handed over to you." Here you go."

Only then did Chen Ping recover from the shock, and when he looked at Gu Xiaoxi again, his expression was a little uncomfortable, but more of it was an undisguised admiration: "I, Chen Ping, have never convinced anyone in my life, little girl, your level of Chinese medicine , I am convinced. Little girl, don't worry, since I said that I have stopped the bleeding, I will be [-]% sure, then I must be [-]% sure. The rest of the operation, you can rest assured to leave it to me!"

Chen Ping is not a stingy and grudge-bearing person, he is still courteous to those who are truly capable.Because surgery requires absolute silence, Gu Xiaoxi followed the director and walked out of the operating room.When Mr. Xu outside saw them coming out, he rushed up to meet them: "How is it? Has the bleeding stopped?"

"It's stopped, of course it's stopped!" Lao Yu was not as calm as Gu Xiaoxi, a little girl. With a proud face, he answered first: "Old man, don't worry, your grandson is definitely fine. This little girl The girl's hand is extraordinary, she stopped the bleeding with three or two strokes. This skill of acupuncture makes me, who has practiced medicine for decades, bow down. Little girl, who did you learn from? Hey, little girl—— "

After leaving the operating room, Gu Xiaoxi realized that Yun Feifan, who had been with her all this time, had disappeared.While looking around, he said silently in his heart: such a big person can get lost, so he searched all over the hospital helplessly.

She first went to the ward where Zhang's mother lived. Zhang's mother had already undergone an operation, and the operation was very successful.In order to avoid hearing Zhang Ling thanking and apologizing over and over again, Gu Xiaoxi hurried away on the pretext of looking for Yun Feifan.

When Yun Feifei came out of Yun's house, he didn't bring his mobile phone. He was busy with the jade this morning, so he didn't have time to buy it.With his haughty temperament, it is naturally impossible to borrow someone else's mobile phone to call her.Zhang Ling has come and gone here, he should have waited for her at the hospital gate.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoxi changed direction and went straight to the gate of the hospital.

Just when she was about to step out of the gate, the hospital's announcement rang, and the soft-voiced announcer on the announcement actually called her name.

"Miss Gu Xiaoxi, Miss Gu Xiaoxi, please come to the radio room on the fourth floor of the hospital after you hear the broadcast. Your husband is waiting for you here. Miss Gu Xiaoxi, Miss Gu Xiaoxi, after you hear the broadcast—"

husband?Gu Xiaoxi turned around with a black face, and took the elevator up to the fourth floor.

Leaning outside the door of the broadcasting room, facing the winking eyes of all the nurses and younger sisters, the frosty Yun Feifan, when he saw Gu Xiaoxi walking out of the elevator, the coldness on his face instantly turned into spring water.Standing by the elevator, Gu Xiaoxi, who hadn't walked towards him, could not help but notice that a dozen jealous eyes shot at her immediately.

It took so much effort to attract her a large number of rivals in love, all of them wished to kill her with their eyes!If she is really married, will she still live?

The two of them came down from the fourth floor and left the hospital directly, so they didn't hear the next broadcast, that it was Mr. Xu who was looking for her.What's more, Mr. Xu actually pulled out the hospital's video, found out about her school through Zhang Ling, and specially rushed to make a big red brocade that morning, and sent it to Pinshang University in a very flamboyant manner.

Here, after the two left the hospital, they took a taxi directly to the jewelry store.From a distance, through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the jewelry store, you can see all the shop assistants gathered together, with expressions of surprise and contempt on their faces.The store manager, Sun Lili, also made an exception and did not stay in the office, and got together with these shop assistants, talking to each other one by one.

Even if she didn't hear it, Gu Xiaoxi knew what they were talking about.

"The time you spend gossiping should be spent on learning about jadeite knowledge. Manager Sun, have you made a plan for the jadeite knowledge training I asked you to arrange? After the training, give me a copy of the information, and I will come out If you pass the test, you will continue to work in our shop, and your monthly salary will be increased by [-]. If you fail to pass the test, then sorry, the work will be suspended, and you can find another job, or choose to take the second test in our shop." After Gu Xiaoxi entered the jewelry store, she felt a little annoyed, she didn't like those women who always liked to gossip behind their backs.Although she has a little spare money, she is determined not to support idlers: "Shop Manager Sun, do you have Zhang Ling's mobile phone number? Contact her and give her a copy of the information. It is the same if you fail the exam, and you will be treated the same. Come with me to the office."

When she arrived at the office where she signed the contract with Li Xinyue's father when she was in the indirect shop, she explained to Yun Feifei how she personally managed the jewelry store.This news is undoubtedly exciting. She already knew about Yun Feifei's identity from the conversation between Li Xinyue and Mr. Na Lu.The third young master of the Yun family, a dark horse that people look up to in the business world.What a noble status he is, he is willing to help Miss Gu manage this small jewelry business!This shows how charming her current female boss is.

After talking about Yun Feifan, Gu Xiaoxi made another special reminder that she didn't want to hear discussions related to Zhang Ling.He also hinted that if Sun Lili spoke quickly and had already said the matter, then she would find a way to take back what she said.

This is not a dilemma, she also knows that it is difficult to cover the water, but it is not impossible.For example, Sun Lili said that she was wrong, or she admitted that she was lying.

Every piece of jewelry in the store was stored in the computer, Gu Xiaoxi directly called them up to show Yun Feifei, and discussed some publicity plans.By the time the conversation was almost over, the sun was already hanging high directly above.They were discussing things, because of Gu Xiaoxi's words, the staff in the store usually shifted to eat, and no one dared to leave.It wasn't until Gu Xiaoxi and Yun Feifan left that they were divided into two groups to eat in turn.

It was when it was time to eat and buy clothes that Gu Xiaoxi realized that she had made a mistake.She always thought that Yun Feifei escaped from Yun's house with nothing on him.Who knew that he actually had a card on him, or the kind of black unlimited credit card that banks would only handle for people with special status and money.At this time, she realized that even if this guy ran away from home, he was still a rich owner, and he was not as pitiful as she imagined.

Not to mention buying a car, when the boss who sold the car saw him, he insisted on letting him drive out for a walk, saying that he would pay for it after driving it satisfactorily.The owner of the car was naturally surprised that Yun Feifei only picked an Audi worth more than 50 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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