Pride girl

Chapter 157 There is a lot of fun to watch

Chapter 157 There is a lot of fun to watch (2)
Several people congratulated Mr. Gu on his birthday again, even Gu Xiaoxi was allowed to drink some red wine by his mother.When the candles were lit after the meal for Mr. Gu to make a wish, his eyes were red again: "I've never done such a thing as making a wish. Instead of entrusting these wishes to gods that don't exist, it's better to work hard on your own." .Today, I am happy, haha, I, an old man, will learn from you young people, catch up with the fashion, and make a wish, which is definitely unrealistic to return to more than 20 years ago."

Mr. Gu's humorous words made everyone laugh out loud, except for Mr. Hu, who smiled happily while wiping away his tears. It has been more than 20 years, the master has not had such a smile for more than 20 years!Great, really great.

"I'm just talking about a realistic wish. If there is a god, I will bless our family to live happily together; bless my daughter to find a love that truly belongs to her, and to meet a love that truly belongs to her. The man who really loves her and loves her will take good care of her for the rest of her life; bless my granddaughter will always be so beautiful and lovely, bless her like a little princess, will be loved by many people, and will always live a carefree and comfortable life Life." When Master Gu said his wish, he looked at the starry night sky outside the window, and said it very seriously.And when everyone followed his gaze and looked out the window, as if to confirm Mr. Gu's wish, a shooting star streaked across the night sky. It dragged its long tail, gorgeous and beautiful.

Gu Xiaoxi slightly raised the corners of her lips, living happily together all the time, that's for sure.The love that belongs to my mother, in fact, my mother has met it a long time ago, but because she has been by her side all the time, she has ignored it.Uncle Liu Yuanheng, who loved his mother and waited for her for more than 20 years, should be the good man who can love and take care of his mother for a lifetime.As for her, hehe, the Gu family, Gu family, a time-honored family with tens of billions of assets, as his granddaughter, isn't she like a princess.However, she doesn't need many people to love her. In her world, it is enough to have grandpa, mother, and extraordinary.

As for a carefree, free life—hey, grandpa, how is that possible?Since you announced in front of everyone that you want me to be Gu's successor, you not only put a halo on me, but also put a burden on me.For this responsibility, if your granddaughter continues to be carefree and free, won't she live up to your expectations?As you said, this destiny is always the most reliable if you hold it in your own hands, isn't it?

Grandpa, don't worry, although your granddaughter and I only opened a small jewelry store, I don't have much business experience.However, your granddaughter has a not-too-stupid brain and superpowers that no one else can imagine.Mrs. Gu, in the hands of your granddaughter, she will not be tossed around.On the contrary, it will definitely have a bright future and be given a better reputation.

Mr. Gu came here in person, buying a house and opening a store, of course he couldn't hide it from his mother.Gu Xiaoxi had no choice but to tell her mother Gu Shufang about the first time she met Yun Feifan, went to the stone gambling venue, and then repeatedly gambled on stones.Before Gu Shufang had time to express her opinion, Mr. Gu burst into laughter, smiling very happily.He had heard all along that there was a little emerald princess in the stone gambling world, and she won the bets repeatedly.But he never thought that this little emerald princess would be his granddaughter.

Haha, Little Emerald Princess, I believe those old guys from the Gu family have heard of it too, right?Now, they shouldn't be able to find any reason to raise objections!
My mother had to go to school to work the next day, because the residence in Meiyuan Community was closer to the school, so she stayed in Meiyuan Community.However, Gu Xiaoxi and Yun Feifan followed Mr. Gu back to Xiangdu Garden. Unlike in the past, Mr. Gu and Yun Feifan sat together in Gu Xiaoxi's villa for a while, and then dragged Yun Feifan away together.

The reason is simple: if a man and a widow live together, it will affect the reputation of his granddaughter, and he will not be able to pick a good son-in-law for a while.

Yun Feifei was taken away with a gloomy expression, but before leaving the door, he turned his head and blinked at Gu Xiaoxi, mouthed and said, "Wait for me."

Gu Xiaoxi glanced at the already dark sky, then looked down at the watch on his wrist, it was already past ten o'clock.At this time, if I went to the master's house again, it would probably be after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, which seemed a bit inappropriate.After thinking and thinking, Gu Xiaoxi gave up going out and called Professor Wei.

After finishing the phone call, Gu Xiaoxi's heart became more and more heavy. Grandpa's condition seemed to be more serious than she imagined.In the past few years, there was only a little pain, at most, chest pain, shortness of breath, and cough.But in the past two years, the first attack was chest cramps, dyspnea, and pale complexion.The condition obviously got worse. Once, he even had chest pains and couldn't breathe, and the pain made him faint.In the past two years, I have seen both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. When I was in a well-known heart disease hospital abroad, the experts there had already claimed that I had reached the advanced stage, and I could only rest in peace, less dryness, less excitement, and avoid fatigue. Continue to receive treatment.That's it, I can only control it, and if I want to get better, there is really nothing I can do.

Gu Xiaoxi took a shower and went up to the clothes drying table on the roof, blowing the cool natural wind at night.Lying halfway on the hanging chair on the balcony that I bought specially for viewing the moon and blowing the wind, I swayed back and forth casually, thinking about whether there is a cure for my grandfather's disease in the master's medical books.The content about heart disease in those books flashed through my mind quickly one by one, and the result was nothing more than one, which can only be controlled, but not cured.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Gu Xiaoxi's mind, and Gu Xiaoxi thought of a person——Shangguan Lin.

Will the person who has such a wonderful book "Nine Dragons Acupuncture" have a cure for this disease?

The night is fine tonight, the moon is bright and the sky is full of stars.Gu Xiaoxi subconsciously looked at Grandpa's villa, but she saw a person standing on the two or three meter high courtyard wall next to her, which shocked her greatly.Her eyesight is very good now, so she can naturally see that the man is Yun Feifan.It's just that the clothes he's wearing are a bit funny, the bright red silk pajamas are a bit like the ancient costumes on TV.Nine out of ten it was handed to him by his grandfather, and he had to wear it in order to please his grandfather.

Gu Xiaoxi couldn't help but burst out laughing, and Yun Feifei, who had just climbed onto the wall, seemed to sense something, and looked over at her.Then he waved his hand at her and smiled.Under the bright and clear moonlight, the red clothes that were somewhat retro, looked particularly harmonious when worn on him.If you wear a well-fitting robe and let your long hair hang loosely behind your head, you will definitely be a [-]% elegant nobleman.

It's just that there is a strange feeling in my heart, as if she has seen Yun Feifei in ancient clothes before.

(End of this chapter)

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