Dragon Elephant Valkyrie

Chapter 339 Fierce Battle

Chapter 339 Fierce Battle

The two armies chased and killed for a day and a night, and the army of the Demon Soul Nation was on the verge of being defeated, unable to organize a strong resistance at all.

After killing hundreds of miles and beheading thousands of enemy troops, Long Xiao was extremely proud and ordered the two armies to fall into the barren land.

More than a hundred miles south of Tianzhu Pass, they arrived at the wild land of Demon Soul Country.

The barren land is full of poisonous insects and miasma, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive in it.

Seeing that they had chased beyond the barren land, all the generals of the Red Feather Army thought it would be dangerous to pursue further, so they gathered together to advise Long Xiao, hoping to end this pursuit and return to Tianzhu Pass.

"I can't chase anymore. It's still too late to go back now." Zhou Wu was more thoughtful among the generals in Chiyu's army, but he had already felt uneasy in his heart.

"You cowardly things like mice! The Demon Soul Nation was defeated and fled to the wild land. In the wild land, there is a tomb of the ancestors of the Demon Soul Nation. If this tomb is dug, the defeated army of the Demon Soul Nation will naturally rush Come out to die! The unrivaled feat of destroying the Demon Soul Nation's army is right in front of you, you want me to retreat? Do you think I'm stupid!" Long Xiao had already made up his mind and glanced at everyone coldly.

"If you chase after him, something will happen! The army of Demon Soul Nation is still very strong." Zhou Wu said solemnly.

"Stop talking nonsense! A group of defeated soldiers, what are you talking about about military power? If that fellow Jin Bu can organize the people to resist, he won't be chased all the way to the wild land." Long Xiao snorted coldly, raised his head and ordered, "Send the order, The whole army entered the barren land, and went straight to the tomb of the ancestors of the Demon Soul Kingdom. Anyone who disobeyed the order will be killed!"

After the order was issued, Long Xiao ordered the generals of Chiyu Army to be driven out of the tent.

The whole army set off again and stepped into the wild land.

Fifty miles deep into the barren land, they came to a huge ancient tomb.

There are monster totems standing around the ancient tomb, and in the middle is a demigod statue of a monster. This kind of statue represents the ancestors in the Demon Soul Clan.

The Red Feather Army and the Dragon Tooth Army came to the tomb of the ancestors of the Demon Soul Clan.

Long Xiao got out of the car, stood in front of the statue of the ancestors of the Demon Soul Clan, looked up at the statue, raised the corners of his mouth and laughed loudly: "The Demon Soul Clan, in my eyes, are just ants! Come, give me this statue smashed!"

At this moment, a shout came from a distance.

"Who dares!"

Jin Bu jumped and landed in front of the ancient tomb, glaring at Long Xiao angrily.

Long Xiao smiled proudly and said: "I just said, these idiots from the Demon Soul Clan will definitely come out to die. Jin Bu, after running away so far, they will still die in my hands. To wipe out the Demon Soul Nation's army completely I, Long Xiao, want the unrivaled achievement!"

Jin Bu snorted coldly and said, "It's ridiculous! I didn't expect someone to be so stupid as to chase into the barren land. If he knew it earlier, he should have fled away."

"You are still so self-righteous when you are about to die. Today, I will cut off your head and send it back to the holy city with the head of this monster statue!" Long Xiao said, and shouted, "Come here, behead him!"

As soon as the word "cut" fell, there was a scream immediately.


Looking for the reputation, I saw a spear shot from a distance, piercing the chest of a Dragon Tooth Army soldier on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, roars came from all directions.

The fierce and strong soldiers of the Demon Soul Kingdom charged in all directions with their weapons in hand.

Zhou Wu and other Akabane army generals reacted, and immediately shouted orders: "Don't panic! Form an formation and meet the enemy!"

The Red Feather Army has experienced countless battles on the battlefield, and they reacted very quickly. They immediately formed an array with the Chinese Army as the center to resist the siege of the Demon Soul Nation's army.

The Dragon Tooth Army brought by Long Xiao was much more flustered, but the Dragon Tooth Army was led by experienced generals, at least a little flustered for a while, and soon formed an army to meet the enemy.

"A group of defeated soldiers! The Dragon Tooth Army listened to the order, charged over, beheaded Jin Bu, and made him a Marquis and General!" Long Xiao shouted immediately.

When the Dragon Tooth Army heard the order, they rushed out of the army formation and headed towards Jin Bu.

As soon as the Dragon Tooth Army charged, a big gap appeared in the original formation of the two armies.

Zhou Wu was shocked, seeing the soldiers of Demon Soul Nation rushing into the formation through the gap, causing countless casualties.

Chi Zhongyan rode into the army formation with red eyes, and shouted loudly: "Form the formation! Form the formation! The left and right armies join together, and Zhou Wu is the front army! Form an formation to meet the enemy!"

Although there was no tiger charm, he was even deprived of the position of chief general.

However, the Akabane Army only recognizes orders from one person.

When Chi Zhongyan's order was issued, the Red Feather Army regrouped to face the Demon Soul Nation's army.

Forming an array to meet the enemy is a defensive posture.

Long Xiao sneered contemptuously when he saw the Akabane Army's defensive formation.

Although there were quite a few soldiers from the Demon Soul Kingdom rushing out from all around, they were still too small compared to the two armies of Chiyu Longya.

How could Long Xiao let go of this opportunity to compete for military exploits, and continue to order the Dragon Tooth Army to charge into the Demon Soul National Army.

The fighting became more and more fierce, and gradually the strength of the Demon Soul Clan's individual strength gradually emerged. Often, only two or three people from the Red Feather Dragon Fang Army could kill a Demon Soul Clan soldier.

And there are more and more soldiers from the Demon Soul Kingdom rushing from all directions, and in the end they are like endless tides.

With no city gate to defend, the Red Feather and Longya armies fell into a passive state immediately, and were besieged and killed by the Demon Soul Nation's army, causing more and more casualties.

Standing on the luxurious car, Long Xiao commanded the Dragon Tooth Army to charge for military exploits in a haughty way.

However, the number of soldiers from the Demon Soul Nation rushing up was increasing, and the [-] Dragon Tooth Army he brought had not undergone such a brutal battle on the battlefield, with more casualties than the Akabane Army.

The military advisor of this Dragon Tooth Army is a guest official of the Hidden Dragon Royal Family. When he saw the soldiers from the Demon Soul Kingdom rushing in like a tide, he immediately felt something was wrong. He stepped forward and whispered in Long Xiao's ear, "Your Highness, what's the situation?" No, these soldiers of the Demon Soul Kingdom are not like defeated soldiers, and the casualties will become more and more serious if they continue to fight."

An angry look appeared on Long Xiao's face, he grabbed the guardrail of the car with all his strength, and shouted: "Are you all useless? Go up there! Can't you even beat these wildlings from the Demon Soul Clan!"

The Keqing of the Zhelong royal family looked calm, and reminded again: "Your Highness, you should make a decision early."

The [-] Dragon Tooth Army had never experienced such a tragic battle on the battlefield. When the casualties reached a certain level, panic gradually appeared.

Keqing of the Zhelong Royal Family added: "This Dragon Tooth Army is the elite army of the royal family, and there is no room for loss."

Long Xiao patted the car's shaft bitterly, cursed, then gradually calmed down, looking around.

In all directions, soldiers from the Demon Soul Kingdom rushed like a tide, roaring and killing [-] Dragon Tooth soldiers, scattered and fled in all directions, hundreds of Dragon Tooth soldiers were headed to the ground in the blink of an eye.

On the contrary, the Akabane army formed an formation to meet the enemy. Although they were also besieged and killed by the army of the Demon Soul Nation, there was no chaos in the army formation, and the casualties were much smaller.

The casualties of the 3 Dragon Tooth Army are getting heavier and heavier, and these [-] horses are the most elite army that the Hidden Dragon Royal Family can control.

Even when Tianzhuguan was in danger of breaking the city, Long Xiao was reluctant to send it out to defend the city.

Now that the casualties are so heavy, Long Xiao is extremely angry, but after hearing Ke Qing's reminder, he immediately ordered: "Send the order, the Dragon Tooth Army retreats! The Red Feather Army stays to resist the army of the Demon Soul Kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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