Portable space was reborn in the 70s

Chapter 8 Ready to move out

Chapter 8 Ready to move out
Zhan Fei carried the firewood back to the educated youth site, and when he entered the room, he saw four people from the educated youth site talking, and the chatting and laughing of several people in the room was very lively.

He took out a bottle of Erguotou from his box without saying a word and went out. The educated youths seemed to be used to Zhan Fei doing this all day long. When they saw that Zhan Fei left without saying anything did not see.

The educated youth spot is not far from the team leader's house, and he will be there in 5 minutes.

Zhan Fei didn't know the captain very well. He only knew that the captain's words were quite useful in the village. The captain's surname was Wang Baozhu.

He entered the room and shouted into the room: "Is Captain Wang at home?"

"Yes, who is it? Come in and tell me!"

After Zhan Fei finished speaking, he heard the voice of a man in his 40s and [-]s. Zhan Fei knew it was Captain Wang's voice, and he entered the room with the bottle of wine.

When he entered the room, he saw the team leader smoking with a pipe on the kang.

Zhan Fei put the wine on the kang table, and said, "Uncle Wang, I saw Gao Yang today, and thought that her parents have passed away, and it is not very safe for her to live alone in the west of the village. You also know that the five of us educated youths are also quite Squeeze, I remember her house has three rooms, can I move there so that I can take care of that girl?"

In fact, when he said this, Zhanfei felt a little uneasy. You must know that although equality between men and women is advocated now.

But in the countryside, especially here, there are many things that people are not used to.

Hearing Zhan Fei's words, Wang Baozhu looked at Zhan Fei with straight eyes, and he was stunned for a long time before he said, "Zhan Fei, you are a man, and people in the village will gossip when you live together."

When Zhan Fei heard what the captain said, he knew that he was worried about him, so he said.

"Uncle Wang, I also saw Gao Yang go up the mountain to cut firewood by himself today. Thinking of the fact that we have wild animals harming people here in winter, let's say that she and I are both from City B, and it's not convenient for her to do anything as a girl. I It’s also because I’m afraid that she will be injured by a wild wolf, and Uncle Wang is probably also worried about her, after all, a wild wolf was beaten in the village a few days ago!”

When the captain heard what Zhan Fei said, he felt that what he said was quite reasonable. He was also afraid that the girl would be hurt by the wild mouth.

He knew that the house Gao Yang lived in had no gate and was at the westernmost end of the village, so he would trouble him if something happened.

Besides, he had been the captain for a long time, and he was quite accurate in judging people. He knew the temperament of those educated youths, and they had been here for more than a year, and Zhan Fei could catch his eyes.

When Gao Yang's parents died, he also thought that Gao Yang was not safe by himself, so he wanted to arrange Gao Yang to be an educated youth.

But thinking of the characters of the two girls, he didn't open his mouth. He usually asked Li Shan and his family to take more care of them.

Unexpectedly, this young man thought of moving there to take care of Gao Yang. He thought about it and felt nothing. Besides, they were all about the same age and usually had something to say.

He thought about it and felt that Zhan Fei's idea was also good, and he probably didn't like getting along with those educated youths anymore.

At the beginning, when he knew that the busy farming season was over, Zhan Fei chopped firewood by himself. He prepared a lot, and today he went to the mountain again, probably because the firewood was burned out.

Those educated youths are too ugly, but even if he is the captain, he can't talk about it. It's not bad for this young man to move out. He can take care of that girl in Gaoyang and stay away from those educated youths.

So he said: "I'll talk to that girl in Gaoyang later, and you are also prepared to move her there tomorrow, so that I won't be able to sleep well."

"All right, Uncle Wang, I'll go back and clean up. I'll move in tomorrow. Uncle Wang, I'll go back first. Do your work!" Zhan Fei said and left.

After he left, the captain was in a good mood when he saw the wine on the table. Although he wasn't greedy for the wine, Zhan Fei's young man knew how to handle things, so he felt good about it.

But he couldn't just think about the wine, he had to go to the girl in Gaoyang to tell her to prepare it, so he also put on his shoes and went out.

It's quite cold outside now, and he didn't meet anyone in the village. He walked for more than ten minutes before arriving at Gao Yang's house. When he reached the door, he shouted, "Is Gao Yang at home?"

Gao Yang heard a 40-year-old man talking in the room, she was startled, but she hurriedly said, "At home, who is it?"

She didn't dare to tell people to enter the house, she opened the door and came out. When she saw the person in the yard, she knew it was the village captain, and she hurriedly said, "Captain, it's you, come in."

Gao Yang hurriedly let the team leader into the room, let the team leader sit down and poured him a bowl of water, she also sat on the edge of the kang.

She knew that if there was nothing wrong, the captain would not come to her place, but she didn't know what the matter was, so Gao Yang thought about it and said, "Captain, what's the matter with you coming to my house?"

The team leader saw Gao Yang warmly entertaining him, and saw three boxes on the kang, and the room was tidy, and felt that the girl was a diligent person.

So he said: "Gao Yang, my uncle came here today to tell you that tomorrow Zhan Fei, an educated youth from the village, will come to live with you, and my uncle also knows that you are in trouble, but now in winter, you are the only girl at home. It won't be good if it hurts you, don't worry, Uncle saw that Zhan Fei's young man is good, so he let him come over to take care of you, if there is anything wrong with her, you can tell Uncle."

Gao Yang felt rather awkward when he heard the captain's words, it was too inconvenient for a man to come and live with her.

Besides, she still has the secret of space, but it is really not safe for her to be alone in winter. Although she has space, there is no need to worry about her safety.

But if there is a wild mouth into the house, she will be troublesome even if she hides in the space. She also knows that the captain is taking care of her as a girl.

If he refuses, the team leader's face will probably be lost. It seems that the man is really good, otherwise he would not let people live in, so Gao Yang said.

"Uncle, I see. I'll tidy up the storage room in the west room and burn the kang. I didn't live there when my parents got sick. The room must be damp. But, uncle, when will Zhan Fei come over?" ?”

The captain saw Gao Yang's neat look, and knew that the girl knew his love.

He said with a smile: "Okay, girl, Zhan Fei will move here tomorrow morning, you pack it up, and I'll leave first."

After finishing speaking, the captain got off the kang and left. Gao Yang saw that the captain was about to leave, so he got up to see him off, and they walked out of the gate.

The team leader said, "Girl, don't send it away, go back!"

"Uncle, go slowly!" Gao Yang saw the captain go far away before returning to the house, and she went to the West Room to tidy up after returning to the house.

In fact, the house is not dirty, it's just that no one has lived in it for a long time and there is a layer of dust on the kang, Gao Yang took out a rag, wiped off the soil on the kang mat, and complained while wiping Gao Yang.

What's the matter? When a man moves in, she has to clean up for him. She has to welcome him if she can't be unhappy. If it's really hard to get along with.

She would definitely run away, Gao Yang tidied up the kang, swept the floor, and burned the kang, no one lived in it for more than a month, the house was too damp without burning the kang.

After Gao Yang finished heating the kang, he was not in the mood to cook anymore, so he also set fire to her kang, and prepared to open the door to sleep.

In the evening, she was going to eat some fruit to deal with it. Tonight, she had to go to the space to collect food, and it would be even more inconvenient for her to do it alone.

She has to get out what she eats recently, especially oil and white flour, or else under the same roof.

As long as the person who comes is not a fool, then if she is pushing that thing out, then she is in the rhythm of death.

After Gao Yang finished eating the fruit, he took out oil from the space and poured it into the oil jar, and took out half a bag of white noodles.

I also took some millet and mung beans, and put the white flour in the noodle tank together with the bag, and she was going to put millet and other things in her room.

He probably was embarrassed to come to her room, as long as she put it away, he probably didn't know what she had.

After Gao Yang packed up everything, she went into the space and started collecting food, and she figured it was getting late, so she came out to sleep.

I have to get up early tomorrow, waiting for that Zhan Fei to move, it will be bad if I get up late.

Before dawn the next day, Gao Yang got up early, washed his face and brushed his teeth, after tidying up, Gao Yang ordered a bowl of noodles and finished it with improvisation.

Living alone, Gao Yang doesn't want to cook too troublesome meals, and often cooks simple and nutritious things.

Gao Yang had just finished washing the dishes when he heard the team leader talking in the yard.

"Gao Yang, have you eaten yet? I brought Zhan Fei here. If you have anything to do, ask him to help you out. You have no energy for a girl."

Gao Yang heard the captain talking in the yard and saw him leading a 20-year-old man in the yard. Gao Yang saw the man pulling a cart full of things.

She took a closer look at that person, and she found that the person looked familiar, and when she looked closely, it was the person she saw on the mountainside yesterday.

Gao Yang knew that this was Zhan Fei the captain said, Gao Yang saw this posture, and knew that Zhan Fei had brought all his things.

"Uncle Wang, why did you come here so early, let's go into the room and rest." Gao Yang said while letting the captain into the room.

The captain didn't lie, seeing Gao Yang greet him, he raised his foot and walked into the house, and said when he left: "Boy Zhan, clean it yourself, Gao Yang has already packed the house, just move your things in, wait In a while, the two of us will just bring your food over."

Gao Yang let the team leader into the room, poured a glass of water for the team leader, and said: "Uncle Wang, you sit down first, and I'll help Zhan Fei pack up, so you can bring the food. Uncle is also very busy."

After she finished speaking, she went out to help. Gao Yang knew that people in the countryside did not lie, and those who like to be straightforward don't like that kind of politeness.

Gao Yang went out and saw Zhan Fei taking clothes into the house, Gao Yang didn't say a word, and started to take down the small things like the washbasin on the car.

When Zhan Fei saw Gao Yang coming to help, he knew that she had no objection to his move, so he smiled and continued to move things without saying anything.

Gao Yang watched Zhan Fei lift up the suitcase with ease, Gao Yang felt very heartbroken, men and women were indeed different.

She thought of how she didn't even dare to fill the bucket when she was carrying water, and when she looked at others, Gao Yang felt stuffy no matter what he saw.

But thinking that there is a water tank at home, it is estimated that she will be beautiful without carrying water in the future.

Besides, someone will help to cut firewood in the future. In this way, I have someone to keep me company and it is free labor.

Although people are more feudal now, but she saw it too much at the beginning, so she regarded it as a visitor to the sharing room.

There are not many things in the car, just some daily necessities, bedding and clothes, and the two of them will finish moving in a while.

After Zhan Fei finished moving things, he called the captain. He said yesterday that he would move out, but the people who ordered the educated youth gave him a good face.

(End of this chapter)

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