human ice maker

Chapter 276 Zhang Yi Buried by the Resurrected Warrior

Chapter 276
"11?" Chu Yuan thought for a while and asked, "Are you calling me?"

The girl suddenly threw away the book in her hand, threw herself into Chu Yuan's arms, and cried out weepingly: "11, it's really you..."

The people who came out with the girl all looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering why she, who has always been known for her calmness, had such impulsive behavior?The other girl who was with the girl looked at one of the young men, and the man shook his head with a wry smile.

The girl's actions did not attract the attention of the teachers and students of the school passing by, as if they were used to such things.

When the girl rushed over, Chu Yuan subconsciously wanted to avoid her, but he didn't know what kind of psychology he had, but in the end he didn't avoid her, but let her fall into his arms and cry bitterly.

Chu Yuan supported the girl's shoulders with both hands and slowly pushed her away. Her alluring face was already full of tears, and her expression was very excited.Chu Yuan looked at her silently for a moment, and said, "You misidentified the person."

Regardless of tears blurring her vision, the girl desperately shook her head and cried, "No, I know it's you, you're the one who came back. I know you will definitely come back, I know..."

"I'm not called 11." After speaking, Chu Yuan turned around and walked towards the car.

The girl shouted from behind: "Chu Yuan!"

Chu Yuan stopped in his tracks, turned around slowly, looked her up and down again with a slightly surprised expression, and asked, "Who are you?"

When Chu Yuan said these words, the girl trembled slightly, then slowly closed her eyes, two lines of hot tears slid down again.There was a sad look on her face: "Is it true that I am so annoying to you? You don't even want to remember me?"

Chu Yuan walked back to her side and said seriously, "Can we talk?"

The girl raised her head slowly, looked at Chu Yuan with eyes full of tears, and finally nodded slightly.


Yaqing Coffee House is a large coffee shop located across the road from the side entrance of Beijing Shou University.Although it is called a coffee house, it is actually a combination of a western coffee bar and an oriental tea ceremony. You can drink coffee and chat inside, or choose a quiet box to enjoy tea.Almost all the guests who come here are students studying in Beijing Shou University. They are either couples or friends. They usually like to meet here to drink tea and chat, and feel the quiet and elegant atmosphere here.

It was just after noon at this time, and there were not many people coming to the coffee shop, and there were not a few tables of people sitting in the huge hall, which seemed a bit empty.However, the waiters here are still very dedicated, and everyone stands on their own posts and prepares to serve customers.

At the moment, there are two people, a man and a woman, sitting in a large luxury box in the Yaqing Coffee House. Generally, if only a man and a woman come, they will choose the remote and quiet couple box. If they come with three or five friends, they will choose the private room in the lobby. Or small, medium or even large boxes.But two of them booked a large box, and it was a luxury suite. This kind of situation is really not common.You must know that the boxes here are all calculated based on the minimum consumption, and the minimum consumption of the luxury box is even more expensive, which is specially set up for the rich.

What surprised the waiters even more was that the man and woman didn't even look at the menu when they came in, they only ordered a pot of top-quality Tieguanyin, which was simply too much money and no place to spend it.It seems that the world of the rich is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The luxury box is not comparable to ordinary boxes. It has a lot of space, a whole row of leather sofas, two absolutely authentic solid mahogany coffee tables, and a set of musical instruments in the corner, including a high-end piano, bass, drums and more.And there is also an indoor theater and karaoke equipment with excellent sound effects.The sound insulation facilities in the luxury box are very good. Even if you yell into the microphone, if you sit next door and don’t pay attention, you will easily ignore the sound coming from this side.

In addition, there are several sets of superb purple sand tea sets, coffee sets and so on.In short, as long as you can think of it, you can basically find it in the luxury box.

A young waitress knocked on the door, then gently opened it, and walked in dragging a small pot of tea, a pot of boiled sweet spring and a lit sandalwood stove with a tray.She put the tea pot, spring water and sandalwood burner on the table lightly, and the room was immediately filled with a faint and elegant aroma, which made people feel refreshed.

The waiter smiled and asked softly, "Sir, do you need me to make tea for you?"

Chu Yuan shook his head.

"Is there anything else you need?"

"no need."

The waiter first said politely: "Okay, please take it slowly. If you need it, please ring the service bell. I am very happy to serve you."

The waiter got up and left with light steps and closed the door behind him, the hall suddenly became silent again.Both of them sat quietly, and neither of them spoke first.

After a long silence, Chu Yuan stretched out his hand and poured the boiling water in the kettle on the purple sand teapot.After several orderly procedures, the first pot of tea that was brewed was poured on several teacups, and all the water in the cups was poured out.

The girl next to him silently watched his movements, and couldn't help asking softly, "When will you make tea?"

Chu Yuan poured out all the tea in the first pot, poured it into the second pot of spring water, and said lightly, "I don't know."

He really didn't know, he had never done research on the tea ceremony.But I don't know why, when making tea, he naturally went through such a process one by one, as if everything was natural.Maybe he was also a master of tea ceremony before he lost his memory?

In fact, making tea is also an in-depth knowledge. There are [-] processes in making tea, the first of which is to burn incense and calm the air, and boil the sweet spring alive.The incense is the sandalwood burner brought in by the waiter earlier to create a warm atmosphere.Let the minds of tea drinkers be sublimated to an elegant and magical realm accompanied by this long and curling cigarette.Chu Yuan directly saved the method of boiling sweet spring alive, and brewed it with boiling water.That alone is enough to make those who really drink tea shake their heads and sigh.Next, boil the teapot with boiling water to increase the temperature of the teapot.In addition, there is a saying in the tea ceremony: first brewing soup, second brewing tea, third brewing and fourth brewing are the essence.Therefore, the first brewed tea is generally not drunk, some people just pour it out, and some people use it to rinse the teacup.This one is called the jade liquid return pot.In addition, pouring and serving tea are very particular, such as "Han Xin orders soldiers", "Phoenix nods", "three dragons protect the tripod" and so on, so the tea ceremony cannot be learned overnight.

Chu Yuan handed one of the cups to the girl sitting next to him.The girl took it silently, holding the teacup in her hand.At this time, her expression has calmed down a lot. She sat beside her and didn't speak any more. She didn't know what she was thinking, and there was still a trace of pain on her face.

Chu Yuan didn't touch the teacup in front of him, but asked softly, "What's your name?"

A trace of pain flashed across the girl's face, and she said with a sad smile, "Wen Wei."

Chu Yuan nodded and said, "Do you know me?"

Wen Wei held the teacup tightly and said softly, "I know."

"How did we meet?"

Wen Wei bit her lips lightly, and said in a softer voice, "Eagle Country."

"Where is Eagle Country?"

"Elite schools."

"Noble school?" Chu Yuan asked with some doubts, "Do I study there?"

Wen Wei was stunned: "You don't even remember these, do you?"

Chu Yuan shook his head and did not speak.

"Weren't you all with Kedis at that time?"

Chu Yuan asked seriously: "Who is Kedis?"

Wen Wei looked at Chu Yuan in surprise, his expression did not seem to be joking, and in Wen Wei's memory, Chu Yuan had never joked with anyone.She asked in surprise: "You... Is something wrong with you?"

"Well, there's something wrong. You haven't answered my question, who is Kedis? Why am I with her?"

" are her bodyguard."

"Bodyguard?" Chu Yuan tilted his head slightly and pondered, "Did I work as a bodyguard before? Then how did we meet?"

When Chu Yuan asked this sentence, Wen Wei blushed a little, lowered her head and did not answer.

Chu Yuan didn't continue to ask any more questions, but instead asked, "You said, you knew I would come back. Do you know what happened to me before?"

Wen Wei bit her lower lip, and asked tremblingly, "You...have you lost your memory?"

Chu Yuan said lightly: "You haven't answered me yet."

Wen Wei lowered her head, tears appeared in her eyes again, and said in a low voice: "My dad... My dad said you were dead. But I never believed it, really, I knew you would come back."

"Who is your father? Does he know me too?"

Wen Wei wiped away her tears and said, "My Wen Qiang."

"Wen Qiang?" Chu Yuan thought for a while and shook his head, "Then..."

At this moment, Wen Wei's mobile phone on the table rang suddenly.She glanced at Chu Yuan, who nodded and said, "Go ahead."

Wen Wei just picked up the phone and looked at the caller number on it, then pressed the answer button, tried to keep her voice as calm as possible, and said, "Hello. Oh, Qingyu. What's the matter? Crying? No. No, I was just eating and I was so spicy, so it might sound like crying. Oh...ok...then see you this afternoon."

After Wen Wei hung up the phone, she said, "It's me, a junior, and I'm usually very chatty."

Chu Yuan picked up the teacup and said, "Can you tell me what kind of person I was before?"

PS: The chapter names of these three chapters are buried memories. When I typed the chapter names yesterday, I almost typed into the deep memories, but it turned out that I couldn't change them.So a correction here.

Yesterday, I said that I would rush back to update this morning, but I had something to do in the morning, and I couldn’t make it back. I’m really sorry that everyone has been waiting for a long time.

Also, Xiaozhi is going to break his promise.Three chapters should have been updated, but I just checked the archived manuscripts, and there are thirteen chapters left in total including this chapter.So now I can only save the manuscript as much as possible, otherwise I will not be able to start writing after the manuscript is sent out, and there will be a blank period of time before I can update it.

I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow afternoon. Before I leave, I will hand over all the saved manuscripts to the editors, and they will update them for me.Because there are not many manuscripts, how to send them depends on the arrangement of the editor.

Let's update two chapters now, and update one chapter before leaving tomorrow.The remaining ten chapters are handed over to the editor.

Finally, thank you again for your encouragement and support all the time. Without you, I might not be able to persevere.

thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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