human ice maker

Chapter 306 Death's Roaring Tough Battle

Chapter 306 Death's Roaring Tough Battle
At this moment, the monkey is very angry, and it has never been angry before.He has always been the one who suppresses others and beats him, but he has never been suppressed and beaten.He has already charged five times, and each time he was pushed back by the opponent's absolutely suppressive firepower.He was shot in the thigh and arm but was not seriously injured.Not only the monkey, but even Han Yuerong's arm was scratched.

"Monkey, Yue Rong." Kuang Chao suddenly said in the earphones of the two of them: "You still have 5 minutes at most. Just now Ruoci and the others intercepted the call to the police. It was the resident nearby who called the police. Explosion. Get out as soon as possible before the police arrive."

Han Yuerong smiled wryly, the other party was really difficult.Charging, grenades, flash bombs, all methods have been tried, but the opponent actually guarded the door tightly.Especially when the monkey broke through for the fourth time, the monkey threw another powerful flash bomb. Who knew that after rushing in, it was discovered that the three opponents had already put on goggles. It's a hornet's nest.

The other party's goggles, like the ones the two of them wear, are from the military, with night vision adjustment functions and anti-flash bomb effects.In this way, the trick of forcing a breakthrough with a flash bomb can no longer be used.

Han Yuerong looked at the monkey and said, "Monkey, get out?"

"Don't withdraw!" The monkey roared fiercely, "It's your grandpa's!"

The monkey picked up the gun and wanted to rush in again, but as soon as it poked out half a foot, there were again intensive gunshots inside.The bullets scraped against the corner of the wall where they were hiding, and the old wall was already covered with bullet marks of different shades.

The monkey was forced to hide again, stamping its feet angrily.

Houzi gritted his teeth angrily and cursed: "Damn it, where did these bastards come from!"

"Monkeys." Han Yuerong said, "If I'm not mistaken, they should belong to the big circle."

"Damn big circle... eh?" Monkey said in a daze, "Big circle?"

Han Yuerong said in a daze, "You don't even know the big circle, do you?"

The monkey shook his head, shaking off the dust all over his head, and asked, "What is that? Is it powerful?"

"Stupid monkey." Frenzy said angrily, "How did you 'devil' teach you?" Frenzy has been with 11 and monkey for a long time, and naturally knows something about how the "devil" trains students .Especially the monkey, he couldn't control his mouth when he was bored, and told Fanchao everything about him from childhood to adulthood.So Frenzy also knows something about the "devil".

Monkey curled his lips and said nonchalantly, "I've never passed a liberal arts exam."

Kuangchao asked in surprise: "Won't those who fail the pass be dealt with? How can you still live till now?"

"Damn, what's the matter, the 'devil' is heavy on martial arts and not literary. It doesn't matter if you fail the liberal arts exam. Find someone who is good in the exam and come out and fight him. Kill him, and his test scores will be mine."

Han Yuerong rolled his eyes at him, and said, "It's a miracle that you can survive till now. But you can only be destined to be a mercenary."

The "devil" does have regulations in this regard. The teaching scope of the "devil" is very wide, including all combat skills, such as long-distance attack, melee combat and assassination.Texts include the history and geography of various countries, as well as customs and cultures, etiquette and military affairs from all over the world.Just like what the monkey said, the "devil" is an organization that emphasizes martial arts but not literature, and what they want is a member who is capable and can help them kill people, not a nerd.That's why there was such a strange rule that all students who failed in the liberal arts had a chance to choose a student who passed the grades to fight a duel, and the selected students had to agree and could not refuse.There are no restrictions on the venue, items, weapons, methods, etc. of the duel, no matter what method you use, as long as you kill the opponent.If you can kill the opponent in a duel, then the opponent's liberal arts grades will be counted as yours.It doesn't matter if all the students in the group don't have a liberal arts pass.The most students on Devil's Island are students, who can challenge another group collectively. If you win, you will pass, and if you lose, you will die.But the instructor who taught the group who failed in liberal arts will be miserable. No matter whether this group wins or loses in the end, he must die.

In fact, the "devils" don't only value martial arts and despise literature, they want to cultivate people who are all-rounded, just like 11 and Han Yuerong.Picking up a gun can be a killer, a mercenary, perform tasks for the "devils", and help them charge into battle.Put down your gun and you can become a spy, an agent, mix in the military and high society of various countries, and inquire about all the information the "devil" needs.This is what the "devil" focuses on cultivating.That's why the "devil" made such a rule. If you fail the liberal arts, you can kill your opponent to get points, but if you pass the liberal arts, you can kill your opponent in a duel, so you will be favored by the "devil".Otherwise, he is just a brute who values ​​martial arts and despises literature. Even after graduation, he can only be sent to the mercenary department to be sent to death as cannon fodder.

"A mercenary is a mercenary." Monkey said nonchalantly, "This is not very good."

Surrounded by such powerful enemies and surrounded by bullets, the only ones who can talk and laugh happily are the Dark Cross.

After a pause, the monkey asked again: "What is the big circle?"

Han Yuerong snorted softly, and explained: "Every country in the world has its own gangs and mercenaries. The largest gang in the Dragon Kingdom is the Qinghongmen, and the largest mercenary organization is the Daquan. Qinghongmen is not only the largest gang in the Dragon Kingdom. At the same time, it is also the most powerful gang organization in the entire East. Although the Big Circle is not the largest mercenary organization, not even the largest in Dragon Kingdom, it is the most powerful mercenary organization in the entire East. After a pause, she continued: "Actually, there are not many people in the big circle, but everyone's combat effectiveness is very strong. At the beginning, the 'devil' extended its tentacles into the Dragon Kingdom many times, but the result was that Qinghongmen and Daquan The circle fought back. In terms of organization, the 'devil' couldn't overwhelm Qinghongmen, but was suppressed to death by Qinghongmen. In terms of war, the 'devil' couldn't defeat the big circle. The number of people sent over was several times that of the big circle. times, and they were all elites carefully selected by the 'devil', and as a result, as many people came and died. Later, the 'devil' was afraid of being beaten, so he took the initiative to make peace with Qinghongmen and the big circle, only in the East Developed in the few countries where Qinghongmen's influence is not widespread, but dare not go deep into the eastern world."

"Oh?" Monkey said excitedly: "So powerful? So the 'devil' has never dared to enter the East, is it because of these two organizations?"

Kuang Chao interjected and said, "It's not two organizations, but three. The Qinghongmen are actually separate, they are the Qinggang and the Hongmen. The Qinggang implements the system of apprenticeship and apprenticeship, so although the number of people is not as good as that of the Hongmen, but in terms of management But it is stricter than the Hongmen. There is a saying in the underworld: "One line of the Green Gang, a large area of ​​the Hongmen." Then you can know the power and management of the two gangs. The Hongmen originated from the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties of the Dragon Kingdom. Founded by the Five Patriarchs of Shaolin, it belonged to a branch of the Tiandihui at that time. The Qinggang and Hongmen have a deep relationship. There is a saying in ancient times: "Qinghong Family", so people used to call Qinggang and Hongmen together as Qinghongmen. In the Qing Dynasty, the Qinggang, Hongmen and Bailianjiao were the three major organizations against the Qing court, so there was a saying of "red flowers, green leaves and white lotus root (referring to Hongmen, Qinggang, and Bailianjiao)". Qinghongmen had hundreds of Years of history have long been deeply rooted, and cannot be shaken by an external organization like the 'devil'."

The monkey nodded, and asked again, "What is that big circle?"

Han Yuerong explained: "The members of the big circle are basically composed of veterans who participated in the Yuenan counterattack. At first they were in Longguo Xiangcheng, and then expanded overseas. Especially in the overseas Chinatown battle, the big circle started Less wins more, and bloodbath wiped out the Yuenan people who originally occupied Chinatown. That battle caused a sensation in the entire North Coal, and also showed the strength of the big circle to all countries in the world. It was from that battle that the big circle became famous all over the world. The big circle is a The world-style mercenary organization mainly develops in the East and West worlds, and has a large circle of power in countries such as Coal Country and Canada, but their roots are still in the Eastern world. They have always been very united internally, and only Accepting inside but not outside, that is, only accepting people from the Dragon Kingdom, and not accepting people from other countries.”

The monkey wiped the dust off his nose and said, "Isn't it just a group of people who have been soldiers?"

Han Yuerong glared at him, and said angrily: "It's not as simple as it is today in the big circle. In addition to accepting mercenary tasks, they also participate in drug trafficking. Their drugs all come from the Golden Triangle, passing through the south of Longguo to the Pearl River Delta. After Xiangcheng boarded the ship, they went straight to Beimei, and usually disembarked at Wengehua, Canada first. Not only did they have to face being intercepted by the navy on the road, but they also had to beware of being blackmailed. Especially when the Golden Triangle shipped Seriously, it is not uncommon to kill people and steal goods there. People in the big circle have to fight with various forces in the Golden Triangle in the jungle, and after getting the goods, they have to fight with gangsters in various ports, and even often fight with the navy at sea. It can be said They are baptized in the flames of war every day to have the strength and status they have today."

The monkey said nonchalantly: "We are also different. There was a day when we were not fighting."

"It's different. People in the big circle have been fighting for survival from the day they joined the big circle until they died." Han Yuerong glanced at the monkeys and said, "Although they don't train and train from a young age like 'devils', they fight well. There are more battles than us. Whether it is combat experience or field survival experience, they are richer than us. Even the few elite teams sent by the 'devil' are not opponents in the big circle, let alone the two of us."

Houzi pursed his lips and said nothing, but from his expression, it could be seen that he still didn't agree with Han Yuerong's words.In fact, monkeys don't understand the horror of the big circle. The "devil" has done a detailed investigation on the big circle. The instructors taught this aspect in the training camp. Into the ear and out of the right ear.

In fact, the real horror of the big circle lies in their individual combat ability. Everyone in the big circle has been baptized in the flames of war for many years, and everyone's strength is not weaker than the elite members carefully cultivated by the "devil".After all, "devil" is a closed training, but what the big circle pays attention to is actual combat experience.It can be said that people in the big circle have fought more battles in ten years than the students in the training camp have fought in 20 years combined.

The big circle does not have its own fixed base camp. They adopt the method of fighting to survive. In addition to purchasing goods from the Golden Triangle, they often participate in killing and robbing goods, fighting with the army, fighting with gangs from various countries, and fighting with the navy. After such a war, they survived. How could such a person be so bad.

Although there were only three people in the yard at the moment, in terms of combat capability, these three people had already far surpassed Hou Zi and Han Yuerong, so it was understandable that they couldn't hold their heads up when they were beaten.

Kuang Chao was silent for a while, then said: "Golden Triangle. Yue Rong, do you think these people from the big circle are the people who were hired by Waco?"

"It's very possible." Han Yuerong said: "Although the big circle is involved in drug trafficking, they are still mercenaries in essence. As long as they can afford the money, they will take on any mercenary mission. Moreover, the big circle's drugs are all purchased from the Golden Triangle , have close ties with those local emperors in the Golden Triangle, and it is very possible that Waco paid them to hire them."

Kuang Chao said: "No wonder they refused to withdraw after revealing the address. It seems that you have met an opponent."

While carefully watching the situation in the yard, Han Yuerong said, "Daquan's individual combat ability is world-renowned. In terms of individual combat effectiveness, Daquan can definitely rank among the top three mercenary organizations in the world."

Mad Tide asked: "What should we do now? I guess you won't be able to tell the winner if you fight for a while, why don't you withdraw first? It will be troublesome when the police arrive. After all, we can't expose it yet."

Han Yuerong looked at the monkey and said, "Monkey, let's get out? If it comes to fighting hard, the people in the big circle are fighting harder than us, and we are really no match for them in a fight."

"Don't withdraw!" Monkey sneered and said, "Boss waited for half a year to come back, and messed up after giving us the first mission. How can I go back to see Boss?"

"Monkey..." Kuang Tide still wanted to persuade him.

"Frenzy." Han Yuerong interrupted the frenzy, looked at the monkey, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Monkey, I will fight with you."

The monkey nodded heavily.

Kuang Chao sighed and said, "3 minutes. If you don't solve the problem within 3 minutes, retreat immediately."

The monkey gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Okay, just three minutes!"

(End of this chapter)

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