human ice maker

Chapter 320 Death God's Roar Dark Word Attack

Chapter 320 Death's Roar Dark Cross Strikes

In a pitch-black room, Kuang Tide was staring at the screen, and his ten fingers were typing on the keyboard in his hand at an extremely fast speed. The sound of "cracking" kept ringing in the dark room.

"Frenzy." In the headset, Ruoci said: "Among the information you sent me, I can't crack the last encryption shell. It has an active deletion program attached. If you want to crack it by force, it will activate this program and automatically delete all the data. delete them all."

Frenzy tapped on the keyboard and said, "Okay, send me all the files that have been cracked, and I'll solve the last one."

Ruoci sent all the deciphered files to Frenzy, and asked after the other party chose to accept, "Why don't you ask Jem and the others to help?"

"No, I don't want too many people to know the information here." After a pause, Kuang Chao asked again: "Have you found Chu Yuan?"

"Jem and the others haven't heard from them yet, so I guess they haven't found it yet."

"Find him as soon as possible, and tell Fat Duck to go out and look for him too."

"Is something wrong? Why are you in such a hurry to find him?"

"En." Kuang Chao's brows were twisted into the word "Chuan", his eyes still did not leave the computer screen, and his ten fingers continued to tap on the keyboard quickly, and said softly: "Is there an accident, or a major event."


"Huh!" 11 pierced the air with a knife, and the blade rubbed against the air to make a "chichi" sound, and quickly slashed towards Leng Ye's neck.

Facing 11's knife, Leng Ye felt powerless for the first time. It was a feeling of powerlessness that could not be avoided and could only wait for death to come.If another person had used the same horizontal slash to attack him with a knife at this moment, Leng Ye would have at least dozens of ways to save himself and counterattack at the same time, but unfortunately he was facing 11.The biggest difference between a weak hand and a master is that the attack of a master is impeccable.

Ordinary people only know how to use a knife to slash randomly in order to injure the opponent, and they don't care whether the knife can make the opponent fatal or lose their ability to move. Disorganized.But that's not the case with masters' moves. What they emphasize is fighting for life, that is, killing people with a knife.What they attack are all the big acupoints around the body or the vital points everywhere, and it only takes one knife to definitely kill a person.Although each of their knives and moves seems simple, in fact, they all imply a deep philosophy.A simple knife can make people unavoidable.

Martial arts is like learning computer programming. If the same program is written by ten people, it is very likely that there will be ten completely different programs, but the final result is the same.That's why there is a saying that "the master leads the door, and the practice is in the individual". What the master can teach is only the moves. Everyone's understanding and their own strengths and weaknesses are different, so they develop different martial arts, but they are more suitable for them.

Just like the horizontal cut that 11 is using at this moment, if it is used by ordinary people, the strength, speed, wrist strength and blade position cannot achieve the most perfect coordination, then there is a flaw.A small flaw in a master's duel is enough to kill a person.

But 11 is a master. He has gradually developed a style suitable for him in constant actual combat, and he has reached the peak level of melee combat with a simple blow.In terms of strength, 11 has already borrowed assistance, and it is impossible for Leng Ye to block it.Moreover, 11's knife is too fast, and he can't dodge it.Even if he blocked his wrist, judging from the position of the blade, the blade 11 obviously had a back move. Even if he could block his wrist, he couldn't stop Tian Zhan.So no matter from which point of view, as long as the knife of 11 is implemented, Leng Ye will be dead.

The surrounding pressure is getting bigger and bigger, the air is like an invisible wall constantly squeezing towards Leng Ye, he feels his heartbeat getting faster and faster, and a feeling that is pressing in his body that makes him very uncomfortable seems to burst out of his body .This is the murderous aura emanating from 11, the murderous aura is already compelling before the knife reaches, which shows that 11 really made up his mind to put him to death.

Against the strong murderous aura emanating from 11's body, Leng Ye took a small step back uncontrollably. "Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and he felt as if something had been kicked by his heel.But he didn't have time to think about what he kicked, because 11's knife had already come to his neck.

Leng Ye slammed her eyes shut, clenched her teeth, and tilted her head slightly, ready to die.It's not that he didn't think about resisting, but facing a super expert, no matter how much he resisted, it was unnecessary.Besides, the 11 knife, unless it is a master of the dragon soul martial arts group, no one can dodge it.Just like an ordinary person punches you, you can block it or jump back, but if a master punches you, it is impossible to block or avoid it.If anyone could avoid the attacks of masters, then the martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom would have no meaning to exist, and it would be impossible for them to prosper for thousands of years.

"Huh!" After a gust of wind poured into Leng Ye's left ear, there was no sound anymore, as if time had just stopped.Leng Ye slowly opened his eyes, but saw 11 holding a knife, but his eyes were fixed on the ground behind him.Tian Zhan was still resting on his neck, only a few millimeters away from the skin.Leng Ye could even feel the cold air emanating from Tian Zhan through the skin and seep into the bone marrow.

Finally, 11 slowly removed Tian Zhan from Leng Ye's neck again, then stopped looking at him, walked behind him and knelt down to pick up a dark green water bottle from the ground.Because the kettle was pressed under several thick broken iron pipes, it was difficult to be found for a while.If it hadn't been for Leng Ye who just kicked the kettle and kicked it out from below, I'm afraid 11 would have to search carefully to find it.

This is a military kettle, usually used by the rationed troops.The plane of the kettle is very uneven, and many places have been repaired repeatedly, and there are even many small holes caused by bullets.If it weren't for the extremely hard steel of this kettle, I'm afraid it would no longer be usable.The kettle has been repaired many times, and it can still be used barely, and there is still a small half of the pot of water in it.Ordinary kettles that have broken down like this have long been discarded by the owner, but the owner of this kettle is still using it, which shows that the owner cherishes it very much.It is reasonable to say that such a cherished thing, the owner can't just throw it away, but why does it appear here?The only explanation is that the owner of the kettle was torn off by his opponent without noticing it during the fight.

So there was a fight here?
11 got up and looked around. The whole laboratory was in a mess, and it was already impossible to see whether there was a battle.And even if there is a fight, it will definitely not be too intense.There are only two people in the laboratory, one is Dr. Madman, and the other is Queen Han Yuerong who was sent by 11 for treatment.Although Han Yuerong's injury has healed, he is still in a coma.Whether she was one of the parties involved in the fight is unknown.

Moreover, what 11 cares most about is not the laboratory, nor the kettle, but a small circle carved on the side of the kettle with a knife. Inside the circle are two long guns that look like semi-automatic rifles crossed together. It's like a circle with an "X" inside it.

11 squeezed the kettle lightly in his hand, and murmured in a low voice: "Big circle." Then he ignored Leng Ye who was looking at him like a monster, but walked to the edge of the pushed down bed inside. , squatting down on the bed looking for something.

Leng Ye rubbed his neck while still looking at 11 who was rummaging through a pile of tatters with lingering fear.To be honest, he is really afraid of this moody person. He may be able to go through life and death with you at this moment, and even block a bullet for you, but no one knows whether he will die at his hands the next moment.Leng Ye could feel just now that 11's murderous aura was not faked, he really wanted to kill himself, and he didn't have the slightest emotion.If it wasn't for his good luck, he accidentally kicked out a broken kettle to divert his attention, I'm afraid he would have moved his head at this moment.

But there was still one thing that Leng Ye didn't want to understand. Just now, 11 could get rid of himself before taking care of the kettle. Why did he stop all of a sudden?This is not like 11's unrelenting style of shooting.But no matter what, at least he saved his life now.

"Huh!" Leng Ye let out a long breath, clasped his palms together and silently thanked God.

11 glanced back at him, turned around and said softly, "God will not save you."

"I know." Leng Ye smiled, without the sense of surviving a catastrophe at all, and said, "You let me go."

Eleven said without looking back, "Even if I don't kill you, you will die."

"Gulu!" Leng Ye swallowed a mouthful of water and said, "Then I will stay away from you from now on."

11 was annoyed to talk nonsense with him, and raised the corner of the bed a little bit to fumble for something underneath.

Leng Ye walked to Eleven's side, rubbed his neck and asked, "Why did you let me go?"

11 Throwing the kettle behind him, Leng Ye caught it, suddenly his face changed, and he said, "Big circle?"

"Yeah." Eleven pulled out a rag that was still stained with blood from under the bed. It was a piece of cloth from the coat that Fat Duck had taken off when Bao Han Yuerong came over. 11 took a few glances, stood up and handed over the piece of cloth as well.

Leng Ye took a look and asked, "What is this?"

"The clothes on the queen's body."

"Queen?" Leng Ye was stunned for a moment: "Why is she here?"

"She's here for treatment."

Leng Ye pinched the blood on the rag, sniffed it under his nose, and said, "The blood on it should have been stained for a long time."

"En." 11 replied, and began to rummage through another pile of junk.

Leng Ye asked with interest: "What is this place?"

Eleven said without looking up: "The laboratory."

"I know, but whose lab is it? What is it for?"

"you do not need to know."

"Okay." Leng Ye compromised: "Then I won't ask. But..." He shook the kettle and asked, "Did you decide to save my life after seeing the big circle?"


Leng Ye smiled wryly: "Don't speak so directly, it will hurt my self-esteem very much."

The conversation between the two didn't have the tense and life-and-death atmosphere just now, as if nothing had happened between them just now.

"Okay." Leng Ye pretended to sigh and said, "Tell me. If you spared my life, you must want me to do something for you. Don't you want me to help you deal with the big circle?"

"It's the big circle." 11 found a trampled headset from the pile of junk, it was the communicator with Frenzy.He took a few glances and said, "The queen and the lunatic were captured by the big circle. I can't save them by myself. I need your ability."

Leng Ye was stunned: "Who is the lunatic?"

"The master of this laboratory."

"Damn, your secrecy work is really good." After a pause, Leng Ye smiled and reminded: "By the way, help you find another person, right?"


"But why should I help you?"

"You will." Eleven glanced at him coldly, and said softly, "You have no choice."

Leng Ye shrugged, and said with a nonchalant expression: "The big deal is that he died in your hands."

11 said blankly, "You can die by my hand, or by someone you are loyal to. You can only choose one."

Leng Ye picked his nose and said, "What?"

"Leng Ye." 11 looked at him and said, "Knowing too much is not a good thing, especially those who are not capable of protecting secrets that they shouldn't know."

Leng Ye's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately returned to his cynical look, and said with a smile: "Are you trying to sow discord? Are you instigating me to treason?"

"You understand better than me that politics doesn't have emotions. What ability do you have to know the secret of the Dragon Soul? You are even allowed to enter the most mysterious Dragon Soul Foundation in the Dragon Kingdom?"

"I..." Leng Ye opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't come up with a reason that convinced himself.

"You are not a high-level leader of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is impossible to enter the high-level in this life. Even few people in the high-level know the correct location of the Dragon Soul base. You can come in, and you haven't figured it out yet?"

Leng Ye scratched his head and said, "What do you want to understand?"

11 said lightly: "Actually, you already know it, but you just don't want to accept this fact, right?"

Leng Ye stared blankly at 11, and after a long while smiled wryly and said: "I was born in a military family, and I was instilled in the thought that the interests of the motherland are above all else since I was a child. Even if it costs my life, I will not hesitate."

"Foolish loyalty." 11 said mercilessly: "So you are destined to become a victim of politics."

Leng Ye shrugged and said, "At least my current life is pretty good."

11 stared at him silently, and suddenly asked: "When the monkeys and the mad tide withdrew, did you let them go on purpose?"

Leng Ye smiled and said: "It's not intentional, but there were too many things at that time..."

"So from then on, you were doomed."

Leng Ye's complexion changed slightly.

11 continued: "You have lost the trust of the superiors by letting go of the monkey and the mad tide, how can a person who has fallen out of favor rest assured that you will take over the secret of the Dragon Soul?" He stared at Leng Ye and said in a cold voice: "This only shows that , the person you are loyal to has already plotted to kill you."

Leng Ye began to frown, but still did not speak.After pondering for a moment, Leng Ye smiled suddenly: "These are just your conjectures. My task this time is you, and now the task has been completed. As long as I go back and hand in the task, nothing will happen. Right?"


Leng Ye pouted and said, "Otherwise what do you think?"

11 said indifferently: "Why do you know about Dowell?" Without waiting for Leng Ye to speak, 11 continued: "If Dowell suddenly disappeared, do you think you will be dead or alive after you go back?"

Leng Ye frowned hard.He didn't feel anything wrong when he knew about Dowell, but now he heard 11 say this, and he suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.The higher ups are testing him?Otherwise, how could he be allowed to notify Dowell, a person who has nothing to do with the mission, during such an urgent mission?Just like what 11 said, if Dowell suddenly disappeared under the strict monitoring from above, there could only be an inner ghost responding, and that inner ghost is of course him.Thinking of this, Leng Ye's complexion changed a few times again.

11 walked in front of Leng Ye. Although Leng Ye was a few years older, the height difference between the two was almost the same. 11 stared at him coldly, and said softly, "Actually, you should have thought of it a long time ago."

Leng Ye smiled bitterly: "That's just your speculation, okay?" His smile was a little forced, Leng Ye is a smart person, there are many things that don't need to be explained too clearly.

After a pause, Leng Ye suddenly seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "Even if I know those secrets, so what? I am loyal to the country... Aha, I know. You brat is really good at playing psychological tactics." , I was almost deceived by you."

11 smiled lightly, turned around and walked towards the warehouse, and said as he walked, "You know politics better than me. Unless you can meet the requirements for entering the Dragon Soul in a short time, you will be considered as a general." , and there is only death. Once you betray the country, the consequences will be disastrous."

Leng Ye curled her lips and said, "If they were worried about my treason, they wouldn't let me participate in this mission."

11 stopped at the warehouse door, but without turning around, turned his back to Leng Ye and said, "If you don't let you know too many secrets, how can there be an excuse to get rid of you. Idiot." After finishing speaking, 11 He stepped into the warehouse.

In the laboratory, only Leng Ye was left standing alone, with his head down and his gloomy face, thinking about something.

Although what 11 said is just his personal speculation, Leng Ye has already believed it to a certain extent.He was born in a military family, his grandfather died in the founding war, his father inherited his grandfather's behest, also joined the army to serve the country, and later died in the battle of Longyue.Influenced by two generations of his grandfather, Leng Ye has always been proud of being a soldier, so he grew up in a military school since he was a child, and was selected for years of cruel secret training when he was a teenager.After the training was over, he was sent into the dark world to perform some secret missions until he met 11.

As he grows older and more knowledgeable, he also gradually understands the ruthlessness of politics.If politics is a beast, then there may be a little family affection without conflict of interests.But once in contact with the benefits, the ferocious beast will completely show its ferocity, and there will be absolutely no family affection under its sharp claws, that is, the six relatives will not recognize it.

The first dynasty of the Dragon Kingdom was the Xia Dynasty, and the founding king was Qi, the son of Dayu. According to unreliable sources, Dayu was about to implement the ancient abdication system when he was old, but his son took the opportunity to seize the throne and created the throne. A system of inheritance from father to son.Every generation of emperors since Xia has grown up from bloodshed. It is not uncommon for fathers to kill their sons and siblings to kill each other.In the Qin Dynasty, the first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom to claim the title of emperor killed his father and brother to seize the throne.In the Han Dynasty, after Liu Bang won the world, Maotou immediately pointed to the founding hero who worked for him.In the Three Kingdoms, Cao Zhi, the son of Wei Emperor Cao Cao, wrote a poem "The same roots are born, so why is it too urgent to fight each other?" It also means the cruelty of the emperor's family.In the early Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin killed his own brother and forced his father to abdicate to create a prosperous Tang Dynasty.

The dots and spots in history are enough to witness the cruelty of politics. In politics, fathers and sons and brothers can kill each other, not to mention those who have nothing to do with each other.

Sometimes politics really is more ruthless than scourge.

Therefore, Leng Ye did not doubt what 11 said. He understood politics, and he also knew the cruelty of politics.Sometimes politically, necessary sacrifices must be made.If you have to kill one innocent person to save a hundred innocent people, what should you choose?

It's not that Leng Ye can't accept the ruthlessness of politics, but he can't accept the practice of digging a hole for himself to jump.If it hadn't been for 11's slap in the face, maybe he really had to wait until the moment he jumped into the pit before he could wake up.

What 11 said is very clear. It is impossible for a person who has been lurking in the dark world to perform tasks for many years to be truly trusted. What's more, Leng Ye deliberately let go of the top hackers and monkeys that must be in his hands. .The higher-ups were no fools, and it was impossible not to see that he did it on purpose, so from that moment he was out of favor.How can a person who has lost his favor be ordered to perform a mission with a very high security level like participating in the Dragon Soul?The only explanation is that the higher ups really wanted to murder him.I would rather kill one by mistake than put an unsafe factor by my side.

Leng Ye shook his head and let out a long sigh, blaming him for being too naive.After the mission of the Chen family ended and he left the Dark Cross, he was awarded a military rank. Although he was a figurehead and didn't have half a soldier's rank under him, he had already greatly satisfied his vanity.Who doesn't want to be an officer in the army?But at this moment he really realized the meaning behind this "official".

Leng Ye stood outside alone for a long time, then slowly walked into the warehouse after sighing deeply.

In the warehouse, 11 is carefully inspecting the wooden racks where the weapons were originally placed.

Leng Ye walked in and asked softly, "What are you going to do?"

Eleven glanced back at him and asked, "Have you decided?"

Leng Ye shook his head and said: "This is just your one-sided statement, I have to prove it."

11 Turned back and didn't speak again. Sometimes not speaking is more meaningful than speaking.He understands Leng Ye, the two of them are very similar, what they pursue is the result rather than their own fate.At the beginning, 11 resolutely returned to the "devil" in order to prove the facts regardless of the danger. If Chu Hailan hadn't sacrificed his life to save him, he would have already become a product of Dr. Qin's "Ice Project".On the contrary, the same is true for Leng Ye, maybe after he goes back to verify this time, there will be no such person as Leng Ye in this world again.

Leng Ye walked to his side and said softly, "This time may be the last time we cooperate."


Leng Ye seemed to let go of his thoughts temporarily, and asked, "What did you find?"

11 stood up and said: "The people who broke into the laboratory this time should be divided into two groups. One group is a large circle, and the number will not be large. The other group should be mercenaries, with a number of more than 20 people."

"Oh?" Leng Ye scratched his nose and asked: "With a big circle, do we need other mercenaries? Is there any organization in the east that can have more fighting power than the big circle?"

"It's not combat power. The big circle is for fighting, and the other group is for moving things."

Leng Ye nodded, and asked again: "But you need to hire a team of mercenaries to move things? Is there any place to spend the money? The money to hire a mercenary team of dozens of people is enough to invite all the moving companies in the capital." .”

11 shook his head and said: "The mercenary team should be their own people, and they don't need to spend money." After a pause, he said: "Come with me."

Leng Ye followed 11 into the underground biological research room, and when he saw the bloody scene inside, he couldn't help taking a deep breath and said, "It's really abnormal."

11 said softly, "It's not the big circle."

"I know." Leng Ye agreed, "Most of the big circle is composed of retired soldiers. What they emphasize is discipline, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a strong fighting force." He walked to an iron cage and looked at it. Seeing an unrecognizable lynx that has been mowed inside, he shook his head and said, "The method is cruel, but it has received professional training. It is a centralized training organization."

"Yes, the same nature as the 'devil'."

Leng Ye smiled bitterly and said: "An organization with such financial resources is definitely not easy to mess with, not to mention there are big circles involved. Besides, we don't even know what their purpose is." He pointed to 11, then pointed to Pointing to himself, he said, "Besides, it's just you and me on our side..."


"I just don't want to make unnecessary sacrifices. If you want me to accompany you to die, you must let me die first, right?"

11 glanced at him, and said softly, "What if these people are related to Nine-Tailed Fox?"

Leng Ye was stunned: "Nine-tailed fox?"

(End of this chapter)

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