human ice maker

Chapter 329 Death's Roaring Kill!

Chapter 329 Death's Roaring Kill!
Two dilapidated and unremarkable civilian cars drove towards the residential area.

Leng Ye hid in the corner of the roof, the sight had already been aimed at the forehead of the driver of one of the cars, but he did not shoot for a long time.

"Three cars." Kuang Chao said, "Guri and Sila are in the last car, they didn't come over."

11 pressed the headset lightly and said: "Leng Ye, wait for the opportunity to snipe the third car." 11 didn't need to say too much, Leng Ye could understand what he meant by the opportunity.This opportunity is not to shoot too early, otherwise it will startle the snake.It can't be too late, otherwise the other party will run away.Although the power of the sniper rifle is astonishing, but the time interval is too long, if the other party rushes away, how many can be killed even if Leng Ye has the best ability?

"Understood." Leng Ye moved the sight from the forehead of the driver of the first car to the third car parked on the far side of the road, then held his breath and remained motionless like a statue.

11 Standing by the window and opening the corner of the curtain to look outside, two cars stopped at the door, and six dark-skinned Indians got out of the car, two of them were met at the airport Passed and "molested" Fat Duck.

The six people walked straight towards the house after getting out of the car.

"Seven." 11 gently lowered the curtains, turned around and walked into the bathroom to hide, and said as he walked, "Six in and one out."

Leng Ye's voice came from the headset: "Understood, I will solve it."

The six Innes seemed as natural as returning to their own home. Five people surrounded the door, and the other took out a bunch of master keys and inserted them into the lockhole for a while. After a soft "click", the door was finally opened.The six Inners drove straight in as if they were in no one's land, and dispersed immediately after entering the house.

There was no one in the hall, only a little white dog was squatting on the ground, tilting its head and looking curiously at the six people who barged in without knocking.

The last Englishman to come in locked the door behind him. After murmuring a few words, the six drew out their pistols one after another. The two stayed in the hall and the other four went upstairs.And none of them noticed that the little white dog wobbled to the gate and squatted down just now, as if it was going to guard the gate and not let anyone leave.

The four of them had just reached the stairs when suddenly there was a sound of "clang" from the bathroom, as if something had fallen to the ground.The four of them looked at each other, and slowly moved towards the bathroom with their pistols in hand.At this time, there was the sound of the toilet flushing again in the bathroom, and then someone unscrewed the water cage as if washing their hands.

An Englishman put his ear to the door lightly, wanting to listen carefully.The other three people also gathered around the door and aimed their guns at the door panel, ready to shoot at any time.Just as his ear was touching the door, a dagger pierced out of the door without warning, pierced through the wooden door as easily as a paper window, and inserted the knife deeply into the man's ear.Immediately, a stream of bright red blood spurted out from his pierced ear, staining the entire door panel red.And the Inni man just trembled suddenly, and died before he could even make a scream.

Almost at the same time as the dagger was retracted, the other three Innes were yelling like crazy and shooting through the door panel desperately.When the gunshots rang out, the Englishman, who was still standing outside the door letting the wind blow, turned his head and glanced at the door.But gunshots rang out continuously, and he realized that something was wrong, he immediately threw the cigarette he had just lit in his hand, rushed into the car and shouted desperately with the intercom in hand.

Suddenly, "bang" a particularly piercing gunshot rang out.The Englishman was stunned for a moment, because the gunshot was completely different from the pistol gunshot just now, but their people were obviously only carrying Qingyi-style pistols, so where did the gunshot come from?Immediately he knew the answer, and before the sound of the gunshots dissipated, the car parked far away that was holding Gu Li and Silla suddenly exploded without warning.The whole car "boomed" with a loud bang, and was moved laterally for a distance of one meter, before being covered by raging fire and billowing smoke.

The Englishman who was letting the wind stared blankly at the explosion in the distance for a few seconds, then pressed the intercom and screamed desperately.

"Bang!" It was another crisp shot, and the car immediately plunged into the explosion and flames.

After Leng Ye, who was hiding on the top floor, fired two shots, he put away the sniper rifle, and then quickly ran to the stairs and jumped down.If 11 saw the two shots just now, he would definitely admire Leng Ye's shooting level. Those two shots are no longer what a professional sniper can achieve.Leng Ye shot at the fuel tank of the car, but he did not shoot through, but cross-cut.

As we all know, if the muzzle is aimed at the fuel tank of the car and fired, the bullet can indeed penetrate the fuel tank, but the probability of causing an explosion is not very high.But Leng Ye's sniper technique is ingenious, let the high-speed flying bullets shoot through the iron shell of the car and then stick to the fuel tank, using the principle of air to forcefully cut a hole in the fuel tank, and the sparks from the rubbing lead to the inside of the fuel tank gasoline.So at this moment, the fuel tanks inside the two cars are not in the shape of a through hole, but in the shape of a long cut.In addition to being familiar with all vehicles to a certain degree, this kind of sniping technique also requires the cooperation of eyesight, wrist strength, observation ability, precision, etc. to reach a perfect level.As far as snipers are concerned, Leng Ye has indeed reached the pinnacle of sniping.

In the house, from the moment the first Inni man was pierced through the ear by 11 with the Sky Slash, the other three immediately frantically shot towards the bathroom through the door.The bullets penetrated the door and hit the cups, mirrors and other things in the bathroom, making endless "cracking" sounds, but they didn't hear the shouts they were expecting.

Perhaps the cooperation between the three people was not tacit enough, or maybe they were panicked by 11's sudden knife, and the three of them shot the bullets in the magazine almost at the same time.Just when the last bullet was fired, there was a sudden "bang", and the wooden door in the washroom, which was already pierced with hundreds of holes, was kicked out from the inside.At the same time, a figure rushed out close to the door panel, and a cold light quickly swiped down from top to bottom to the left.The sharp Tian Zhan slashed the man on the left from the head to the chest, and immediately stabbed the other person's eye with a backhand. Tian Zhan pierced his eyeball and penetrated deeply into the eye socket bone and smashed the brain.

"Wow!" The third Inni screamed heart-piercingly, and turned around to run away.But when he just turned around, he was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

The two Inners who were originally standing behind these four people and were supposed to guard the hall were now lying in a pool of blood, and the bright red blood was sprayed everywhere.

The blood sprayed to the ceiling by the blood pressure of the heart is dripping down drop by drop, blood red rain, blood red water, blood red room.

Both of them were lying on their backs, their eyes were wide open, as if they didn't believe how they died until they died.And the unremarkable little white dog just now was squatting between the two corpses, sticking out its scarlet tongue and licking its nostrils incessantly.

The Englishman opened his mouth and stared wide-eyed, unable to believe what he saw for a long time.A ghostly figure rushed out of the bathroom, and in the blink of an eye, he solved his three partners, but he hadn't seen the face of the other party clearly until now.The most bizarre thing is that the two companions behind him died quietly, but who killed them?Could it be this dog?But I have never heard that a dog can have such a powerful skill.

Crazy, the world is crazy.

Inni only felt that the whole world was spinning, and he even began to wonder if he was dreaming.

Suddenly, Tianling Gai felt a sharp pain, and the Inni felt his eyes went dark and he couldn't wake up again.

11 pulled Tian Zhan out, glanced sideways at the stairs, walked to the two corpses next to Xiaobai, quickly hooked the two corpses with his toes, and turned them over on their backs.

At the same time, Leng Ye jumped down from upstairs, looked at the six corpses in the hall, shook his head and said, "Slaughterhouse? Chu Yuan, I'm starting to wonder if you have a tendency to torture and kill." Leng Ye said As he walked towards 11, his eyes were fixed on the two corpses on the ground with their backs facing up.

Without even looking at him, 11 took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed a red button on it.Then he threw the remote control to the ground aside, turned around and left.

Leng Ye, who originally wanted to check the corpse, was startled when he saw 11 press the remote control: "Damn, it's a good thing I moved fast enough. Otherwise, I didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but I was played to death by you first." Said After all, Leng Ye also knew that 11 had activated the time bomb they had already installed. As long as 11 pressed the start button, the bomb would detonate in ten seconds.So Leng Ye could only quickly follow 11 to evacuate while complaining.

Just as the two of them and the dog got into the car, there was a loud bang, followed by a tremor on the ground.All the window glass of the apartment they lived in these two days was blown into pieces and scattered all over the sky, and the whole apartment was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

A car left this area and drove towards the city quickly.


Dragon country, capital city.

Beijing Shou University is the No.1 university in Longguo, so many talented scholars and beauties are proud to be admitted to Beijing Shou University.In people's eyes, Beijing Shou University is full of mystery.Just like some people are full of mystery in the eyes of others.

For example, this young man at the moment.

This young man had been standing at the gate of Beijing Shou University for a long time, as if he was like a statue, motionless.His face was indifferent, his eyes were also gray, and there was no trace of life in his body.

Lifeless, maybe that's the right word to describe him.

Suddenly, the young man moved.After standing motionless at the gate of Beijing Shou University for more than two hours, he finally moved.He walked straight towards several young men and women who came out together.

"Chu Yuan?" One of the young girls stopped and looked at the young man approaching him in surprise.

Chu Yuan?Chu Yuan is 11, but isn't 11 in Yingni at the moment?Why did this girl call him Chu Yuan?

The young man called Chu Yuan by the girl stopped in front of her, looked at her with indifferent eyes, and said in the same indifferent tone: "Wen Wei." As soon as the words fell, "Chu Yuan" suddenly grabbed Wen Wei hand, pulling her away.

A man who came out with Wen Wei shouted urgently: "What are you doing, let go!" He was about to rush forward and forcefully pull Wen Wei away.

"Chu Yuan" suddenly pulled Wen Wei into his arms, and Wen Wei threw herself into his arms with a soft cry. "Chu Yuan" took advantage of the situation and punched out, hitting the cheek of the man who rushed forward.The man screamed in pain and rolled to the side.

"Chu Yuan" pulled Wen Wei to continue walking outside as if he had never made a move.Only a group of people stayed in place in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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