human ice maker

Chapter 355 Death's Roar 1 "Big Gamble"

Chapter 355 Death's Roar, A "Big Gamble"

The operator mentioned by the tide also came in a car, and his car was parked not far behind 11 and their car.The driver in the car didn't get off. Both 11 and Leng Ye noticed that the driver in the car behind stopped the car and then sat in it looking left and right, as if looking for someone.

"Frenzy." Leng Ye said, "Let me contact him."

"Okay." Kuang Tide replied.

There was a soft "beep" from the headset, followed by a long waiting tone of "beep... beep...".Leng Ye has been observing the movements of the people in the car behind from the rearview mirror, only to see that he took out his mobile phone, looked at it, then picked it up, and said something in English that he didn't understand.

Leng Ye asked in pure Longguo dialect: "Are you here?"

The man smiled, and also replied in pure Longguo dialect: "Yes, I'm here."

"We're in that jeep 30 meters in front of you."

The man stretched his neck and looked forward, nodded and said, "I'll come over."

After hanging up the phone, the Inni opened the car door and walked straight to the car where the three of 11 were.Walking to the car door, he knocked politely first.When the rear door was opened, Innie warmly greeted the three people in the car as if seeing a familiar old friend, and then got into the car by himself very bluntly and closed the door behind him.

"Hi everyone, my name is Tali." As soon as he sat down, the Inni introduced himself immediately: "Boss arranged for me to be your guide for this trip, and I hope you won't disappoint the three of you."

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Your Long Guo speaks well."

Tali grinned and replied: "My father is from the Dragon Kingdom, so I also have the blood of the Dragon Kingdom. Although I am now an Englishman, I am even more proud of the Dragon Kingdom blood."

Leng Ye nodded, no more greetings, and asked nunuzui to the opposite building: "Tali, are you familiar with the inside?"

Tali nodded and said: "Of course I know, this is Black Jasmine's hall. Black Jasmine has been very arrogant in Innie these past few years, suppressing other gangs everywhere, trying to monopolize Inni." Speaking of this, Tari snorted softly , showing a look of disdain and said: "The bigger Black Jasmine's territory develops, the more arrogant they become. In recent years, even our Qinghongmen have been ignored."

Hearing Tali's dissatisfied tone, he seemed to have been angered by Black Jasmine, Leng Ye smiled calmly and asked, "Have you ever been there?"

"I've been there a few times." Tali smiled a little embarrassedly: "It can't be helped, their women are more punctual."

Leng Ye showed an understanding expression, and asked again: "Tell us about the situation inside."

"No problem." Tali nodded, sorted out his thoughts and said: "There are only one to three floors open to the public, the first floor is the casino, and it is open 24 hours and never closed. The area is about... about..." Tali scratched his head, thought for a while and said, "Anyway, this is the whole first floor."

Leng Ye took a look, the building covered an area of ​​over a thousand square meters, nodded and said, "Continue."

Tari showed a dissatisfied look and said bitterly: "Everyone knows that Black Jasmine is backed by the government. This is already a tacit open secret in Yingni. Casinos in other places are often raided by the police. Even our youth Hongmen has also been taken over a few times, only Black Jasmine's place has never been taken over, and the poor gamblers who got involved all like to come to the casino run by Black Jasmine, and the places of other gangs can't live happily."

After all, Tari was selected by Yu Guanghai carefully. After making a few complaints, he knew enough was enough, and continued: "The second floor is a dance hall. It opens at ten o'clock every night and stays open until five or five in the morning of the next day. Finish at six."

After a pause, Tali blinked at Leng Ye mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "It's openly a dance hall, but most of the people who come there are doing shady transactions, anyway, Black Jasmine's territory is the safest, no The police may appear, so many people like to open a box in this dance hall to conduct face-to-face transactions. Of course, as long as you are not Black Jasmine’s enemy or a gang against them, otherwise your transaction has not yet started , Guaranteed to be blacked out by black jasmine's scum, and not even spit out a single bone."

Leng Ye asked: "What kind of deals are these?"

Tari said with a smile: "Of course it is easy to carry, such as white noodles or a few pistols. If you are trading large items, such as arms, you will choose another place. You can't drive the whole truck into the box for inspection. Buy it." After a pause, Tali continued: "The third floor is a hotel, a place for men to enjoy, but the cost of opening a room is enough to make your flesh hurt for several days, and that's not counting. Looking for women's money. Hey, but no matter how high their prices are, there are often no vacancies in there. People who go to the third floor are either looking for women or taking drugs. People are in charge."

"What about the fourth floor?"

"Fourth floor?" Tali shook his head and said, "No one has ever gone up to the fourth floor. The fourth, fifth, and sixth floors of this building have never been made public. Except for the people from Black Jasmine, no one knows where it is. What are you doing. Oh, some people did not believe in the evil and forced their way up there before, but they were all carried out lying down and sent directly to the crematorium."

Leng Ye asked: "According to your guess, what is above the fourth floor?"

Tari said with a smile: "What else is there, this is Black Jasmine's hall, it must be where their boss and gang veterans work."

Leng Ye shook his head and said, "Does the office take up three floors? Wouldn't it be more profitable to save two floors for entertainment?"

Tali said with a wry smile: "I really don't know, I dare not go up to have a look. The corridor entrances from the third to fourth floors are guarded all the time, and anyone who dares to go up will collapse directly."

Leng Ye thought for a while, looked at 11 who had been silent all this time, and asked, "What do you think?"

It was only at this moment that Tali dared to secretly look at 11 who was sitting next to him. From entering the car to now, he looked at 11 for the second time.The first time I saw it was when I greeted him and came in. At that time, 11's face was facing out of the car window, and the back of his head was facing him.Tali didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but since he sat next to 11, he has been feeling very uncomfortable, which is a feeling that is difficult to describe.It seemed that sitting next to him was a mass of empty air. Many times, Tali almost forgot that there was a big living person sitting beside him.

It is reasonable to say that the air will not attract people's attention, nor will it cause a person's discomfort, but for some reason, Tali has been feeling very uncomfortable since entering the compartment, as if very depressed, but he just couldn't find it. Where is the source of this depression.

Not only Tali, but also Leng Ye and Fat Duck often have this illusion, obviously 11 is by their side, but they can't notice his existence.As if this person was just a statue, cold and lifeless.

But more often than not, Leng Ye can perceive something Fat Duck can't feel more deeply than Fat Duck, that is, there will be some kind of cold air that is almost suffocating from 11's body. A breath of death that makes people tremble deeply from the depths of the bone marrow.

Of course, this kind of coldness will only disappear in a flash when 11 kills. Anyone will inevitably leak more or less murderous aura when he makes a kill, but what Leng Ye felt on 11 It's not just as simple as killing intent.The murderous aura leaked by others when killing people will make a real master aware of the danger, but the murderous aura of 11 makes people directly feel the death, not just the danger.

If the previous 11 was like a ghost, then the current 11 is like a real but invisible ghost.In the past, he always appeared and disappeared quietly, so that you will never be able to figure out his whereabouts.It is very likely that you will be standing behind you the next moment, until the knife in his hand is about to cut your throat, you will suddenly realize that someone is standing behind you, although it is already too late.

But now, when 11 makes a shot, you can really feel the chilling and weird aura of the ghost, as if walking alone in a dark alley in the middle of the night, a deep feeling suddenly rises from the bottom of your heart. The fear and cold caused the hairs all over his body to stand on end.He felt the fear and torture from the unknown physically and mentally, but he couldn't find the source of that fear.It was a kind of fear and exhaustion from the body to the bottom of the heart, and there was no thought of resistance at all, and the only thought left in the mind was to escape.It wasn't until the knife in 11's hand came out from nowhere and cut his throat that he was freed from fear, and then suddenly realized that you were here.

This is what Leng Ye felt from 11, the biggest difference between before he disappeared and when he reappeared half a year later.This can only show that 11 has improved, and he has entered another spiritual level.In the past, 11 would only make people aware of his position at the moment of the shot, just like a ghost appeared in front of people's eyes, and lost its mystery and the fear it should have, leaving only danger.But now 11 wants to kill a person, this person will not find out where he is hiding until he dies, he can only feel the torment of death and fear from his body and mind, and then helplessly wait for the moment of death judgment to end.

The invisible enemy is the most terrifying.This sentence will always be the most reasonable saying in the dark world.

Therefore, as long as 11 says "I will kill you" to Leng Ye, Leng Ye's heart will tremble inexplicably. The frightening and chilling aura gushing out from within.So Leng Ye knew that when 11 said this, he was not joking, but serious.And every time he felt the aura from 11's body, Leng Ye couldn't think of any resistance at all.It's not that he didn't want to resist, but that 11 was clearly standing in front of his eyes, but Leng Ye intuitively felt that 11 disappeared in front of his eyes, and he didn't know from which direction his knife would be handed out the next moment.Therefore, he knew that there was no need to fight between two people, and he had already lost, losing at the spiritual level, at another spiritual level that was completely incomparable.

When Leng Ye questioned 11, Tali also watched 11 quietly with a look of attention.At this moment, he finally saw 11's profile clearly.It was a very young guy, and at first glance he gave people the feeling of being gentle and gentle, more like a college student who was studying Chinese and ink than like a member of the mercenary community who lived on the edge of a knife.He didn't speak or smile, just lowered his head slightly, his eyes didn't know where to look, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't seem to think about anything.And from his eyes, Tali saw a trace of gray, lifeless, as if he was disgusted with the gray of this world, as if there was no one or anything in this world that could arouse his interest.Because of his eyes, so lonely and lonely.

After a long time, Tali finally heard the voice of 11 for the first time. It was very cold, very light, cold without any emotion, and light like his eyes, full of gray, full of a certain bleak taste .

11 simply spit out two words: "Step on the spot."

Leng Ye nodded, expressing that there was no objection, then turned to the tower and said, "Tali, take us in for a stroll."

Terry smiled and said, "No problem."

Leng Ye suddenly thought of a question and asked, "They don't know you are from the Green Gang, do they?"

Tali patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, the boss considered your safety, so he chose me as a guide. I've only been here a few times, and I haven't had any disputes with them. Besides, I'm a small role in the gang. , I only visit the shop on weekdays, and rarely come out to do things, so no one should recognize me."

"Okay. Get out of the car."

Four people including Fat Duck got out of the car at the same time. Originally, Fat Duck wanted to stay and watch the car, but when a group of friends went out to play, how could they leave one of them alone to watch the car and run to enjoy it by themselves? ?If Fat Duck is the driver, their broken car alone doesn't look like a rich man who can afford a private driver, so keeping Fat Duck will attract more attention.

After getting off the car, Tari and Leng Ye warmly hugged each other, like old friends they haven't seen for many years, they walked into the casino while talking and laughing. 11 walked in the middle without looking sideways, while Fat Duck followed 11 in a regular manner.

Just entering the casino, a girl in only three-point style came over and asked a word in English.Tari also replied a few words in English, and then turned around and asked, "Or go to the third floor for gambling? The dance hall is not open at this time."

Leng Ye took out his wallet from his body, took out a few coal coins, thought for a while and put back two, and handed the girl three.It's not that Leng Ye is stingy and reluctant to spend more money, but that they can't attract too much attention.If you spend a lot of money as soon as you come in, it will easily attract the attention of interested people, especially at this time when Yingni is very strict with foreign travelers.On the contrary, Leng Ye's reluctance to spend money will only make people think that he is a poor ghost who wants to play but can't afford it, but is afraid of losing face.

Sure enough, there was a little sarcasm in the eyes of the three o'clock girl, but she hid it very well. She nodded with a smile on her face, said something British, and then walked away.It's not that there are no people who come here to gamble for small amounts, but most of them just gamble for a small amount, and such people are usually the last thing the waiters want to receive, because they can't even pay a tip.There are also many people who come to gamble. These people often lose all the chips on the table without changing their faces, and even leave some tips for the waiters before leaving.However, most of those who can gamble are foreigners, and most of them come to Inny to discuss business and have fun.And after they finished their big bets, the next thing they usually did was to go up to the third floor.

The third floor is divided into two areas with different levels. There are also two passages leading to the third floor. One is to the ordinary area, which is the "hotel" in the tower. There are dragons and snakes in it. Dare to make trouble, whoever dares to make trouble in Black Jasmine's territory will undoubtedly be sentenced to death.The other channel can only go up by taking the elevator, directly to the Regal District.The price of opening a house in an ordinary area has been a pain for most ordinary people for a few days, not to mention in a wealthy area. It is estimated that a normal person who lives there for one night will immediately declare bankruptcy. Of course, this is based on the per capita income of Inney.The treatment in the wealthy area is also out of proportion to that in the ordinary area. Not to mention the splendor of the decoration, the women inside are definitely carefully selected. Their faces are so beautiful that they are impeccable, and they are so sexy that they can't wait to hug them immediately. Going to bed to vent out some primitive desires, here are five or six women who can easily come out of the ordinary area.Moreover, every house in the wealthy area is ridiculously large, and there is an independent bathtub inside. If you are interested, you can also ask three or five women to have a water fight in it, provided that you have the physical strength and are willing to spend it on ordinary people. It's all astronomical money.

(End of this chapter)

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