human ice maker

Chapter 369 Destiny and Dark Beast Fight

Chapter 369 Destiny and Dark Beast Fight
With a flash of his figure, 11 had disappeared in place, and the next moment he had appeared beside Bingyan.The three masters outside the arena let out an exclamation at the same time, and a hint of surprise flashed in Bing Yan's eyes.The four of them thought that 11 had tried his best in the fight with Bingyan just now, but judging from the speed at which he dodges at this moment, 11 did not use his full strength just now, and this moment is his full strength.

The four masters originally had a high evaluation of 11, but they didn't expect him to hide his strength even in danger.

horrible!This thought flashed through the minds of the four masters at the same time.

Bing Yan didn't have time to think, 11 had already slapped him on the back of the head.After all, Bingyan is a famous master, with decades more experience and proficiency than 11, even if the combat experience is not as good as 11, but the actual skill is not comparable to the current 11.Although Bing Yan was surprised, he turned his body unhurriedly, his left palm passed under his right armpit, just in time for 11's palm.But just when the two palms were about to touch, Bing Yan suddenly discovered that there was a wave of energy flowing in 11's palm.His complexion changed, knowing that 11 had secretly used the ice ability, and before he had time to think about it, he spit out the ice ability at the same time.

"Crack!" The two palms intersected, and the two of them took a few steps back at the same time.In the eyes of Xiaoye and Dowell, 11 and Bingyan each took four steps back, perhaps a close confrontation.However, the four masters of 11 and Dragon Soul in the field knew that 11 still lost this time, because he was ready to fight, while Bingyan was in a hurry to fight. , it is already 11 lost.

What surprised the three masters outside the arena was that after they took four steps back, a thin layer of frost was left on the ground in the arena.Maybe Dowell and Xiaoye couldn't see it, but it's normal for the ground to freeze in this ghostly weather.But the three of them are all masters, and they can tell at a glance that the frost on the ground is not condensed because the weather is too cold.At the same time, the three masters also noticed that Bingyan's left palm and 11's right palm were covered with a thin layer of frost.It's just that Dowell and Xiaoye didn't notice this situation, because in their eyes, 11 and Bingyan fought together again without even having time to breathe.

11 took four steps back, and just when he stood firmly, he touched the ground with his toes, and his body rushed towards the ice rock again.This time, he didn't show any fancy, just leaned forward slightly, and slammed his shoulder into Bing Yan's arms heavily.There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Bing Yan's mouth, if someone could see it, they would find that Bing Yan was a satisfied smile.At this moment, he almost forgot that the two were hostile identities, and only regarded 11 as a rapidly growing junior, or an opponent of equal strength.

Bing Yan turned sideways to make room, and 11's shoulder hit the air, brushing Bing Yan's body.Bing Yan, on the other hand, turned his right palm into a knife and slashed towards the back of 11's neck.

11 suddenly stopped the body that was rushing forward with all its strength, and turned around in an impossible posture. At the same time, his left palm also slashed at Bingyan's Adam's apple with a knife.

The four masters, including Bingyan himself, all showed expressions of astonishment. In their view, the set of movements of 11 already violated the rules of inertia.Perhaps for ordinary people who have not received martial arts training, it is still possible to stop suddenly while running, because they mostly use muscle power.But for martial arts masters, this is impossible.Because the luck of a master is different from that of ordinary people.

When ordinary people run, only a small amount of qi is moved in the body, mainly relying on the strength of muscles.But the masters use all the vigor in their bodies, and a sudden reversal with all their strength will actually hurt themselves.

This explanation is more complicated. Simply put, everyone is born with anger.In the mother's womb, human beings do not rely on breathing to maintain, but rely on the placenta to absorb nutrients, and rely on the qi in their own bodies to survive.Therefore, everyone is born with qi, but the strength is different.After a person is born, the qi in the body still exists for a period of time, which is about six months.Therefore, babies under six months are generally less prone to colds and illnesses, because the qi in their bodies has not yet dissipated.Until six months later, the qi will slowly dissipate in the limbs and tendons, but it will not disappear completely, but will become weaker. At that time, the baby will start to catch colds and fevers.Only when one grows up and practices Qigong again to strengthen the already weakened Qi in the body to a certain extent, will he become strong again and will no longer be prone to illness.This is why people who practice Qigong are not afraid of the cold and are not easy to get sick.

The concept of qi is very general. From the perspective of martial arts, no matter when you raise your hand or foot, every movement is actually the movement of qi in your body, and this qi is what you have been in your mother's body since you were born. , it will only become weak after six months of birth, so weak that you can't even feel it.For example, when you raise your hand, in fact, the qi in your body travels to your arms and even your fingertips in the blink of an eye, and the qi moves your bones and muscles before you can raise your hand.However, in martial arts, there are many grappling techniques. For example, when the opponent grabs your arm and bends it to a certain degree, you will feel that your whole hand is numb, and you can't even exert any strength. Can't even move a finger.Many people think that this is cutting off the pulse, but in fact, in terms of martial arts, it is the luck of cutting off the Qi in your body with special grasping skills.At that time, Qi can only flow to the shoulders, but after being cut off, it can no longer flow to the arms or even the fingers. Without the support of Qi, the arms and bones will of course not be able to move.

Practicing martial arts, especially qigong masters, first search and sense the small amount of qi in their body, and then use special methods to exercise and continuously strengthen it, which is the profound skill.A master who has practiced qi, no longer just relies on the leg muscles when running, but a lot of qi penetrates to the legs. The explosive power and speed are beyond the reach of ordinary people. That kind of explosive power coupled with special His skills can even make people jump high, which has become the so-called light work.Therefore, people who practice martial arts are much stronger than ordinary people, and it is common to crack steles and stones, because the qi in their bodies is much stronger than ordinary people.

When a master exerts all his strength, the qi in the body will be like a limit-rotating circle, running endlessly.But at this time, if you suddenly stop the movement of Qi, or even reverse the movement of Qi, the only result will be collapse.It seems that a car moving at high speed suddenly hits the reverse gear when it is moving forward at extreme speed, and the result is that the entire car is scrapped.If you are lucky, you can barely repair it by repairing and changing it. If you are unlucky, you will directly pull it into the scrap yard.The stronger a person's qi is, the faster the movement speed will be, and the more severe the damage will be.Just like the faster the car drives, the higher the degree of scrapping.As for ordinary people, there are only a few, a pitiful little bit of luck, and most of them run with their muscles, so they suffer very little damage.At most, it's a muscle strain or sprain, or dizziness or something.

This is the biggest difference between martial arts masters and ordinary people.

Therefore, from the perspective of a master, it is impossible to stop the movement of qi if one exerts all one's strength.But 11's set of moves clearly violated this rule. Judging by his appearance, he didn't have any rebound damage at all. How could this not shock the four top experts?
In fact, they don't understand 11's body at all, not to mention that his body's toughness has reached its limit, if anything happens, it won't cause too much damage to his body.In fact, he didn't use too much energy at all. 11's body is different from that of ordinary people. A normal master is luck, but he is a monster who fights with muscle strength.Because the muscles of his body are composed of Longjia qigong, ice abilities and his own genes. Genes are the main body, and qigong and abilities are supplemented by energy to form a body.Therefore, whenever one is lucky, the qi will be integrated into the muscles by itself, and the power erupted at the same time after the fusion of qi and muscles is often more destructive than that of a master of the same level.Because he uses muscles instead of the movement of qi, and he has a bone that is as strong as metal and a body with high strength and toughness. All natural laws can't restrain him at all.

Therefore, 11 is simply a monster that cannot be deduced by common sense.

When Bingyan was startled, 11's palm knife had already been chopped off.Although Bing Yan was surprised, his subordinates were not slow, and quickly changed the attacking route of his right hand, blocking the attack of 11 Zhang Dao with his right elbow.

At this moment, both 11's right palm and Bingyan's left palm have been paralyzed, and the ice abilities of both parties have invaded the meridians of the other's palm, so they cannot be used temporarily.And there is only one hand and two legs left between them to attack each other. At this moment, neither of them uses their abilities anymore. 11 is not dare to use, there are three masters looking at it outside, he doesn't want to fight with Bingyan and lose both, and finally in the hands of the three masters, he doesn't even have the strength to fight back.Bingyan, on the other hand, insists on his own identity, as long as 11 doesn't play dirty tricks first, he doesn't bother to use his abilities.So the two of them are fighting hard, purely fighting with martial arts.

The two confronted each other dozens of times, punches and kicks were everywhere in the arena, but neither of these two could do anything to the other.Even though the three masters outside the arena looked pleasing to the eye, they were also secretly shocked.

The five people, including 11 and Bing Yan, are all masters of martial arts. Of course, they can all see that it is difficult for these two people to tell the winner in a short time.Bingyan wins in profound skills and profound skills, while 11 wins in the word "ruthless", not only ruthless to opponents, but also ruthless to himself. Every move of 11 is desperate, as if the opponent is the sworn enemy who killed his whole family, completely giving up defense and not fighting.

Who is the scariest person on the battlefield?Just a desperate lunatic.The four masters of Dragon Soul became more and more frightened the more they watched, especially Bing Yan, who was the client, was suffering unspeakably. He didn't want to hurt 11, but the other party was desperately fighting, and he was timid when he beat him. This feeling made him very uncomfortable. .So as soon as the two of them fought, Bingyan's momentum was already at a disadvantage. Although he made up his mind to fight back, it was very difficult to regain his momentum.Fortunately, Bingyan's martial arts skills are superb, and he can still remain invincible under full defense.

In fact, it's no wonder that 11 is so desperate. He grew up in the "devil". Those Western organizations don't have the gorgeous and unpredictable martial arts of the East.If you look for a Western action movie in the 80s or 90s, you will find that the people fighting in it are completely unskilled, you punch me, I punch you, you kick me, I hit you with the forehead, Well, this is brutal violence at all.It is only now that there are a large number of martial arts stars in the Eastern Dragon Kingdom, and the West discovers that there are such beautiful, gorgeous and practical fighting skills in this world.

In fact, long before the rise of western martial arts movies, even during World War II, the West had already noticed the martial arts of the Eastern Dragon Kingdom. How can they understand the broad and profound martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom?After the end of World War II, the West sent a large number of people to steal their teachers, trying to master the classics they robbed.However, in today's era of hot weapons, Dragon Kingdom martial arts has long since declined. Although there are people all over the country who still insist on learning martial arts, what they learn is basically a drop in the bucket of ancient martial arts. It is very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of real masters Worthless.And the real masters of martial arts don't bother to show themselves. Most of the top masters are recruited by the Dragon Soul, and the three major families that inherit ancient martial arts (now there are only three families left) have closed their doors and are not descendants of the family. Do not pass on merit.For all these reasons, the number of masters that Westerners actually steal is only a drop in the bucket, but only a drop in the bucket is already a very good level for the West.Back then, Xiaochongguo secretly learned some kung fu from Longguo, and then it could develop into the world-famous karate and judo, etc. It is conceivable that Longguo's martial arts are powerful.

By stealing teachers and adding Longguo martial arts books, the West gradually figured out a fighting method suitable for itself, and taught it to generation after generation.By the 11th generation, the Western attack system has roughly taken shape, that is, the ruthless and straight that best suit the character of Westerners.Their fights are straight forward, just like their boxing, discarding the gorgeous moves and the essence that they can't understand at all, leaving only the most direct attacking skills.

11 has been using these skills since elementary school. Although he later learned Long Family Kungfu and was exposed to a lot of Dragon Kingdom martial arts, although his skills continued to grow, his attack style has long been fixed, that is, desperate.Every move is to attack the opponent's vital points, and it is strictly necessary to give the opponent a fatal blow with every move. As long as there is one hit, the opponent will be destroyed forever.

(End of this chapter)

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