human ice maker

Chapter 594 Fate and Dark Admiral Xu Qian

Chapter 594 Fate and Dark Admiral Xu Qian
Yang Siyu hid in the bathroom and locked the door, then took off all the clothes she had just put on, put away the warm water and chose a clean towel that looked like it hadn't been used to scrub her body.The stitches on her body had just been removed, and she didn't know if she could take a bath now. In order to prevent the wound from getting infected again, she decided to just scrub her body.

It is said that women love to toss, and this sentence seems to be true.Yang Siyu hid inside, and it took more than an hour just to wipe her body.Then, she rummaged through and found her own clothes, long skirt, and underwear frozen in blood, and 11's underwear, which was also frozen in blood. When she saw 11's clothes, even Yang Siyu was shocked. After a jump, the clothes were so torn that they couldn't be worn anymore, the cuts on it looked so horrible, but why didn't 11 have any injuries at all?After thinking about it for a while, Yang Siyu put down the question, and spent nearly two hours to wash his and 11's clothes and pants.If it weren't for the sound of wringing towels and rubbing clothes from time to time, 11 would have thought she had passed out inside.

When Yang Siyu came out of the bathroom, she was still wearing Tingfeng's suit. She first dried the washed clothes, and then sat back on the bed and started to be dazed.For one morning, she just sat motionless like this, with her legs bent and sitting on the bed, her hands hugging her legs, her chin resting on her knees, and she kept looking at her toes with a dull and sad look.Eleven, who also had nothing to do, also kept doing physical exercises. The two of them lived in peace all morning, but neither of them spoke to each other.

It wasn't until 11 noon that he walked into the kitchen to make lunch that Yang Siyu seemed to have just recovered, and silently got out of bed and moved into the kitchen. He walked up to 11 who had just lifted the lid of the pot and was about to cook porridge, and raised his head. The beautiful but not very energetic eyes looked at him silently and did not speak.

Seemingly understanding the meaning in her eyes, 11 asked, "Do you cook?"

Yang Siyu nodded slightly.

"Oh." Without extra nonsense, 11 put down the lid of the pot, turned around and went out.

Yang Siyu silently watched 11 leave the kitchen before going to open the refrigerator to see what was inside.The fridge is full of canned food, and there are several bags of vacuum-packed fruit and vegetables, among other things is a lot of drinking water.Yang Siyu stared at the refrigerator in a daze for a while, then took out two packs of vegetables and a few cans from it, turned on the gas and started working.

Yang Siyu is not like the daughters of the Yang family, who can go out of the living room but not in the kitchen.There is not even a servant in her family, and everything is done by herself.When she was very young, Yang Siyu knew how to do housework, such as washing, cooking, cooking, and washing the floor. These tasks that other young ladies in the Yang family thought they would never touch in their lifetime, but Yang Siyu did it every day.

Soon a table of not rich but delicious dishes was served. Fortunately, Tingfeng even prepared oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, otherwise Yang Siyu would not be able to cook these delicious dishes no matter how ingenious he was.For this meal, even 11, who has never had any requirements for food, couldn't help but feel a great appetite and ate an extra bowl of rice than usual.Although Yang Siyu ate very little, every time she saw 11 sticking out her chopsticks to pick up vegetables, there was always a little joy in her eyes that was hard to notice.

The lunch was over soon, Yang Siyu didn't know if he had lost his appetite, and he ate very little. 11 Although he ate a little more than usual, he still kept his speed like a wolf and a tiger. People who didn't know him thought he was born from starvation.Neither of them spoke at the table, only the sound of chopsticks hitting the mouth of the bowl from time to time.When 11 put down the empty bowl with not a single grain of rice left, Yang Siyu had just finished her half bowl of rice.Then she started to take the initiative to clean up the dishes, as virtuous as a good wife and mother.

After washing the dishes, Yang Siyu may be in a better mood, he is not willing to go back to bed to spend the boring time in a daze, and starts to take the initiative to wash the floor, while 11 is still doing his exercise.

The day passed quickly, and as soon as it got dark, Yang Siyu began to panic again, hiding beside 11 and dragging his clothes, refusing to leave.Just like yesterday, the two went to bed early, Yang Siyu hid in 11's arms again, trembling slightly, and fell asleep under the protection of 11.

On the third day, Yang Siyu had one more thing to do, which was to mend clothes.Her dried dress had a hole pierced by a bullet. Although it didn't hurt anything when she wore it, it was embarrassing to have an extra hole, and the hole was exactly where the wound was on her body. Yang Siyu would never want to let others admire her two centipede-like scars.Soon she found a sewing box from the cabinet and carefully sewed clothes for herself.Yang Siyu didn't just sew the two holes, but folded the hem of the clothes every little bit and sewed them in. When the clothes were sewn, it looked like wrinkled laces and changed into another style. A hole is pressed inside and cannot be seen.

Satisfied with the mended clothes and her own underwear, Yang Siyu was relieved, and her clothes were the most comfortable and safest to wear.After finishing his affairs, Yang Siyu began to stare at 11's torn and shapeless clothes in a daze again. This dress really can't be worn anymore, but 11 only has this one to wear.Although there are still a few men's clothes in the closet, they are too big for him. It would be scary to go out in those baggy clothes that are more than a few times too big.

After thinking for a while, Yang Siyu decided to change it by himself.She first found a large undershirt that belonged to Kuanglei, cut it open, cut off the excess fabric according to 11's figure, and then sewed it up again.It took Yang Siyu a whole day of time and energy for such a seemingly simple matter, and finally managed to take out the undershirt that 11 could wear before dark.

When 11 held the modified undershirt, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised at Yang Siyu's dexterity. She couldn't tell that besides cooking delicious food, she also knew how to do needlework.

In fact, Yang Siyu knows that needlework is also forced by life. As long as she can remember, her grandmother and parents have been very economical, and those worn out clothes have been mended many times.There is no way, the Yang family is really too stingy to their family, except for some occasions when the family has to show up, they will give a few sets of decent clothes that will not embarrass the Yang family, and they have never treated them in terms of clothing. Don't ask.Although this situation didn't improve until Li Xiuzhu inherited the inheritance designated by her uncle, but before that, the life of their family was worse than that of a servant of the Yang family.

Yang Siyu remembers that when she was very young, all the cousins ​​and cousins ​​in the family who were about her age all had a cute Barbie doll, and there were even quite a few cousins ​​whose entire house was filled with cute dolls.But Yang Siyu has nothing, she has always longed to have a doll of her own, but it is impossible for the Yang family to give it to her, and her grandma and parents are also unable to buy it for her.As for Yang Siyu's grandfather, Yang Tianming, let alone beat and scolded him when he saw Yang Siyu?Expect him to buy himself a doll?Impossible in the next life.

In the end, Yang Siyu decided to make a doll by herself. She begged her grandma to give her an old dress that she couldn't wear anymore but was reluctant to throw away. The head, body and limbs of the doll, and then cut the rest of the clothes into pieces of rags to fill them in, and finally sewed them together, a simple and ugly one, with hands and feet of different lengths, without even fingers and toes The rag doll was born.

Although Yang Siyu has been ridiculed by other cousins ​​for many years because of this doll, but she doesn't care, this is her first toy, and she made it by herself.Yang Siyu likes this ugly doll very much, and she still keeps it to this day.It's a pity that she escaped too hastily and suddenly this time, and she didn't have time to take the doll away, which is also her regret.After all, it was the doll that accompanied her for more than ten years. Yang Siyu was only four and a half years old when she made this doll by herself.

She was able to make a rag doll by herself when she was four years old, not to mention today after more than ten years.For Yang Siyu, although changing a piece of clothing is not easy, it is not difficult either.

Watching 11 put on the undershirt he made himself, Yang Siyu finally showed a little smile on his face.At the same time, the most embarrassing problem for Yang Siyu was solved. After she washed 11's underwear and trousers, 11 also changed back into her own clothes.Although it doesn't matter to 11 whether he wears clothes or not, Yang Siyu doesn't want to have a man dangling in front of her with his butt naked all day long, not to mention that before 11, her understanding of the male body was only limited to the classroom The books and the hearsay in the mouth of the classmates.

Another two days passed in such a peaceful and helpless life, and on the fifth day after Yang Siyu woke up...

In the capital, it is raining mistyly today.Although the current season has just entered autumn, the capital city in the north has begun to get colder.Especially in rainy weather, there is always a hint of coolness in the air.

The scene of thin skin and tender meat shaking around the streets in midsummer, which made satyrs overwhelmed, was no longer seen. The girls all changed their long skirts and short skirts, put on long shirts and trousers, and stretched those beautiful and seductive thighs tightly. It was tightly covered.

Beijing Shou University is a college where talented men and women from all over the country gather, but there are also beauties among the talented women, especially those sexy and beautiful beauties.

When Wen Wei appeared at the school gate, there were bursts of breathing sounds from around.More eyes were attracted by her tall body and that beautiful face with mixed-race features.Wen Wei didn't know if she was influenced by the atmosphere in Yingguo. She had a special preference for short skirts, and she hadn't seen her wearing long trousers all year round.It may be that it is a waste to cover up the slender legs inherited from her mother, but it is undeniable that Wen Wei's legs are really beautiful, coupled with her tall figure and beautiful face, it really makes men The perfect goddess ready to move.

Wen Wei walked side by side with a girl, this girl was not as sexy as she was wearing, she was wearing a simple sweatshirt on the upper body, and a pair of slightly whitish jeans on the lower body.This girl's appearance is still not as good as Wen Wei's, but her unique pure temperament makes her attractive.Therefore, even though she was walking with Wen Wei, the eyes on her were no less than Wen Wei's.

At this moment, the faces of the two girls were a bit worried, and they didn't care about the gazes around them at all. Ruan Qingyu said worriedly: "Sister Wen, is Chu Yuan really involved in the Yang family's affairs?"

"Yeah." Wen Wei was also quite helpless, and said with a wry smile: "My dad told me, so there shouldn't be a lie. I heard that Siyu was taken away by him."

Speaking of Yang Siyu, Ruan Qingyu's complexion was a little better, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were still full of worry, and he said: "If Siyu was taken away by him, we shouldn't worry about her anymore. ? With him here, Siyu will be fine."

Wen Wei nodded and said, "But the Yang family's affairs are making a lot of noise. Even my dad can't worry about it these few days, and he doesn't see anyone all day long."

"Yang's family..." Ruan Qingyu opened her mouth slightly, and immediately realized that the facts of the upper class were beyond the reach of a girl from an ordinary family, so she stopped asking.

Wen Wei seemed to know what she was worried about, and smiled: "Don't worry, the Yang family doesn't dare to do anything to him. You also know what your current identity is, his organization is bigger than the Yang family."

Ruan Qingyu nodded silently, and soon she realized that the current atmosphere was a bit oppressive, so she immediately raised her face and put on a smile to change the topic with Wen Wei and chat about other things.

Neither of the two girls noticed that there was a black car parked at the gate of the school, and there were two pairs of eyes watching their backs in the distance.

"Is she Ruan Qingyu?" From the back seat of the car was an old man over half a century old. His pale hair and wrinkled face showed that he was already very old.But the eyes of the old man are very sharp, and the eyes of Tong Tong are even more domineering than those of the middle-aged man.The old man's waist was straight, and he didn't bend over even when he was sitting.His expression has always been serious, and when he speaks, he can't help bursting out with an aura of calm and prestige, letting people know that this old man is definitely not simple.Because this is a high position that has been held for a long time, with the power of life and death in his hands, and the arrogance that can only be cultivated in the army.

This old man is Xu Qian, nicknamed Xu Daqiang, the commander-in-chief of the Chengchuan Military Region, and Xu Ziyang's grandfather.

There is also a middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat in the car. This man is in his 30s and has short hair.From his straight waist and rigorous movements, it can be seen that he is a soldier.

The man nodded and replied: "Yes, we have observed her for more than half a month, and her life is very regular, and she has no bad habits."

"I know all of this." Xu Qian opened a file in his hand, and on the first page, a recent photo of Ruan Qingyu jumped into view.The content below and the next few pages are specific information about her family members, life story, living habits, etc., even the details of her friends are recorded.

After flipping through it casually, Xu Qian nodded and said, "This little girl is pretty good, she is indeed suitable to be my grandson-in-law."

The soldier in front opened his mouth slightly, but didn't dare to say anything.

Xu Qian seemed to have guessed what he meant, and said with a light smile, "Are you afraid that her status is not worthy of Ziyang? Humph, just like my daughter-in-law, stupid thinking. I don't mind her background, as long as her family background Innocent, I won't take care of it if there is no purpose. What's more, according to her information, she is a good girl who is filial and kind-hearted. I like this Ruan Qingyu very much."

The soldier smiled awkwardly and said, "Commander, but she seems to be..."

"Don't you like Ziyang?" Xu Qian interrupted, "It's okay, feelings can be cultivated slowly. After getting along for a long time, there will always be feelings."

"But she is closer to that Chu Yuan and the Dark Cross."

Xu Qian sneered and said, "So what? Although the Dark Cross has a big name, it's still a low-level hooligan gang. I don't pay attention to it. But that Chu Yuan, I really didn't expect him to be able to I was so shocked that I moved the Dragon Soul to show him off."

"That Chu Yuan, according to our investigation, he is the murderous spirit who destroyed the Chen family all by himself."

"I know." After a pause, Xu Qian said, "You don't really think that the Chen family was overthrown by him alone, do you? If that was the case, I would have gone back to Chengchuan a long time ago. The four major families have developed too much over the years. Soon, their ambitions began to swell. In order to suppress their arrogance, the higher-ups decided to kill chickens and monkeys, and the Chen family was the unlucky chicken. This ice killer was just a bit lucky. Shanglong's family seemed to have nothing to do with him and was willing to help him. That's why the superiors deliberately used him and the Long's family to suppress the Chen family's arrogance. Who knew that his methods were really ruthless, and he actually made matters worse The situation is beyond control, there is no choice but to overthrow the Chen family as quickly as possible, otherwise if the Chen family recovers, the entire capital will be in chaos."

After a pause, Xu Qian sighed and said: "Actually, I still admire this young man. He is ruthless, decisive, and daring. That's what a man should be like. It's not like my grandson. If he can have half of him, even I am also happy to let me go into the coffin immediately."

The soldier said with a smile: "Actually, Young Master Xu is not bad, I heard that he even got the name of the Eighth Young Master of the capital."

Xu Qian sneered and said, "That's what he calls a gangster? He just took advantage of me and the Wang family's power to step on it. If he can really get involved with the Eighth Young Master of the capital by his own ability, I will be really happy." After a pause, Xu Qian continued: "I don't mind which career Ziyang chooses in the future, I will support him whether it's black or white. But look at his current appearance, he's just idle around all day long, he's full of money. I am disappointed."

"So when the commander came back this time, he actually wanted to help Young Master Xu gain a foothold in the capital?"

Xu Qian gave a noncommittal "Yeah" and said: "A man should have his own achievements in order to achieve success. Relying on the inheritance left by his grandparents and parents to enjoy the success, the final result will only harm himself. If One day, his parents and I will be gone, and with his temperament that loves to make trouble everywhere, who else can wipe his ass when he gets into trouble?"

The soldier smiled lightly: "No, Young Master Xu is very smart and knows who can be touched and who can't."

Xu Qian snorted, and said angrily, "That's bullying and fearing the hard, and he's just a wimp."

The soldier smiled awkwardly, not daring to respond.

Xu Qian sighed and said: "Ziyang really disappointed me. I just want him to stand firm on his own ability when I come back this time. It doesn't matter whether he mixes black and white, politics and army, as long as he can Relying on my own ability to make a name for myself, I can feel at ease. Unlike his current cowardly appearance, he usually makes trouble everywhere when he kicks Chu Yuan, a hard rock, and immediately shrinks back, not even daring to face. It's just a shame to Xu Daqiang!"

The soldier said obsequiously: "You can't blame Master Xu for this, after all, there is a dragon soul behind Chu Yuan to back him up."

"So what about the dragon soul?" Xu Qian said with a heavy tone: "I'm not afraid that Ziyang will cause trouble for me, but I'm afraid that he will not dare to cause trouble. A man should dare to act and take responsibility! So what? Even if it is true Even if it is a dragon soul, I can still handle it. But look at Ziyang's current state, and he doesn't even have the courage to jump out and bear it. Alas, it's all His two incompetent parents usually spoiled him. It seems that after this incident is over, I will have to take him to train in the army for a few years."

The soldier opened his mouth and said, "But doesn't the commander hope that he can marry Ruan Qingyu in the shortest possible time? I'm afraid that when the time comes, Young Master Xu himself won't want to go to the army, right?"

Xu Qian snorted, "Can't he take his wife with him when he goes to the army?"

The soldier said "uh" and there was no more. According to Xu Qian's plan, Xu Ziyang must chase Ruan Qingyu in the shortest possible time.Xu Qian even publicly stated that he didn't mind what kind of means Xu Ziyang used, no matter how despicable it was, as long as Ruan Qingyu could marry him.This is not just because Xu Qian thinks Ruan Qingyu is a good person, but also a series of plans he launched to fight 11 and regain Xu Ziyang's confidence, of which Ruan Qingyu is the most critical role.

Xu Ziyang was really frightened by 11's bloody methods in the bar that day, and he hid at home all day timidly and dared not show his face. Xu Qian really hated iron but steel.In order to regain Xu Ziyang's confidence, he encouraged Xu Ziyang to pursue Ruan Qingyu, to let him face 11 bravely again, until 11 was completely trampled under his feet.Otherwise, Xu Ziyang may have the shadow and fear of 11 in his heart for the rest of his life, and he will be unable to achieve great things throughout his life. This is by no means what Xu Qian wants to see.

At this moment, neither 11 nor Ruan Qingyu knew that a conspiracy against them was gradually unfolding in the capital.

The capital city is about to be stormy!
(End of this chapter)

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