human ice maker

Chapter 632 Fate and Dark Psychological Tactics

Chapter 632 Fate and Dark Psychological Tactics
11 The reason why he stayed and waited for Xu Qian today was to put on a show like this. He wanted to provoke Xu Qian and force him to do something to him as soon as possible.As long as Xu Qian made a move, he would have an excuse to fight back. At that time, even Dragon Soul could only deal with it lightly.After all, it was Xu Qian who shot first, and he fought back in self-defense.

However, Xu Qian was more powerful than he had imagined, and he miscalculated one thing in advance, which also caused him to become passive from the initiative, that is, Fat Duck and Ruan Qingyu were intercepted by Xu Qian.But this is also a helpless thing, I can only feel that people are not as good as God.In such a large industrial area, with routes extending in all directions, who knew that they would meet Xu Qian's convoy on the same road.The Fat Duck and Ruan Qingyu fell into Xu Qian's hands from the very beginning. Xu Qian had the most favorable price on the negotiating table, so 11 had to temporarily change his plan and use his words and actions to anger Xu Qian. .

Kuang Chao waited for a while and saw that 11 did not speak, so he asked again: "If Xu Qian really did something just now, what would you do?"

"Kill him." 11's flat and indifferent tone could not hear any emotion or murderous intent, as if what he said was to kill a chicken.

Kuang Chao smiled wryly and said, "You are really messing around."

"Xu Qian won't do anything."


"He's scared." Eleven said flatly.

"Afraid? Xu Qian? No way?"

"He's old."

Kuang Chao immediately understood the meaning of 11. The older a person is, the more he fears death. No one in this world dares to pat his chest and promise that he is not afraid of death, unless he is not a human being, no matter how fearless a soldier is.Xu Qian may have been really heroic when he was young, but now that he is old and used to living a prosperous and peaceful life, the so-called seeds of fear that were hidden in the depths have long been gradually induced by the prosperous life .

There is such a story: a beggar was begging around wearing thin single clothes in a snowy cold day. When the rich man saw him, he made a bet with him, saying that if he could survive in the snow overnight, the rich man would give away all his money. All property was given to him.As a result, the beggar really lived in the snow all night. Although he was frozen to death, there was no danger of his life.So he got the land and property of the rich man, and lived a prosperous life ever since.Two years later, on the same snowy day, the rich man came to him again and made the same bet with him.The beggar thought: I could live a night in the snow before, and I can do the same now.That night, the former beggar took off his thick cotton padded coat and ran to the snow in a thin unlined garment. As a result, he was found frozen to death the next day.

Xu Qian is like this beggar, he may have been very brave in the past, fearless of death.But if he is used to a rich life like a beggar, if he is asked to die, he will definitely not do it.

So 11 said that Xu Qian was afraid. When the two confronted each other, he clearly noticed that Xu Qian's aura had weakened a bit, which was the fear of death.

"Old?" Kuang Chao smiled and asked, "Then Xu Qian won't dare to attack you anymore?"

"No, he will shoot even more. And, it will be very fast."

"Because he doesn't want to die? He won't die, so you have to die?"


"But it's impossible for Xu Qian to come to kill you without any scruple like you?"

"He won't." Eleven said, "He will suppress me politically."

Political suppression is the most helpless thing. The famous general Yue Fei died in politics and was executed in Fengbo Pavilion on an unfounded charge.If Xu Qian wants to take action against 11, he must be like this. After all, although he is strong, vicious, selfish and protective, he is still a soldier, and he will not be stupid enough to do such stupid things as buying murder.Although it is very clean and tidy to do so, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not fall into the hands of others.Xu Qian is not stupid, on the contrary he is very smart. A smart person will use a smart method to make the best use of everything. That is the smartest choice.Xu Qian's biggest advantage is his power and the power of the Wang family, but he doesn't have these two things, so using his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses is the most correct way.

"Political oppression? Damn, black box operation?" After thinking for a while, Kuang Tide asked again: "It must be difficult for him to start with politics, right? Dragon Soul will definitely protect you."

11 shook his head, politics is indeed his biggest weakness, his political capital is basically equal to zero.Ouyang Bo is probably the only one who can speak up for him in politics, but it has always been the rule of the Dragon Kingdom that the military does not participate in politics. It is impossible for Ouyang Bo to speak up for him in person, otherwise even he will be degraded. For tongue.As for the Dragon Soul, although they have great power, they are also an organization without real power. The Dragon Soul will not participate in the military and politics, and is not allowed to participate in the military and politics.In terms of politics, Dragon Soul is not much better than 11, the most is that the network is countless times wider than him.To put it bluntly, the Dragon Soul is the sharp knife of the country. The sharp knife is invincible in battle, and it is hidden by the snow in peacetime.Counting on a sharp knife to speak on the table?That is impossible.If the sharp knife has its own consciousness and soul, it may no longer be controlled by the owner, and it will also hurt itself when it hurts others. This is the most dreaded thing in any country.Since ancient times, the government does not participate in the army, and the army does not participate in politics. The two are clearly distinguished.Special organizations like Dragon Soul don't even participate in the military and politics, so of course they have nothing to say in the military and politics.

If Xu Qian really intends to suppress him politically, 11 can be said to be powerless to resist, but this is also what he hopes for.It's just that 11 also knows that he is taking a risk, Xu Qian is the kind of person who either doesn't move, or it will be a violent storm, so that he can hit it with every blow.If he couldn't stand up after Xu Qian's first shot, he might not even have a chance to fight back in the future.But other than that, this was also his only excuse to attack Xu Qian.

Both the old fox and the young fox are playing psychological tactics, just to see who can have the last laugh.

Kuang Chao asked: "Then how do you think he will suppress you politically? Are you really going to be charged with trumped-up charges?"

11 said flatly: "He tried this trick tonight, so he should know that it doesn't work for me. If I get in a hurry, I will die with him. He won't use the same useless trick a second time."

"Then what will he do?"

"It's nothing more than making the Dragon Kingdom hostile to me, or driving me out of the Dragon Kingdom and slowly finding someone to deal with me."

"..., then you still have the mood to sit and chat?"

11 said: "If he doesn't make a move, how can I have an excuse to kill him?"

"Crazy, you are more crazy than crazy."


"..., what if you fail?"

"Well, hide in the base, and then turn from light to darkness."

"Great, have you paved the way out?"

"Oh." Eleven replied with a faint oh, indicating that he didn't take this matter too seriously at all.If he wasn't sure, he wouldn't take the initiative to provoke Xu Qian. Since he dared to provoke him, it showed that he had the confidence.

It didn't take long for Ruan Qingyu and Fat Duck to buy vegetables. There were not many vegetables and fruits for consignment in the supermarket, and Ruan Qingyu didn't want to buy cooked food directly. Fortunately, the vegetables they bought were enough to make several dishes.

After getting in the car, the three of them didn't go anywhere else, and went straight back to Yuntian Building.After the three of them got into the elevator, the two soldiers who followed along the way also left.

After taking the elevator to the 11th floor, Ruan Qingyu first went back to her home to report to her mother that she was safe.She usually arrives home after seven o'clock when she has tutoring lessons, but today it's past ten o'clock, and her mobile phone has not been turned on. I believe her mother, Zhang Xinli, has been waiting so anxiously.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhang Xinli was still sitting in the living room waiting for her.And there is one more person who should not appear in their house at this time, Zhang Yuan.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Zhang Xinli and Zhang Yuan stood up at the same time. Zhang Yuan was even more anxious than Qing Yu's mother, and rushed to the door first.

After Qingyu opened the door, the first thing she saw was Zhang Yuan's face. She was stunned and said, "Doctor Zhang, you..."

Qing Yu has always called Zhang Yuan Doctor Zhang, but she is still unwilling to change her name after so many years.

Zhang Yuan was delighted when he saw Ruan Qingyu, he opened his mouth and was about to speak, when he suddenly saw 11 and Fat Duck opening the door and entering the next room not far behind Qingyu, his expression suddenly turned into a wry smile, Said: "Qing Yu, you are back."

"En." Qing Yu nodded and walked in, and called, "Mom."

Zhang Xinli was finally relieved when she saw her daughter coming home. She waited at home until eight o'clock today, and Ruan Qingyu didn't come back. Normally, she should have been home long ago.She faintly felt uneasy, and Zhang Yuan also called Qingyu's mobile phone countless times, but the result was a notification that the other party had turned off the phone.Zhang Xinli was worried that something would happen to her daughter, and couldn't even eat, so she waited here. Fortunately, Zhang Yuan was there to talk with her, otherwise she would really be suffocated.Until now when Qing Yu returned home, a huge rock in her heart could finally be let go.

But I still have to reprimand: "You girl, where are you going? You don't even call back, do you know that I will be worried?"

"I'm sorry." Ruan Qingyu walked over and pulled her and said, "My phone just ran out of battery, and today I met two good friends whom I haven't seen for a long time, so I stayed with them for a while."

"Friend?" Zhang Xinli was stunned, "Who is it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she poked a head through the crack of the door and called, "Auntie."

Zhang Xinli was stunned when he saw Fat Duck, and then said happily, "Xiao Hai! When did you come back?"

"This morning." Fat Duck opened the door and walked in, without looking at Zhang Yuan who was standing beside him, as if he didn't exist at all.Only Ruan Qingyu knew that Fat Duck did it on purpose.

Fat Duck came in and said, "I'm sorry, I ran to school and took Qing Yu away today, and I didn't have time to tell you. Qing Yu has been arguing to come back, but I kept her from leaving, don't you Blame her."

(End of this chapter)

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