human ice maker

Chapter 822 The Dusty Mystery First Intimate Contact

Chapter 822 The Dusty Mystery First Intimate Contact

A car that was so dilapidated that it could hardly be seen as a car was rampaging on a road that was not too wide. People had to marvel that the foreign goods were cattle, and they were so broken that they could still drive so vigorously.This car unscrupulously bumped into people and cars on this road. Anyone who blocked the road was smashed away with brute force. Everywhere it passed was a chaotic mess, attracting countless curses.Shortly after the car, which was so broken that it could almost be taken directly to the waste recycling station, several police cars whizzed by with their sirens sounding.

11 Although they managed to escape again before the opponent formed an effective encirclement net, the Taiguo side seemed to be determined to entangle them to the end, and the police car behind them was like a maggot attached to the bone and couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard they tried.

It stands to reason that when being hunted down, the atmosphere in the car should be extremely tense, and everyone should be constantly wiping off cold sweats, clutching their guns in fear and getting ready to fight desperately at any time.However, if someone sees this scene in 11's car at this moment, they will definitely be so surprised that their eyes will drop, because there is no tension in this car at all, even...

In the front of the car that was full of bullet holes, and the shell was so broken that it was seriously deformed, Sky Burial was looking at Dowell's clothes up and down with grandma wolf's eyes on Little Red Riding Hood.

Yes, just clothes!
Dowell, on the other hand, firmly protected his body with both hands, looking very much like a wronged little girl.

Well, here's how it started.Dowell was shot in the left back shoulder when he jumped out of the car before. After the three of them grabbed the car and left, Sky Burial checked his injuries. It turned out that Dowell didn't have any wounds on his body.In this way, Sky Burial became curious, and after being pressed, it turned out that Dowell's thin leather jacket, which was about as thin as a shirt and smooth to the touch, was actually a bulletproof vest.Such a thin body armor was never seen before in a sky burial. Seeing that Lie Xinxi asked Dowell for it, but Dowell refused to accept it. He had exhausted all the tricks of the sky burial, and he just refused to take it off.Then, after going back and forth like this, a dispute arose.

The police sirens chasing after him blared loudly, but there was excitement in the car.If the policemen who were chasing after knew that this farce was going on in the car, their jaws would drop in surprise: Don’t these bastards pay attention to our Bangkok policemen at all?

In fact, the sky burial really didn't pay attention to the police in Bangkok.If it weren't for the superiority in numbers, these policemen with no actual combat experience would be a group of passers-by in his eyes, and they could crush a group of them with a raised hand.

Probably only 11 has never thought about it this way. He will never underestimate any enemy, even if he is facing a three-year-old child, he will take it seriously with all his strength.To underestimate the enemy is to make fun of one's own life, even a three-year-old child has the possibility and ability to kill people back, this truth 11 has been understood at a very young age.You know, those children in the training camp, each of them looks immature, but in fact they are all cruel and ruthless, killing people without blinking an eye.

Therefore, even though there are a dozen or twenty policemen chasing after him who have little fighting power and can be easily killed by raising their hands, 11 is still going all out.If you wait until the boat capsizes in the sewer to regret it, then it will be too late to cry.

Fortunately, all 11 were drilling into crowded places. Although they would be blocked by pedestrians and vehicles from time to time, at least the policemen behind did not dare to shoot indiscriminately in such places.Bullets don't have eyes, and if they accidentally injure someone, no matter how many reasons they have, they will definitely not be able to walk around.

However, for strategic reasons, 11 did not let Tian Huifu continue to shoot back at the police cars behind him. Instead, he wanted to gather the police back, and the more chasing teams could be drawn, the better. A fly swatter dies easily.That's why Tian Huibu had time to "return to the play" for Dowell.

Due to force majeure, a lot of plots have been deleted in this chapter, which has become a mess.But there is no way, we have to actively respond to national policies, no, delete what should be deleted, [-] characters are deleted and only [-] characters are left, in fact, I want to cry too.

(End of this chapter)

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