human ice maker

Chapter 833 The Dusty Mystery and the Shopping in the Big Circle

Chapter 833 The Dusty Mystery and the Shopping in the Big Circle ([-])
While 11 and Datou were looking at each other, there was a very inappropriate cold snort in the field.

Datou and 11 glanced at Wu Dalang who was showing anger, and then their eyes returned to each other.

The corners of Datou's mouth curled up a little, and he spoke first, "I've always wanted to meet you, but I never expected to meet you under this circumstance."

11 looked at him coldly, and said, "You shouldn't have come."

The big head shook his head: "Fortunately, I'm here."

The two men had already started a strategy of attacking their hearts when they met for the first time, and they did not shirk their battles in words. 11 The meaning in that sentence is: You shouldn't come, even if you come, you will only die in my hands, and you will lose one more general in your circle for no reason.

And the big head's sentence "fortunately I'm here" seems to be praising 11. It seems that even the big head has decided that people like Xu Wuqiang and Wu Dalang are not 11's opponents, so he added "fortunately".In fact, what he said meant something else.While promoting 11, he suppressed him once again.The real meaning of the big words is: Fortunately, I am here today, so no matter what conspiracy you have today, you will not succeed.I admit that Wu Dalang and Xu Wuqiang are not your opponents, but I can stabilize you.If you are sensible, give up and leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will not get any benefits in my hands.

Every word in the two people's words was heartbreaking, Wu Dalang's stupefied person couldn't understand the meaning of the rivalry in their words, but Xu Wuqiang, who was sitting in the same car with Zhang Zhen and Yang Siyu, suddenly frowned.From the words of these two people, it can be heard that both 11 and Datou are very tough, and there is no room for concessions.One was determined to kill Zhang Zhen, and the other made it clear that he would keep him at any cost, so the final result between the two was to start a war.It's just that after the war with the Dark Cross, how many of the brothers standing here today can go back alive?Xu Wuqiang, who has worked with the Dark Cross before, is very clear about the terrifying fighting power of the Dark Cross, a small team that is not even considered a small mercenary regiment. Fang and Destiny Force, even the shadow of Dragon Soul.

Glancing at Zhang Zhen who was sitting next to him with a dejected look on his face, Xu Wuqiang's frown that was tightly furrowed quietly loosened again.So what if the opponent is stronger?The fighters in the big circle are not vegetarian either.Now that he has accepted this mission, even if he dies, he must send Zhang Zhen back to the base safely.This is the belief of mercenaries, the honor of the big circle.Thinking of this, Xu Wuqiang couldn't help but gripped a submachine gun lying across his lap, and suddenly a sense of pride rose spontaneously.

No matter who came, the big circle has never been afraid.

Outside, 11 stared at the big head coldly, and said, "With or without you, it doesn't matter."

The big head smiled indifferently: "It's useless to just talk about it, if you really have this ability, we can only admit it."

11 took another deep look at the big head, nodded slightly, and said, "Let's start the war."

Before Datou could speak, Wu Dalang was already yelling: "If you want to hit, hit it! I'm afraid you're the son of a bitch!"

"Bang!" Just as Wu Dalang finished speaking, there was a sudden gunshot from the depths of the forest, and a bullet fired from a sniper rifle hit the hood of the off-road vehicle next to Datou impartially, wiping out After a spark, the bullet flew to nowhere.On the other hand, there is not much damage on the hood except for a piece of paint scraped off and a very shallow scratch.These off-road vehicles were all reinforced and modified with special materials. The steel skin was so thick that even sniper bullets couldn't penetrate it.You can see the whole picture at a glance, and it is conceivable that the glass of those windows is probably also made of bulletproof glass.With such defensive power, it's no wonder Daquan dared to leave Zhang Zhen in the car with confidence.

"Fuck!" Wu Dalang was taken aback, but not only him, but all the soldiers in the big circle were taken aback by the sudden shot.If the shot just missed by more than ten centimeters, it would have hit Datou directly. Thinking of the consequences, everyone couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

That mean, shameless, nasty sniper!All the fighters in the big circle, including Wu Dalang, reacted together with extreme anger, gnashing their teeth and looking at the place where the gunshots came out.

Only Datou stood there without changing his expression, even the shot just now didn't make him blink.At the same time as the gunfire sounded, he quickly glanced in the direction of the sniper, and soon returned to 11's side.It's just that when he looked back, he couldn't help being stunned, because the place where 11 was standing just now was empty, as if 11 had disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye.

Shaking his head, Datou showed a meaningful smile on his face, and murmured: "Interesting guy." He has already understood that the purpose of the sniper's shooting is to fight the battle, and at the same time attract their attention Cover 11 withdrew calmly.In all fairness, it would not be so easy for 11 to leave if there was no one shot to disrupt the situation.As long as he showed any intention of leaving, the big head would order to fire without hesitation.If one of the opponent's generals can be lost before the battle begins, the next battle will be easier.And it was delivered to the door by someone, wasn't it?

Despicable, shameless, ungentlemanly?There is no such word in the mercenary dictionary. The mercenary battles have always been to achieve the goal by any means. Their dictionary only has life or death, win and lose.Killing you while you are sick is an honorable thought for mercenaries, there is no concept of being mean and shameless.

I have to praise the other party for their good timing. As soon as 11 finished saying "start war", the sniper shot without hesitation, and he chose the big head who was most concerned by the soldiers in the big circle. Attract the attention of people who walk in the big circle to the greatest extent.And when the attention of the big circle was successfully attracted by the snipers, 11 also left quickly and calmly, leaving no time for them to react.It can be foreseen that the time of the sniper shooting a minute earlier or later, or 11 step back a step earlier or a step later will have different results.From this, it can be seen that the cooperation between 11 and the sniper is very tacit, and this kind of tacit understanding cannot be cultivated overnight, so the identity of the sniper is self-evident.cold night!Only he can achieve this level of tacit cooperation with 11.

Others in the big circle soon discovered that 11 had sneaked away in the chaos, and Wu Dalang stomped his feet angrily, pointing at the forest and cursing again and again.After scolding for a long time, he still angrily spit in the direction where Leng Ye shot the gun just now, completely ignoring whether he was exposed in an open area and under the gunpoint of someone else.

And the big head didn't hide back in the car, still stood outside looking at the place where 11 disappeared, his eyes flickered as if he was thinking about something.I have to say that 11's revealing move really left him with a big problem. If they want to move forward, they must first clear the obstacles on the road, but the opponent has two snipers, as long as the big circle sends someone to Clean up the obstacles, 11 they will definitely fire cold guns to kill the people sent to clean up, no matter how arrogant the big circle is, it is impossible to use the precious lives of brothers to fill this hole.What's more, when will such a thick tree and so many stones be moved?After the move was over, they almost killed everyone.So this road will not work, unless we first kill Sky Burial and Leng Ye, and make sure they have no worries before clearing the road.

But if you want to kill Leng Ye and Sky Burial first, the big circle will have to face two choices first: Should everyone rush into the mountains and fight with 11 them to the death?Or will only some people go in?
If everyone rushed in, they would definitely bring Zhang Zhen and Yang Siyu with them, but this would be tantamount to exposing them to 11 and the others.Don't forget that there are two professional ace snipers on 11's side. If they find a gap to shoot Zhang Zhen with such a shot, the mission of the big circle will end directly in advance.So this risk is absolutely unacceptable.

However, it is also inappropriate to send some people in. Judging from the information collected about 11 in the past, 11 is best at dispersing the enemies and defeating them one by one, and it has been tried and tested.Although he is very confident in the fighters in the big circle, once he faces the freak of 11th, even the big head doesn't have much confidence.

Looking at the several big trees and piles of stones lying in the middle of the road, Da Tou couldn't help but feel embarrassed. 11 What was in front of him was a naked conspiracy, but they had to be tricked because they had no choice.

It is impossible to clear the road, I am afraid that everyone will die and the road has not been cleared yet.It would not work to take Zhang Zhen and Yang Siyu into the mountains together, because the big circle couldn't afford the risk.The only remaining option is to divide the team into the mountain. The team that goes in is likely to be completely wiped out, but at least it can temporarily contain the Dark Cross gang, and even expose 11 and their positions for the people behind. A reminder to my comrades.

Looking at Wu Dalang and the others, Datou made up his mind, waved and called: "Xiao Wu, come here."

Wu Dalang walked over with a gun in his hand, and said, "Brother Big Head."

The big head ordered: "I will take a few brothers into the mountain in a while, and you and Xiaoqiang will stay and protect the kid surnamed Zhang. Remember, you must protect him at any cost."

Wu Dalang's eyes froze, and he yelled in a sharp voice: "Those guys are not worthy of your action, Brother Big Tou, just let me go." As he spoke, he slapped his chest loudly.

Datou shook his head and said bluntly: "You are not 11's opponent." Seeing that Wu Dalang was still unwilling to speak, he frowned and said: "Don't argue, let's make this decision."

"But..." Wu Dalang wanted to argue further, but seeing the resolute look in Datou's eyes, he knew that it was useless to say anything else, so he sighed dejectedly and said, "Well then, Brother Datou, you have to be careful."

The big head nodded, and after a few more instructions, he greeted five fully armed soldiers in a large circle, and a group of six people walked towards the forest where 11 had just disappeared.

At the same time, on a certain dense tree deep in the forest. 11 was hiding in the dense foliage, watching the big six leave the convoy and walk towards them.

"Here we come." Leng Ye's voice whispered in his ear: "Six people, the big head is also inside."

"Leave it to me." 11 said flatly: "You and Sky Burial continue to watch, as long as they make any changes, or as soon as Zhang Zhen appears, shoot immediately."

"Understood." Leng Ye pouted.Daquan is so shameless that he reinforced three off-road vehicles with the standard modification of bulletproof vehicles, making his and Sky Burial's role in this battle much smaller.If those three cars were just ordinary cars, he could blow up all three cars one by one, no matter which car Zhang Zhen hid in, he would die in the end.But as soon as he knew that the other party was using a bulletproof vehicle, this idea could only be aborted.The role of him and Sky Burial can only be used to deter the other party from taking the risk of clearing the roadblocks. There is really no use for heroes, and I feel aggrieved when I think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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