human ice maker

Chapter 849 The Dusty Mystery

Chapter 849 The Dusty Mystery

In the depths of the jungle, Wu Dalang and Shaoyuan stood beside the bones of buffalo and A Tian, ​​looking at the two horribly dead corpses in front of them, their eyes were flushed, and their lips trembled slightly.

Two more brothers gone...

I can't tell what kind of mood I am in. When my former comrades-in-arms fall in front of me one after another, apart from anger, there is only heartache.

Looking up at the sky, Wu Dalang tried hard to swallow back the bitterness in his nose, but his damn heart was still throbbing with pain.His body was trembling slightly, and his hands were also clenched into fists, so tight that his nails were deeply embedded in the flesh.

"Brother Wu." Shaoyuan's voice trembled, and he called softly with a slight sob.

Wu Dalang took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice: "Let's go." After speaking, he took a deep look at the two brothers who had already returned, and then resolutely left without staying.

This is war. If it is war, people will inevitably die. Either you kill someone or someone kills you. Everyone has no choice.Over the years, Wu Dalang couldn't remember how many brothers' bones he had buried with his own hands. He had seen through life and death a long time ago.Maybe one day he too will die on the battlefield, maybe that day is today.But since he has chosen to take this path, he has no choice but to continue walking and killing...until the end of death.

Feeling the grief in Wu Dalang's heart, Shaoyuan didn't say anything more, and took a deep look at the two companions for the last time with the faint tears in his eyes, gritted his teeth and chased after Wu Dalang and left.

The slightly cool mountain wind blew gently, and the residual bloody smell was blown up, and scattered with the wind.

"Shaoyuan." Wu Dalang walked in front, and said as he walked without looking back, "Be careful, the person who killed the buffalo and Ah Tian may still be hiding nearby."

Shaoyuan nodded lightly and did not speak, holding the gun tightly in his hand, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

In the quiet jungle, no birds were heard singing. The continuous sound of explosions and gunshots had already scared away the nearby birds. The jungle was dead silent at this moment, and the silence was terrifying.

Not far away, Wu Dalang stopped suddenly, squinted his eyes that were still slightly red, and looked around carefully with a little doubt.Shaoyuan immediately stood behind him knowingly, leaning back to back with him and carefully guarding Wu Dalang's rear.

"Come out!" Wu Dalang suddenly called out in a shrill voice.

But no one appeared, and the surrounding area was still silent, not even a bird passed by.

Wu Dalang looked left, right, up and down without giving up, his eyeballs kept rolling.But all around them were trees in the sky except for the dense grass, no matter how hard he searched, there was no sign of anyone.But he knew that there must be someone hiding nearby. This was an intuition cultivated after many battles on the battlefield, and he also believed in his intuition. The seemingly dangerous aura just now could not be fake.

The opponent was hiding and not moving, Wu Dalang and Shaoyuan didn't dare to move casually, the two stood back to back cautiously, the enemy who didn't know where the monk was hiding just kept stalemate like this.

When the stalemate lasted for about ten seconds, Wu Dalang, who had been standing still, suddenly turned around like a silent volcano erupting suddenly, pointed the muzzle of the AK in his hand at a big tree a hundred meters away to the right, and ruthlessly He slammed down the hammer hard, and with the sound of "da da da da", the bullets shot out of the gun barrel continuously, shooting towards the big tree.For a while, pieces of bark and sawdust were blown away by bullets and fell to the ground, but the person hiding behind the tree was still safe and sound.

During this process, Shaoyuan did not fire a single shot.This is the difference between a veteran and a new soldier. If it is a new soldier, he will definitely follow Wu Dalang and shoot towards that side without hesitation at this time, and he will not care whether the bullet can hit someone.But Shaoyuan, a veteran, would not make such low-level mistakes. Two people shot at the same time. Of course, the lethality was increased, and the shooting was enjoyable enough, but what if the bullets of the two people emptied at the same time?The gap between them is enough for the two of them to confess here together.So his choice of not following the booing is undoubtedly very correct. If Wu Dalang's bullets are exhausted, at least there is still the gun in his hand waiting, and he will not give the other party an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The gunshots stopped soon, and Wu Dalang stared coldly at the tree trunk that had been completely disfigured by the bullets with the gun in his hand. After a while, he quietly made a gesture of outflanking Shaoyuan left and right.

Shaoyuan left behind Wu Dalang silently, and carefully covered the big tree from the right side, while Wu Dalang also slowly leaned up from the left side.

As he got closer, Shaoyuan heard a vague and heavy breathing coming from behind the big tree, he cast a puzzled look at Wu Dalang in the other direction, it was obvious that this person was a newcomer, And the moment is in a very tense state.

Wu Dalang nodded to him, swung the knife in his hand lightly, and gave a "kill" response.Even if it's just a newcomer, it's a threat to keep it, and it's not wrong to kill it.

Shaoyuan nodded, took a deep breath, and was about to sprint over to make a surprise attack at the fastest speed, when Huo Di suddenly heard Wu Dalang's roar: "Get out of the way!"

Shaoyuan, who had already sprinted and ran a step, did not hesitate at the sound. At this moment, his body even surpassed the reaction of his thoughts, and immediately changed from rushing forward to sideways, kicking hard with his feet and turning to the left. Fell over.

At the moment when he fell down, a "bang" pistol shot suddenly sounded not far behind him.At the same time as he heard the gunshot, Shaoyuan only felt his right ear "snap" explode, and then there was a buzzing in his ear and he was temporarily deaf, and there was even burning pain from the injured part.He immediately knew that his right ear could not be kept, but at this moment he didn't bother to check the injury, and his body accelerated and rolled half a circle on the ground, lying on his back, and then raised the gun immediately without pausing for a moment. The butt of the gun was pressed against his chest, and before he even had time to take a look, he had already pressed the blow behind him.

"Da da da da..." Clusters of flames continued to burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and at the same time a thick smell of gunpowder filled the air.With the violent lasing of bullets, the thorns and bushes behind him all snapped off.The bullet hit the tree trunk, exploding large pieces of bark and sawdust flying all over the sky.But just after more than ten shots were fired, Shaoyuan suddenly let go of the strike and stopped shooting, because there was no one in sight behind him.

At this time, Shaoyuan's face suddenly changed slightly as if he realized something, he hastily turned his head to look to the other side, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a black shadow flashing past from the corner of his eyes.At this moment, there was a continuous "da da da da" gunshot from Wu Dalang's side, and a shuttle of bullets flew past him screaming.And in the direction Shaoyuan turned his head to look, a vigorous figure was doing various evasive actions with incredible agility and unimaginable speed.At the same time, while dodging the incoming bullets, she took advantage of the cover of the dense and intertwined trees to shuttle quickly through the bushes, lowering her head, twisting her waist, and turning left and right, making it impossible to trace the bullets. Kan flew past her body, but none of them could hit her.

Shaoyuan opened his mouth slightly subconsciously, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even if he was killed, he would not believe that the human body can make so many incredible movements.Although a woman's body is inherently softer and more resilient than a man's, the various movements made by this woman in front of her are no longer soft and resilient.What's more, her skills are too flexible, and she can often predict the trajectory of the ballistic and avoid it first.More than half of the dozen or so bullets Wu Dalang fired continuously at this moment were blocked by the woman using the intertwined trees, and the rest were dodged by this unbelievably flexible woman, and none of them could hit the bullets. She poses a threat.

After a short period of shock, Shaoyuan immediately came to his senses and realized that now is not the time to admire the enemy.He immediately raised his gun, followed Wu Dalang and shot at the woman.

Just when Shaoyuan raised his gun, Dowell, who had been hiding behind a tree, finally shot at the right time.

Dowell saw the opportunity, turned out from behind the tree suddenly, raised his gun and aimed at Wu Dalang, and at the same time, a mental shock stabbed violently towards Wu Dalang's head.

Wu Dalang had already noticed Dowell when he jumped out. Although he was reckless, it didn't mean he would underestimate the enemy, otherwise he wouldn't be alive today.Just as Dowell emerged from behind the tree, Wu Dalang had already adjusted his gun to point at him.But at the moment when he was about to buckle the blow, there was a buzzing sound in his head, and there was a short blank, and his body shook slightly.Although he woke up immediately in the next second, but in a battle, a brief absence of consciousness has already doomed the end.

"Da da da da da..." A shuttle of bullets shot violently from the M4A1 in Dowell's hand, and all of them shot into Wu Dalang's body in an instant.Wu Dalang's body suddenly exploded with puffs of blood, and his body retreated steadily after being beaten.He clenched his teeth tightly, and the blue veins on his forehead popped out. He suddenly roared, and with his unwillingness to use up his last bit of strength, he suppressed the blow. "Da da!" Two beams of flame emerged from the muzzle of his gun, but he had no energy left to fire more bullets.

Dowell was still just a newcomer, and he didn't know how to dodge the bullets at all. He didn't even hear the sound of Wu Dalang firing the gun before the two bullets hit his body.Dowell snorted, and staggered back a few steps after being hit by these two shots. Although he was protected by a thin-skinned body armor made by Dr. Madman, the bullets still hurt his body.

I don't know whether it was because of the over-scaring or because of the rest of the catastrophe, when Dowell reacted, he roared suddenly, and poured all the remaining bullets in the gun towards Wu Dalang in a more violent posture.

In an instant, Wu Dalang's body exploded with countless bloody lights, his body was hit by the brutal bullets and he retreated all the way, until he finally stopped when his back leaned against a tree trunk, staring at a pair of big gongs. He stared at Dowell intently, but he was no longer breathing through his nose.

He didn't lie down until he died...

The fighters in the big circle can only die standing, not kneeling to live.

It was not until all the bullets in the magazine were emptied that Dowell finally stopped, looking at Wu Dalang with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, panting heavily with his mouth open.

At this time, a sudden "Brother Wu!" came out of Shaoyuan's mouth.

Hearing the sound, Dowell turned his head to look, only to see Shaoyuan's eyes were red, his canthus were about to split open, and he was staring at him with a vicious look that seemed to want to swallow him alive.At this moment, Dowell shivered for no reason, and hurried back to hide behind the tree without even thinking about it.

"Ah!!" Shaoyuan yelled furiously, and angrily directed the gun at Dowell.At this moment, he was ready to go all out, he no longer worried about the queen who was still watching covetously, and only thought that before he died, he would drag a backer to avenge Wu Dalang.

It's just that Shaoyuan still underestimated the terrible woman the queen. He thought he could kill Douwell before the queen killed him, but the queen told him with practical actions that it was impossible.

"Bang!" Just one second before Shaoyuan buckled the blow, the queen had already shot him one step ahead of Shaoyuan at an incredible speed.The bullet pierced into his right brain, and then penetrated out from the left side of his brain with a trace of bloody red and white mixed brain.

Shaoyuan swayed, with a trace of grief and resentment on his face, finally his body slowly fell back, and with that resentment and desolation, he swallowed his last breath.

"Boom!" The body fell heavily on the ground, raising a cloud of dust and flying lightly.He still looked at the sky with his eyes open until he died. It turns out that the sky is red...

"Huh..." Dowell breathed a sigh of relief, but still patted his chest with lingering fear and said, "I was scared to death. Fortunately, you arrived in time, otherwise I would die."

The queen glanced at him, and only said: "There are three more, you hide them yourself." Then she left Dowell alone, and continued to drive towards Leng Ye.

Dowell licked his dry lips, not daring to touch Wu Dalang's eyes that were still staring at him until his death. After the queen left, he lowered his head and hurried back to the other side of the road.

Sorry for the late update everyone.I didn’t go to bed until after four o’clock in the afternoon yesterday, and it was already past twelve o’clock in the morning when I woke up, and I don’t know if I caught a cold or not, and my head hurts all the time after waking up.It took me a night and a whole morning to code this chapter. I'm really sorry for making you wait so long.

In addition, I am really not feeling well today, so I would like to ask everyone for a day off. This chapter was written yesterday, so I can only ask for leave today.I have a really bad headache and I can't write any words. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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