human ice maker

Chapter 861

Chapter 861
"Are you afraid?" the Queen asked.

"Afraid of a ball." Being so provoked by the queen, Leng Ye suddenly became full of pride, pulled his gun and said: "The big deal is to fight with them, fight for one to get back the money, and fight for two to make money. Right, sky burial?"

Sky Burial, who was hiding behind the rock, curled his lips and said, "I would risk my life to accompany Junzi."

"It's giving up your life to accompany a gentleman." Leng Ye laughed and scolded: "You are a dead foreigner, you can't learn the language well."

"What a fart." Sky Burial said angrily, "If our boss is not from the Dragon Kingdom, I wouldn't be bothered to learn the Dragon Kingdom dialect."

"I'll go, are you still reasonable?"

"Stop talking." The Queen interjected, "The Hornets Squad is one of the devil's seven ace mercenary teams, and all of them are elite soldiers. Even the monkeys were just pawns when they were in the Hornets. One can imagine that the real elite Hornets are not We can fight head-on."

Leng Ye smiled wryly and said: "I said Yue Rong, I finally made up my mind to die, why are you attacking me again?"

"I'm just reminding you that if we fight head-on, we will surely die."

Leng Ye spread his hands, and said helplessly: "If you hit him, you will die, if you don't hit him, you will die, so what do you think we should do?"

"Lead them to the jungle where we came out before." The queen hugged Xiaobai with one hand, took out the goggles to put on with the other, and took out two flash bombs, and said, "I'll throw a flash bomb in a while, you all take care of yourself." Take care of yourself and rush out when you find the right time. Also, watch out for their snipers."

Leng Ye said "tsk tsk" twice: "As expected of the green bamboo leaf on the bamboo, the needle behind the hornet's tail."

"What do you mean?" Sky Burial asked.

Leng Ye signaled Dowell to put on the anti-flash goggles, and he put on a pair before continuing to read: "Neither is poisonous, but the most poisonous to women's hearts."

The queen hummed softly in the headset, and Leng Ye said with a sneer: "I'm not praising you."

The queen was so angry that she chewed on him again, took a deep breath, pulled the pull ring and jumped out from behind the tree, throwing two flash bombs forcefully, and then flashed back to the tree at an extremely fast speed.However, in the blink of an eye when she appeared and threw the bullets, dozens of bullets were pouring down like a torrential rain. Fortunately, the queen did not hesitate for a moment. It was beaten into a hornet's nest.

"Grenade!" Someone from the Hornets suddenly shouted in eagle language.For a time, almost half of the people raised their guns and fired wildly at the two flash bombs that were thrown, and the sound of "da da da" machine guns was deafening.

The two flash bombs were quickly hit one after another and detonated in the air. With two low-pitched explosions of "Peng, Peng", the pitch-black jungle instantly became as dazzling as daylight, and the unprepared wasp There was a series of miserable howls from the team.

"Run!" The queen shouted in a low voice, and was the first to rush out from behind the tree, running back and forth on the same road at high speed.The speed of the sky burial was not slow, even before the queen reminded him, he had already jumped out from behind the rock.As for Leng Ye, because he had to take care of Dowell, he was a little slower.

The four of them had just emerged from their hiding places, when the Hornets immediately heard a series of machine gunshots.

"Fuck!" Leng Ye hurriedly threw Dowell to the ground, the sky burial retreated quickly behind the rock, and the queen rolled twice from the ground and then dodged to hide behind another big tree.

Leng Ye spat out a few weeds and dirt that accidentally got on his mouth, and shouted: "Some of them are also wearing goggles."

"Bang!" Leng Ye had just finished speaking, when a SVD sniper rifle shot suddenly came from behind him, and one didn't need to look to know that the shot was fired by Sky Burial.After Sky Burial fired a shot, it immediately hid behind the rock, and then countless shuttle bullets poured down like a storm, all of which hit the rock, splashing wisps of dazzling sparks.

Sky Burial held the gun and shrank behind the rock, shouting loudly: "Let's go!"

Leng Ye's heart trembled suddenly, Sky Burial was deliberately attracting the firepower to his side, so as to create a chance for them to escape.His lips trembled slightly, this white-haired old demon...

Although he wanted to stay and fight side by side with Sky Burial, Leng Ye knew that if he stayed, the final result would be that everyone would die here.So the best way is to sacrifice one person and save the others.It's just that he didn't expect that Sky Burial would resolutely choose to stay by himself for the sake of a few of them who were not related to him.

Gritting his teeth, Leng Ye almost burst out a word between his teeth: "Damn foreigner, don't die for me."

"Get out!" Sky Burial screamed almost with all its strength.

Leng Ye didn't hesitate any longer, grabbed Dowell's arm and pulled him along to run forward with his waist down.But just after they ran two steps, Leng Ye suddenly threw himself on Dowell again, rolling him to the ground together.Immediately afterwards, a string of bullets passed over their heads. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, both of them would have died at this moment.

"Damn it." Leng Ye cursed fiercely. There must be many people on the Hornets team wearing anti-flash night vision goggles. Only in this way can they explain why these people were not affected by the flash bombs and could clearly observed the actions on their side.Although the number of people wearing goggles should not be too many, it is enough to suppress a few of them until everyone else recovers.If it is really delayed until those people recover, I am afraid that none of them will be able to escape.

"Bang!" There was another SVD sniper gun shot behind him. Sky Burial no longer cared about his own safety. He fired this shot at Leng Ye and Dowell, trying to exchange his life for them to escape. Opportunity.

Sky Burial's risky counterattack was not fruitless, at least he won a chance for the queen.At the same time as Sky Burial fired this shot, the queen also jumped out from behind the tree, and threw a grenade and a flash bomb at the Hornets again.Then without looking at the result, he rushed to Leng Ye and grabbed Dowell's arm, pulled him up and continued to run forward.

"Peng!" The sky became bright again, followed by "Boom!" A burst of explosions came from the Hornets.This time they failed to intercept the flash bombs and grenades in time, and immediately lost a lot.Moreover, the queen's two flash bombs and grenades were thrown by the crowd wearing goggles, so after the explosion passed, the gunshots from the Hornets immediately weakened a lot.

The queen and Leng Ye took advantage of this rare opportunity to rush forward with Dowell holding them from left to right. Although Dowell wanted to go back and see the current situation of the sky burial, he knew that as long as he hesitated for a moment, he would threaten Cold nights and Queen's safety.So he could only clenched his teeth with red eyes, and rushed forward without saying a word, but in his heart he was faintly regretting why he didn't hand over the thin-skinned body armor he was wearing to Sky Burial, so that Sky Burial would have a chance to save his life.But it's too late to regret now.

It's just that Dowell didn't see it. At the same time as the sound of the grenade blasting, Sky Burial also rushed out from behind the rock without hesitation, and ran in another direction.Although this white-haired old demon has always been called an intellectual idiot by Liu Dao, his combat experience is extremely rich. If he has such a good opportunity, he will really become an idiot if he doesn't run away.

After Queen, Leng Ye, Dowell and Sky Burial escaped on both sides, the Hornets also quickly recovered from the impact of the flash bomb.

Rows of fully armed warriors stood in the dense jungle. Among them, two men, one woman, and three leaders each wore a pair of goggles.

"Redback." The oldest one among them said: "You take the Hornets seven or eight groups to chase the man of fate."

The code name "Red Back" was named after the poisonous spider "Red Back". The young man who was code-named "Red Back" nodded slightly when he heard the words, and led nearly twenty people before chasing after the sky burial.

"Yeyou." The man ordered again.

Yeyou was another black woman. She raised her head to meet the man's cold eyes, and when she saw the veiled look in his eyes, she nodded slightly to indicate that she understood.

The middle-aged man stopped looking at her, and shouted: "Yeyou left behind to count the casualties, come and meet up as soon as possible. The rest, follow me to chase the traitor." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and took The remaining 40 or so Hornet fighters whose eyes were red and swollen by the flash bullets and who were still crying kept chasing after the Queen and the others.

Here, only less than ten people led by Yeyou remained, including two seriously injured and three slightly injured soldiers who were just injured by the queen's grenade.The two seriously injured temporarily lost their combat effectiveness. Among the three slightly injured, one was unlucky enough to have his leg pierced by an iron plate, and one leg was temporarily immobilized. As for the other two, there was no serious problem. Once the iron sheet has stopped the bleeding, you can continue to fight.

Yeyou's icy gaze swept over the faces of these five people one by one, Huo Di raised his hand and swung it down vigorously, and softly shouted: "Kill."

"Da da da da..." There were bursts of machine guns in the forest.When the gunfire stopped, the two seriously injured soldiers and the soldier with a leg bone injury were already lying in a pool of blood and breathless.

"Gulu, Gulu." The other two soldiers who only survived with minor injuries stretched straight, swallowing silently, not daring to make a sound, let alone take any action.It wasn't until Yeyou's cold and merciless eyes moved away from their faces that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and realized that they were soaked as if they had just been fished out of the water.

"Let's go." Yeyou waved his hand lightly, and led the warriors who had a total of less than ten people to follow the footsteps of the Hornet brigade. At this moment, only three cold corpses were left behind.Poor these battle-tested warriors did not end up dying at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of their own people because they lost their function.

(End of this chapter)

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