human ice maker

Chapter 877

Chapter 877
DK's episode is like a small pebble thrown in the sea, only splashing a circle of insignificant ripples, unable to attract more people's attention.The war will not be rewritten because of one person, so the ongoing war in the Golden Triangle is still going on.

The flames of war are raging, and mourners are everywhere. This place has changed from a paradise on earth to the bloodiest and cruelest purgatory on earth.There are gunshots, cannons, and howls everywhere, mixed with rumbling explosions.Following the unreasonable attack by Ji Da and Chacha, the strong villages belonging to Wa Ke's forces were conquered one after another. Every time a village was captured, bloody massacres followed.

Life here is so fragile and humble. There is no pity or humanity in war, and there are only mottled traces of madness and cruelty.

A blood-stained toddler cried out for his mother in a hoarse voice, but as a machete fell, the ignorant toddler fell into a pool of blood. Also missed.And his mother was being brutally pressed down by several men for them to vent their most primitive desires. She stretched her arms towards her child but couldn't hook his body. Heartbreaking screams.And her man, the child's father, resolutely picked up a stone on the ground in grief and anger, and rushed up to fight these scumbags desperately, but no matter how hard a stone was, it was no stronger than a gun or a knife. Before the stones could be thrown out, they were turned into a hornet's nest by bullets from all directions, and then countless machetes slashed at his body.And when he fell to the ground, his eyes were still glaring at the sky, as if he was asking why all the gods and Buddhas didn't have any mercy?It's just that before he died, did he ever think about whether he would become one of the butchers if they were the winners today?Will he raise the butcher's knife at innocent children, or will he brutally crush other people's wives and daughters under him?

This is war, the winner and the loser, there is no reason to speak.Whoever wins is entitled to enjoy the slaughter and other people's women.But the loser can only compose sad elegy with blood and tears.

There is no humanity here, no mercy, only wanton venting and wanton killing.

War will always bring only irreparable damage.

With Ji Da and Chacha's strong attack all the way, Wa Ke's performance is full of weirdness.He just sent a steady stream of fresh troops to join the resistance, but he never saw Waco's real elite troops appearing, not even himself.However, this does not stop Ji Da and Cha Cha from going crazy. It is more to their liking that Wa Ke cannot form an effective resistance. will all look pale.As long as the overall situation is determined, even if Waco has shocking means, he will be powerless to recover.

Seeing that Ji Da and Cha Cha had entered the hinterland of Wa Ke's forces with such speed, other large and small forces adjacent to Wa Ke's forces also began to show signs of imminent movement, and some of them were still surrendered to Wa Ke's dependent forces.People are like this. When you are strong, I am afraid of you, afraid that you will listen to you in everything, and I dare not go west when you point to the east.But when you lose power, I don't mind throwing stones at you or even kicking them.Everything is for profit. If there is interest, you are the ancestor. If there is no interest, you are not even as good as a grandson.Politicians' methods are also applicable here.

After Ji Da and Chacha attracted most of Wa Ke's main forces, the other forces that were watching from the sidelines and adjacent to Wa Ke finally couldn't hold back.First, a medium-sized force made a tentative attack, and even easily occupied one of Wa Ke's stockades. Now the other forces were all jealous, and they all went crazy. Eat this huge sweet cake.From then on, the battle started in an all-round way. From the beginning, Wake only needed to resist Jida and Chacha, but now it has evolved into facing the attacks and scoring points of all forces. Everyone is crazily robbing people, territory, and resources. No one Their crazy desire can be stopped again, even Ji Da and Chacha were shocked and furious after knowing this situation, and accelerated their pace of progress.

And the flames of war not only appeared in such an area, at this moment, almost all the forces in the Golden Triangle were at war, and the war had covered every corner of the Golden Triangle.Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp. If you are not strong enough, you will face the fate of being swallowed.This is the law of the jungle and no one can escape it.Everyone took advantage of this opportunity to crazily expand their territory. In the Golden Triangle, some people laughed, some people cried, and every corner was intertwined with music of blood and tears.

At the most critical time in this war, the three-nation coalition forces from Taiguo, Yueguo and Laos finally set foot in the Golden Triangle area.

Where the regular army of the Three Kingdoms appeared could not affect the overall situation for the time being, but when the Allied Army of the Three Kingdoms appeared, the entire Golden Triangle was shocked, even Jida and Chacha were no exception.Because they didn't get any news beforehand, what does this mean?In the past, as long as the three countries showed signs of mobilizing their troops, the major forces in the Golden Triangle would be the first to hear the news and respond in time.But today, they didn't find out until the armies of the Three Kingdoms came in, and they didn't receive any information beforehand. This shows that the pawns they worked so hard to plant in the Three Kingdoms have either been exposed and controlled, or the Three Kingdoms are determined to use Thunder. The sudden attack on the Golden Triangle was so fast that everyone couldn't react.But no matter which possibility it is, it can be predicted that the Golden Triangle will face a huge disaster, because the Golden Triangle is not yet ready to resist external invasion, let alone they are still fighting among themselves.

The army of the Three Kingdoms appeared very suddenly, and as soon as they appeared, they immediately rushed in with lightning speed, and wherever the army passed, everything was wiped out.The regular army of the Three Kingdoms hated the major forces in the Golden Triangle deeply, and they did not show mercy when killing people, even if they hurt innocent children, they just pretended not to see it.The internal emptiness caused by the strong attack of the Three Kingdoms and the internal strife in the Golden Triangle made them rush in all the way. The various forces that were hurt were all caught off guard, and they were unable to form an effective resistance in a short period of time. They were killed by the army of the Three Kingdoms retreated steadily.

Faced with this situation, even Ji Da and Cha Cha could only stare at each other bitterly.Although they can choose to eat Wake first and then turn back to deal with the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, this time is also enough for the armies of the Three Kingdoms to sweep back and forth in the Golden Triangle.It's okay to let them sweep it up, as long as it doesn't hurt my own territory, what does it matter to me whether there is a flood outside?But Ji Da and Chacha knew that the Golden Triangle itself had gone through an internal struggle, and the number and scale had been greatly reduced. If it was swept away by the army of the three countries again, the Golden Triangle would be severely damaged, and even a long period of time would be lost. Time is hard to recover.As long as the Three Kingdoms organize another strong attack regardless of cost in a short period of time, the Golden Triangle is likely to be beaten in, or even cease to exist.

It's just that Ji Da and Chacha have a big picture, but not everyone will, especially at this time when everyone is so jealous, even if you want to quit, not everyone will agree.And the fact is true. After the news spread that the armies of the three countries had invaded the Golden Triangle, except for a few forces that were still sober-minded and immediately ceased fire and organized manpower to resist, more forces were still fighting continuously.At this time, even if the sky falls, they can't stop them anymore. Regardless of whether there is a flood outside, everyone only cares about the one-acre land in front of them.Besides, in their opinion, the armies of these three countries have attacked the Golden Triangle more than once or twice, and which time have they actually been able to enter?Isn't it always the one who was killed and fled back in embarrassment?So they didn't take the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms too seriously, thinking that the Three Kingdoms were as vulnerable as before, and after they conquered this territory, they would be able to free up their hands and beat back the Three Kingdoms' armies.Yes, they can indeed push back the armies of the Three Kingdoms after the fact, but they haven't realized that if the Three Kingdoms are allowed to continue to sweep, they will have brought irreparable damage to the Golden Triangle when they can free up their hands. hurt.In the golden triangle that has fallen into chaos at this moment, and everyone is red-eyed, there are not many people who can stay awake and truly see through this point.

I have to say that the timing of the entry of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms is very suitable. If all the forces in the Golden Triangle hadn't really made a real move to kill the red-eyed one half a quarter earlier, more of them would calmly let go of their prejudices and work together first. against foreign enemies.Or as long as the night is short, the battle here is almost coming to an end even if it is not over, and other people can also free up their hands to resist them.But they chose to step in at the most appropriate time, even Ji Da and Cha Cha could only stare blankly and worry.

But whether it was Ji Da or Cha Cha, even everyone in the Golden Triangle didn't know that the reason why the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms chose to step in at this time was precisely provided by a conspirator.

After talking on the phone with Chacha, Ji Da sighed helplessly, seeing that victory was in sight, but he had to temporarily cease fire because of the situation, which made him very annoyed.He summoned a non-commissioned officer with a wave of his hand. Just as Ji Da was about to order him to cease fire and resist the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms first, at this moment, the battle turned unexpectedly.

The two chapters are finally added, and I can breathe a sigh of relief.I haven't slept since yesterday, so go to bed quickly, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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