human ice maker

Chapter 880

Chapter 880
11 Standing on the canopy thousands of meters away, he looked indifferently at Wa Ke's face, which sometimes gritted his teeth, sometimes chagrin and blamed himself, and sometimes sighed with various complex expressions.

Shaking his head slightly, 11 called out: "Queen."

Immediately, the queen responded with a short and hasty "hmm" from the human skin communicator, and at the same time, there were clearly audible gunshots and Leng Ye's careless cursing was vaguely heard.

11 said: "I found the target." After a pause, he added: "He wants to escape."

"You go." As soon as the queen finished speaking, a "bang" gunshot was heard in the communicator, and then there were vaguely "swoosh" bullets flying past her. He continued: "Don't worry about our side."

11 asked: "Can you persist?"

"Yes..." Before the words could be finished in the future, there was another gunshot from the communicator, and 11 heard the sound of the Queen rolling over the grass and breaking dead branches.After hiding again, she continued, "Be careful."

11 nodded and stopped talking nonsense, and jumped down from the tree suddenly. When his feet hit the ground, he suddenly exerted force, and his body was shot forward with a violent gust of wind like a shell fired.Along the way, the gust of wind was blowing straight into the ears, and accompanied by the sound of the wind, there were faint bursts of gunshots from the communicator and Dowell's slightly nervous panting.Gritting his teeth, 11 sharply increased his speed a few more points, like a ghost walking through the jungle at night, it turned into a dotted line that no one could catch, and flashed in the dense bushes at an unimaginable speed And pass.

While 11 was rapidly approaching Wake, on the other side of the battlefield, the queen, Leng Ye and Dowell were fighting fiercely with the devil Yeyou and others.Yeyou's team of less than ten people was left behind by the captain of the Hornets team to deal with a few discarded wastes, and this decision actually saved their team from a terrible disaster.Of course, Leng Ye and the Queen didn't know about this kind of thing beforehand, otherwise they wouldn't be in such a passive situation now.

When the main force of the Hornets team consisted of more than 40 people who were devastated by the Queen and Leng Ye, the team led by Ye You was rushing there.When they reached the middle of the road, they suddenly heard the screams of their teammates from the communicator, as if something terrible happened to the Hornets brigade. millet.The seven members of Yeyou's team looked at each other in blank dismay. They knew that with the quality of the members of the Hornets, even if they died, they would not be able to make such inhuman screams. What happened to them?What could make them cry so miserably?And there was even a hint of fear in the screams.It's a pity that no matter how Yeyou called, there was no other response from the Hornet brigade except for the screams. After a while, finally there was no more sound from the communicator.Encountering this situation, Yeyou and the others were a little at a loss, so they called the devil's headquarters instead, but the answer they got was that all the signs of life of the more than 40 people in the Hornets brigade had disappeared.

More than 40 people all died in this short moment?When he heard the news, apart from being shocked and horrified, Ye You still couldn't believe it.Not to mention her, even when Hongbei heard the news, she was stunned for a long time and couldn't react.Only DK, the heartless one, just froze for a moment and then immediately smiled, no longer taking this kind of thing to heart.Although even DK didn't know what happened to the Hornets, he didn't have the slightest interest in investigating.If he dies, let him die, even if everyone in the world dies, he won't even frown.But Ye You and Hongbei don't think so. You know, the Hornet's equipment and combat effectiveness are outstanding among world-class mercenary regiments. The entire army was wiped out, and they couldn't even fight back?Yeyou and Hongbei didn't believe that the queen and the others had this ability, otherwise they wouldn't have had to run away in embarrassment in the first place.Therefore, the only possibility is that there are terrifying creatures hidden in the dense forest that is too dark to see.

After figuring this out, Ye You quickly withdrew from the dark forest with the few remaining men around him.Even the main force of the Hornets team was inexplicably handed over, and she didn't have the guts to continue to try further.Moreover, except for her, none of them were equipped with night vision goggles. If something unexpected happened again, the entire army would probably be wiped out.But Ye You didn't intend to give up just yet, after all, chasing and killing the two traitors, 11 and the Queen, was the inevitable goal of their trip.So after withdrawing from the dense forest that made people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts, Yeyou's team immediately lay in ambush nearby, only waiting for the queen and the others to appear on their own initiative.

Soon, the victorious Queen, Leng Ye, and Dowell really came out of the dense forest. At this time, they didn't know the existence of Yeyou's team, and they were hurriedly preparing to rush to support the sky burial.Although Yeyou couldn't figure out how they could get out of that terrifying forest unscathed, she couldn't think about it that much at this time, and quietly issued an order, just waiting for the queen and others to get closer, wait After they completely entered the encirclement of themselves and others, they attacked immediately.

But Ye You didn't know that the current queen was no longer the former queen. Although her degree of genetic modification was still not as good as 11's, her intuitive talent as a woman was sharper than 11's.As soon as she came out of the dense forest, the queen immediately sensed that something was wrong, and without thinking about it, she immediately dragged Leng Ye and Dowell back, who were belatedly aware of it.The Queen's sudden move disrupted Ye You's position. Although she immediately gave the order to attack, it was still half a step late.It was only half a step away that Leng Ye and Dowell finally saved their lives, and I still feel terrified thinking about it now.

After Yeyou's team was exposed, the two sides entered into a fierce battle.Not long after the battle started, the buried explosives were detonated at DK, and the huge explosion was more or less affected here, which shows how earth-shattering the explosion was.After that, 11 came back safe and sound, and the battle here is still going on.However, on the way to 11, the original seven people on Yeyou's side, now there are only five people left, and the two who died were all killed by Leng Yesniper.

At this time, Leng Ye and Dowell were hiding in the dense forest, firing cold shots from time to time, which made Ye You and the others hate it, but temporarily had nothing to do with him.The queen stayed outside to play guerrilla fighting with them, so when 11 talked to her, she kept dodging bullets.

"Bang!" The sound of MG16's sniper gun was so special that every time the sound of the gun sounded, the hearts of Ye You and the others trembled inexplicably.Leng Ye's sniper ability is indeed terrifying, it can be said that every shot is sure to hit, and he rarely misses.At this moment, Leng Ye fired a long-prepared shot at the right time. As the sound of the gunshot came out, a member of the Hornets on Yeyou's side had just exposed half of his head from behind the tree, and there was a "snap". The entire head was instantly shattered.There was only a small half of the incomplete head on the neck, and a large stream of blood spurted and fell silently to the ground.

"Hold me back on the sniper!" Ye Youhong growled into the headset with eyes wide open.

"Bang!" Before she finished her words, the sound of a sniper rifle was also heard from here, and the MG16 was also used.

Leng Ye shrank back in time, and the incoming bullet hit the rock in front of him, breaking a small piece of the rock immediately, and countless stone chips and pebbles flew out.

"Fuck!" Leng Ye shook his head and shook off a burst of limestone and cursed in a low voice.He used counterfeit MG16 bullets, and the others used genuine ones. The difference in power between the genuine and pirated ones is more than a little bit.

Dowell hugged Xiaobai and hid beside Leng Ye, shrunk his body into a ball, and glanced at him quickly after hearing this.He can't get involved in a battle of this level, and Leng Ye won't let him, a rookie, participate.

On the other side, when the sniper of the Hornets just took the risk to show up and took a shot, the rest of the team including Ye You immediately jumped out in a tacit cooperation, with full firepower and reckless to suppress the Queen, so that she would not threaten him Sniper here.Now the only sniper who can restrain Leng Ye, if even he is dead, they will fall into a very passive situation in the next battle.

The war is still going on.

At the same time, on the other side, Wa Ke's team was walking cautiously in the jungle.The faint sound of ping-pong-pong gunshots from a distance made these people feel a little bit of panic and uneasiness.

At this moment, suddenly an unidentifiable object was thrown out of the dense forest on one side. Waco's guards just let out a yell, and then heard a muffled "Peng", Then suddenly the eyes lit up.At the moment when the dazzling light appeared, everyone involuntarily closed their eyes tightly, but at this time, everyone's eyes were already pierced with pain, and some people covered their red and swollen eyes and screamed loudly like ghosts and wolves. Among them, the cries of those children were the sharpest.

At this time, a figure rushed out from the dense forest where the flash bomb was thrown, holding a black dull dagger in each of his left and right hands, and rushed into the group of guards like a wolf into a herd of sheep with an indomitable momentum. . 11 With both left and right hands slashing the bow at the same time, a fountain of blood spewed out from the necks of the two guard soldiers.At this time, 11 had already stepped out of the moon dance step, with a weird twist of his body, he was already in the middle of the other two fighters, and after lightly swiping his hands again, he continued to jump in the middle of the other two fighters without stopping.

The whole process was like flowing clouds and flowing water without a moment's pause, as if it had been rehearsed countless times. The Waco Guard soldiers who were temporarily blinded by the flash bomb stretched their necks and waited to be killed one by one, and were easily killed by 11 all the way.It wasn't until Tian Zhan and Zhan Yue of 11 cut the throats of the last two fighters that the No. 2 and No.[-] fighters fell down.

11 The eyes hidden under the anti-riot glasses flashed a gleam of coldness and glanced at Wa Ke and his family who were already panicked and huddled together. Huo Di held Tian Zhan in his right hand towards the woman closest to him and the woman in her arms. The young child in his arms was slashed fiercely.

Cut the grass to root out!
(End of this chapter)

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