human ice maker

Chapter 898

Chapter 898

The night always passes quickly, and when you close your eyes gently, the long night will fly away quietly.When I opened my eyes again, it was a brand new day.

After a long night of fighting, the war in the Golden Triangle has come to an end.In this century-long war, no one is the final winner, and everyone is just a pawn being manipulated.Wake's forces were uprooted, but Ji Da and Chacha also did not gain more benefits in this war. The huge territory was looted by various forces. Although Ji Da and Chacha occupied the majority, but in After paying the promise to those dependent forces who came to help the battle, there is not much left for him.It can be said that Ji Da and Chacha worked for nothing and made wedding clothes for others for nothing.For the two super giants, such a result is intolerable to them, and it can be foreseen that there will be a long period of chaos in the Golden Triangle until Jida and Chacha will be looted by other forces. Collected one by one.

But at that time, the conflict between Jida and Chacha will break out completely. The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Let the fisherman benefit.Now that there is no such concern, there will only be one between Jida and Chacha. This is the law of survival, and no one can violate it. If you are not a cannibal, you can only wait for others to eat you.This is exactly what the big circle has been worried about, but things have developed to the point where Wake is no longer restrained, and no one can stop the war between Jida and Chacha.

The Golden Triangle only needs one emperor.

After a night of bloody fighting, the coalition forces of Tai, Laos, and Yue were finally killed and retreated, but the losses caused by their raids along the way were also irreparable.Because Wake played the vicious plan of going up to the house and pulling the ladder and setting fire to the backyard at the last moment, the army of Ji Da and Chacha failed to rush there in time to stop the invasion of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, and there were only a few scattered resistance forces However, like a mess of loose sand, they couldn't form an effective counterattack, and couldn't even delay the advance of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms for a while. In the end, the three armies rushed all the way in the posture of tigers and wolves attacking sheep, and rushed to the hinterland unscrupulously.The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms fought all the way in, killing people and setting fire everywhere, gunpowder smoke filled the air, there were no cries and shouts behind them, only the fire that filled the sky was quietly burning, because no matter where the Allied Forces passed, no one left alive, no matter whether they were humans or animals.War is so cruel, giving others a chance is not giving yourself a chance, so the best choice to deal with the enemy is to kill them all.What morality, what kind of compassion, in the face of war, they are all fragile and not as thin as a layer of paper, which can be easily torn apart with a light poke.

Fortunately, Ji Da and Chacha finally rushed back at the last moment. The two raised their arms and shouted. With their appeal and cohesion, they quickly gathered many nearby forces to participate in the self-defense battle.Of course, it is not ruled out that a few forces are watching the fire from the other side, or continue to bite dogs, but after all, there are only a few who have no overall view, and more forces are waking up, or they will be adjusted by Ji Da and Chacha. Put aside your prejudices for a while, and unanimously adjust your guns to the outside world.

The battle was so dark that almost half of the forces in the Golden Triangle participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms. After paying a huge price, they finally fled in embarrassment after being killed by the coalition forces of the government.Although the raging locusts were successfully driven away, the disaster they brought was irreparable. Facing the ruins everywhere, Ji Da and Cha Cha could only feel worried.Since the First World War, the strength of the Golden Triangle has been greatly reduced to less than half of its heyday.

Overnight, the vast Golden Triangle was filled with gunpowder smoke, blood flowed into rivers, and mourning was everywhere.

That night, the Golden Triangle was filled with a sad atmosphere.

On the other hand, the war between the devil and the big circle also had to retreat strategically because of the arrival of the rescue forces from the Green Gang and Hongmen.Both the devil and the big circle suffered huge losses in this battle, but compared to the devil, they were better. Most of their losses were cannon fodder troops. Only the Hornets were wiped out in their battle with 11 of them.But the big circle is exhausted of elites, and the staff has been reduced by [-]%.Such a large circle of losses is impossible to swallow no matter what, after gathering the Qing and Hong gangs to support the troops, they will gather all the troops to chase them all the way, and it is bound to prevent the main forces of the Mang Python and Qingtian teams from returning alive.

The war between Daquan, Qinggang, Hongmen and the devil is just the beginning, and all of this is within the calculations of Liu Dao.

But no one knows, it wasn't just the war here that started...


On the second day after the battle, when the sky was just dawning, the thousand-year-old ancient temple in Longguo, Songshan Shaolin Temple.

The thousand-year-old ancient temple is still majestic and magnificent, but it has long since lost its former glory.Thinking back to the past, there were more than tens of millions of Shaolin disciples in the north and south.However, since the fourth year of Tianyou in the Tang Dynasty, the first year of Jingyan in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the burning of Shaolin in the Qing Dynasty, Southern Shaolin in Fujian Province was destroyed three times and revived in three dynasties.Since then, the Southern Shaolin that has lasted for thousands of years has finally been burned to ruins in the raging fire, and it can never recover.And a large number of scriptures and ancient martial arts hidden in the temple have been lost since then, which is extremely regrettable.There is only one northern Shaolin left, and now guarding Songshan Mountain alone will not be able to regain the grandeur of the past.

Time flies and time goes by, and today's Songshan Shaolin has gradually changed its taste.This is no longer a solemn ancient temple, but has become a holy place where tourists and hawkers gather.In the early morning, countless hawkers gathered here and yelled loudly, which formed a sharp contrast with the rows of ancient temples behind them that exuded the vicissitudes of life.Those who come here are no longer devout believers, but more tourists with the mentality of just looking at the flowers and having fun.

The "Female Customers Only" sign has long since lost its function. Under the lure of money, let alone female customers, even male or female, they can enter and visit at will.The solemn and solemn atmosphere has long been annihilated in history, and the daily martial arts practice of the monks has become an ornamental program, which has long lost its original flavor and meaning of practice.People have to feel that the magic power of money is so great that even the monks who have nothing to do with the four can't resist the temptation of money.

One thought of heaven, one thought of hell, how can I ask these monks who have shaved off three thousand threads of worry, have they ever really had a pure spiritual platform, and the four elements are all empty?
On the stone steps of Shaolin ancient road, Tian Xing sighed softly, he didn't know whether his heart ached for the fall of the thousand-year-old temple, or he felt sorry for the current monks who are not monks, and guests who are not guests.Tianxing doesn't understand Buddhism, and his understanding of Buddhism only stays in the literal meaning of a few obscure scriptures.But looking at the rows of ancient temples that are still solemn in front, and then looking back at the vendors yelling everywhere behind them, I found that there is only a thin line between the four worlds and the world of mortals. How can monks keep their hearts clean?

Shaking his head, taking this emotion into his heart, Tianxing continued to climb up the stairs.

In front of the gate of Shaolin, there is only a young novice standing here.The little monk was only thirteen or fourteen years old, with a few ring scars on his bald head, palms clasped on his chest, eyes slightly closed, and his mouth seemed to be reciting some scriptures silently.He turned a blind eye to the people who came and went, but because of his cute appearance, a few early tourists wanted to take a photo with him, and the little monk let himself be manipulated like a wooden sculpture.

When Tianxing approached, the little monk slightly opened his eyes and looked at him as if he had sensed something.Tian Xing found that the little monk's eyes were clear and bright without any impurities, so he couldn't help but admire from the bottom of his heart. It turns out that Shaolin is not in decline.And when the little monk saw Tianxing, his eyes lit up, he bowed slightly to Tianxing as a salute, then turned around without saying a word, and continued to walk around the wall outside the courtyard silently reciting scriptures.After Tianxing made some preparations, he no longer hesitated to follow behind.

A young monk clasped his palms together, slightly closed his eyes, and walked in front with his head down.A man about fifty years old, with extraordinary demeanor and demeanor, put his hands behind his back, and followed behind as if he was casually visiting the surrounding scenery.Neither of them spoke, as if they had a tacit understanding, one led the way and the other followed.No one came to disturb me along the way, and I could hear the monks' morning classes in the distance.

Far away from the shouting of hawkers and the hustle and bustle of tourists, the only thing left is evening drums and morning bells. I can faintly hear the sound of morning class chanting by the side, which immediately makes people feel extremely calm and peaceful physically and mentally.This is the real Shaolin, a holy place far away from worldly disputes.

I don't know how long they walked, the little monk brought Tianxing to a small door, this is a wooden door of some age, the red paint on it has long since peeled off, and the two copper rings on the door have been caught by many people , the surface has turned black, and only a little bit of copper can be barely seen in the frequent bumps.

The little monk grabbed a copper ring and lightly bumped it against the wooden door, making a dull sound.He only bumped it three times before letting go of his hands, and put his palms together again. He lowered his head and didn't know which scripture he was chanting again.

Soon, the wooden door was opened from the inside with a "creak".At this time, Tianxing's face showed a hint of surprise, he didn't hear the sound of someone coming to open the door?

As the wooden door opened, an old monk with a sad face appeared behind the door. This old monk seemed to be seven or eighty years old, with wrinkles on his face, a pair of cloudy eyes, and a dilapidated monk. The clothes have also been washed and turned white, but they still look clean.

The young monk respectfully bowed to the old monk who opened the door, and the old monk returned his salute with palms together, and then turned sideways to make way.The little monk walked in without saying a word, and Tian Xing followed after pondering for a while.When passing by the old monk, Tian Xing suddenly looked at him as if in a sense, but the old monk still looked like he was dying, as if even a gust of wind could blow him down.After Tian Xing looked at him twice, he closed his eyes and continued to follow the young monk. It was not until they were far away that the old monk slowly closed the wooden door again, and then picked up the broom that was left aside and continued to sweep the ground. dust.

If Tianxing is still here, he must be able to notice that every time the old monk sweeps the floor, there is some kind of supreme artistic conception of martial arts implied.

It turns out that this independent small courtyard is the real, unknown Shaolin.

Thank you Xiaojie for your reminder. The original chapter of Chapter 882 was repeated. The previous chapter should be Chapter 884, but it can no longer be changed. I will skip directly to Chapter 885 here. I would like to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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