human ice maker

Chapter 903 The Rise of a Dusty Mystery 1 Legend

Chapter 903 A Dusty Mystery, The Rise of a Legend
Two months, two full months, ice bullets appeared frequently in the eastern world, causing great shocks and disturbances, sweeping the entire world like shocking tsunamis.Every day, the topics that people talk about the most are Ice Killer and Dark Cross.Every day, people continue to die because of him. No matter whether these people are guilty or innocent, they can keep hearing news about the ice killer every day.The dark world, which is usually inaccessible to ordinary people, has gradually surfaced due to the shock and impact brought about by the high-profile assassination of the Ice Killer.Only then did people know that the killers in TV and movies really existed. Maybe the person who passed by inadvertently while walking on the road one day was a killer who had hidden his identity.

The killer has always been hiding by our side.

This time, Ice Killer was planning to go completely insane. He frequently chose state officials to attack, causing bloody storms wherever he went.Any country where ice bullets appear will be followed by brutal assassinations and riots.Perhaps one day there will be an explosion on a quiet and noisy street, or a leader of a certain country will be suddenly sniped while traveling in a car and killed by a single shot.The assassination methods of the ice killer are varied and endless.But one thing is certain, he has never missed a single shot, and anyone who is targeted by him can only die.In order to kill a person, he can cruelly let hundreds of innocent people come to bury him.Such a bloody and brutal method is chilling, and the totem of Ice Bullet has almost directly hooked up with the death reminder. Wherever it appears, it will only bring panic and death.

No one knows what the ice killer is up to?No one knows what he is going crazy about?If the bloody assassination incidents in the three countries of Taiguo, Xiaochongguo, and Yingni can be said to be justified, then the appearance of ice bullets in Hanguo and Filipino will start to make people unpredictable Killer's intentions.

After all, the three countries of Taiguo, Xiaochongguo, and Yingni have all participated in the Golden Triangle incident, and all three countries have publicly declared their eternal hostile relationship with the Dark Cross.The Ice Killer may have been stimulated by something, and it is understandable to choose them for revenge.However, the two countries Han and Filipino did not participate in the Golden Triangle incident, and they did not hostile to the Dark Cross. After the panic brought about by the Ice Killer swept through Taiguo, Xiaochongguo and Yingni, it was terrifying. The ice bullets appeared in the country of Han and then in the Filipinos again and again, which made people puzzled.It seemed that he acted rashly at all, killing wherever he went, without a clear purpose, just purely wanting to create a panic incident.

It's not that these countries have never thought of rebelling. They have mobilized their troops, even hired mercenaries and killers at huge costs, and even posted a wanted list. Anyone who can kill the ice killer can get it The generous rewards given by these countries.How can the rewards given by several countries join forces be so small?Just looking at the long string of numerical rewards above can make people dizzy.Induced by huge benefits, countless famous mercenary teams and countless world-renowned killer groups swarmed here like bees seeing honey.

However, the ice killer was missing.As if he had evaporated from the world, no one could find his whereabouts.Those mercenaries and killers still didn't give up, and dug three feet to dig him out.Perhaps the behavior of these people angered the Ice Killer. After the first few days of calm, the Ice Killer finally launched a counterattack.

In the middle of the night on the first day, gunfire broke out in a hotel in the capital of Inny.When the local police arrived, they found only a few frozen corpses. The hotel video was called up, and the inside was so clean that nothing was left.But there was a crystal clear ice bullet left on the scene!
On the same night, a fierce fight took place in another hotel. Afterwards, the police found that the dead with western faces were all killed by two sharp daggers.An ice bullet was also left at the scene!

The next day, a body was found in an alley, and his throat was slit to death.After identification, the deceased was a famous killer in the West, a left-hander who occupied the No. 16 list of killers in the West.

On the same day, the body of a foreign tourist was found in the toilet of a shopping mall...


Soon after, ice bullets appeared in Han.On the day he received the ice bullet, Han Guo immediately made a big move.But like the previous three countries, these actions of Han Country also cannot stop the Ice Killer from wanton killing.On the second day, Han country joined the Three Kingdoms Alliance, also secretly issued a huge reward, and hired killers from all over the world to hunt down the ice killer.So far, the Ice Killer's reward list has added a generous reward.And on the day when the ice bullet appeared in the country of Han, those mercenaries and killers who were as annoying as flies also rushed to the country of Han in hot pursuit.While assassinating the target, the ice killer continued to wrestle with these mercenaries and killers who kept rushing over.


Half a month later, the ice bullet appeared in Feilibing again...

From Yingni to Hanguo, and then to Filipino soldiers, there are unknown assassinations and battles going on every day. Almost every one or two hours, people will surely receive a report. Found at least a few, as many as a dozen corpses.And next to these corpses, without exception, there was an ice bullet that could not be imitated.

The legend of the ice killer is unfolding gradually, and as he kills more people, his reputation gradually becomes stronger and stronger.In the unknown collisions and fights that lasted for more than a month, the number of famous mercenary teams and famous killers who died at the hands of the ice killer is hard to estimate.These mercenaries and killers who came from all over the world because of huge benefits, never imagined that not only did they fail to get the attractive fruit during their trip, but instead they took their own lives to become the ice killer step by step Set foot on the pinnacle of the altar.Witnessed by them, a new legend is quietly rising.

Finally, the dark world was shocked, and not only the dark world was shocked, even all countries in the world were stunned after knowing this situation.They still don't know whether the Ice Killer is a person or a small team?But no matter whether he is alone or in a team, if he can kill so many mercenaries and killers in half a month, the result alone is enough to shock the whole world.In particular, this is still under the circumstances that the ice killer is being hunted down by the five countries.

In this battle, Ice Killer finally reached the peak of the altar and was recognized as the number one killer in the world.So far, no one dared to deny his status, and even the Dark Cross was rising, and no one would underestimate the combat power of the Dark Cross.Overnight, the Ice Killer and the Dark Cross became famous completely, and they stood at the top of the pyramid ever since.

But the troubles behind the glory are also constant. At the beginning, those mercenaries and killers came here one after another for profit, but now there are more people to challenge the ice killer to fight for the false name.But when these people swarmed to the Filipino soldiers like ants, the Ice Killer had already killed the last Filipino official who had received the ice bullet, and then disappeared from people's noses again.

A few days later, at the capital airport of Xiaochong Country.

With the arrival of an international flight, a large group of people surrounded each other and got off the plane shoulder to shoulder.In this flow of people, there are two unobtrusive people, one is an old man in his sixties, and the other is a young man in his twenties with a cold look in his eyes.

This sixtieth old man was already at the age of dying, and he walked with three steps, as if he could fall at any time, but he still insisted on walking out of the airport on crutches.The young man was always by his side, but he just looked at him indifferently. Even when the old man was staggering and worried that he was about to fall, he had no intention of stepping forward to help.

After leaving the airport lobby, there was a long row of taxis waiting to pick up business outside.The old man turned his head and glanced at the young man who was following behind him. He reached out and hailed a taxi and got in the back.Then without waiting for the young man, he directly closed the car door, and announced the name of a hotel in his old voice with vicissitudes, and Xiaochong Mandarin with a slight accent.

The young man didn't intend to get in the car at all. After watching the taxi drive away, he lowered his head slightly and strolled along empty-handed.

More than ten minutes later, the taxi arrived at the door of the hotel. The old man walked into the hotel and opened a room with his Yidari passport.Accompanied by the boy who carried the luggage, he took the elevator up to the seventh floor and came to his room. After sending the boy a little tip, he locked the door, walked around the room, and pretended Touch east and move west.It looked like he was curious about things here, but he was actually secretly checking the room for cameras or bugs or something.After confirming that everything was safe, the old man staggered and staggered into the bathroom.

Then, the sound of flushing water came from the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the old man first took out a small bottle of liquid medicine, poured it into his palm and wiped his face vigorously for a while, then picked up a handful of water and rubbed the wrinkled skin on his face fiercely in front of the mirror. It was almost dyed into a pool of muddy sewage, gurgling down the fingers.It turned out that the old man's face was disguised with special drugs. After scooping up a few handfuls of water and thoroughly washing off the paint on his face, his face suddenly looked decades younger.After that, he gently tore off a thin layer of molted skin from the corner of his face, and carefully tore it off.This layer of skin is the "wrinkles" on his face. When all the wrinkles were torn off, a pale and familiar face suddenly appeared in the mirror——11.

There was no update yesterday. I don’t know if there is something wrong with my body. I didn’t wake up until [-] o’clock in the evening. After [-] o’clock, I was very sleepy again. It’s the kind of general sleepiness that you can fall asleep as soon as you close your eyes.I fell asleep again last night until I got up at two or three o'clock this afternoon. I just had dinner, and I became sleepy again.I tried my best to finish this chapter, but I couldn't bear it right now, so I went to bed first.

I'm afraid my physiological function is disordered, and I haven't been able to recover and adjust after more than ten days in Lijiang, my God!It's terrible!In the future, I have to change my schedule, and I can no longer stay up late, otherwise I may die suddenly.In the future, I will update before 12:12, post as many chapters as I can write before 12:[-], and go to bed after [-]:[-], so you don’t have to wait for me.

Let's start with a chapter today, Khan, it seems that I owe more and more.

(End of this chapter)

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