human ice maker

Chapter 924 Dusty Mystery, I'm Getting Married

Chapter 924 Dusty Mystery, I'm Getting Married

"What?" Sister Chuan's voice suddenly raised countless decibels, and she blurted out.

Even the driver sitting in front of the car and the bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat were obviously taken aback, and then they both looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sister Chuan quickly came back to her senses, grabbed Yue'er's arm, and said quickly with an anxious expression on her face, "Do you know what you're talking about? Marriage? This is so sudden..."

"Sister Chuan." Yue'er sighed faintly, and said with a wry smile: "You know, I can't drag it on any longer."


Yue'er shook her head and said: "Yesterday my parents forced me to make a choice, I can't accept their arrangement, like that..." She lightly stroked her abdomen, bit her lips, showing a bit of poignant beauty.He turned his head to look out the window, but he didn't care to appreciate the scenery. Before he knew it, two lines of hot tears flowed quietly from behind the sunglasses.

I thought that taking a breath would turn into clouds on a sunny day, but I didn't expect it to condense into raindrops in the corner of my eyes.In this cold winter, love is like a luxury, making those who love each other happier, and those who are alone cannot bear it.

11. Where are you?Yue'er misses you so much.

There was a brief silence in the carriage. Sister Chuan knew that what Yue'er didn't say later was what she wanted to say, but she couldn't say it because there were two bodyguards in the car.

Looking at Yue'er's beautiful face with tears streaming down her face, even Chuan Mian couldn't bear it.Sighing, he asked in a low voice, "Then your parents, do you agree?"

Ouyang Yueer shook her head lightly.

Sister Chuan's complexion changed slightly. Just as she was about to persuade her again, Yue'er continued, "Sister Chuan, I want you to help me send out the news about my marriage."

Sister Chuan's complexion changed, and she smiled wryly, "Are you trying to force the palace?"

After a pause, she suddenly patted the driver's seat in front and said, "Stop."

The convoy immediately stopped by the side of the road. The two bodyguards in the car were driven out by Sister Chuan, and she sat in the driver's seat, and the convoy started again.But the car that Yue'er was riding in was now in the middle.

There were two pairs of ears missing in the car, so Sister Chuan naturally let go of her speech, and asked while driving: "Do you want to cook the raw rice and wait until the rice is cooked and spread the news?" , it’s useless even if your family objects again?”

Ouyang Yue'er bowed her head in silence, in fact she really thought so.Just like when she applied to the art troupe and entered the entertainment industry before, no matter how strong the family's opposition was, it was useless. As long as she was convinced of one thing, no one could persuade her to come back.Simply settle the matter, and when the rice is cooked, no one can undo it.And this time Yue'er also thinks the same way, even if she doesn't get the blessing of her family, she still wants to get married, because this child is her and 11's flesh and blood, the only bond between them, she can't fight.

Sister Chuan looked at her from the rearview mirror, and persuaded her earnestly: "Yue'er, do you know that you are too childish? Marriage is a matter of your life, so you can't be angry. Our daughter only needs to take a wrong step. There will be no turning back in my life.”

"I know." Ouyang Yue'er bit her lip, twitched her nose lightly and said with a look of pity, "But I have no choice. If I don't make a decision sooner, I'm afraid..."

Shaking her head vigorously, Yue'er burst into tears, choked up and said, "I'm really afraid that I won't be able to keep this child. Sister Chuan, I'm going crazy, you should show mercy and help me."

Looking at Yue'er's rainy pear-like face from the rearview mirror, a trace of pity flashed in Sister Chuan's eyes.Sighing, he asked softly, "Where's the child's father? Does he agree?"

Ouyang Yue'er showed a trace of bitterness and helplessness, she didn't even know where 11 was now, so how could she get his consent.But even if Eleven wasn't there, even if it was just her alone in the marriage hall, Yue'er had already made up her mind to get married.Maybe she didn't get the blessing of her family, maybe she wasn't even with her husband, maybe she was the only one who supported the whole wedding from beginning to end silently with her stomach upright until the end, and then said "Happy Newly Married" to herself, but no matter what the result is , she has no regrets.Because she is Ouyang Yue'er, Ouyang Yue'er, who is loyal and persistent in love, fell in love with that man, even though she knew that there would be no result, she still fell in love without hesitation.

Even if this life will be full of scars, even if this life will be extremely difficult, she will not regret today's choice.The road is chosen by herself, no matter whether it is right or wrong in the future, she will accept it willingly.

All this was because she fell in love with that man.A man with no complaints and no regrets who shouldn't love, but is deeply in love.

Seeing Yue'er's resolute expression in the rearview mirror, Sister Chuan knew that she would never persuade her again.After a long silence, he said unwillingly, "If you are married, then your career..."

"I've made up my mind." Yue'er gently wiped away the tears on her face, and said softly, "I plan to fade out of this circle after I get married. From now on, I will never set foot in this circle again as a husband and godson with peace of mind." After finishing speaking, She added another sentence full of apology: "I'm sorry, Sister Chuan."

The muscles on Sister Chuan's cheeks trembled slightly, and finally she was full of thoughts and sighed faintly, and asked, "Then when do you plan to get married?"

"Within this week."

Sister Chuan was taken aback and exclaimed, "So fast?"

Ouyang Yue'er smiled wryly and said: "I don't want to procrastinate any longer, I'm tired, and my family is also tired. After I get married, I will move out to live alone, and find a place to give birth to the child quietly."

Sister Chuan said with an ugly expression: "Yue'er, you must know that you are still a celebrity, and your marriage is even more important, and you have to do it in a decent manner. There are only a few days left. In such a hurry, just doing publicity is not enough."

"No." Ouyang Yue'er shook her head and said, "There's no need for publicity, you just need to help me send out the news. I want to get married in a low-key manner, so I won't invite relatives and friends to the scene. Then we will have a meal as a family Just eat." Speaking of this, Yue'er was worried, but she didn't even know whether her parents, siblings or siblings would be there.But it doesn't matter, all she needs is a name, and even if the family is present, the absence of the groom 11 will only make her mother more sad.That being the case, it would be better to complete the wedding that only belongs to oneself.As long as everyone knows that she is married, that's enough. Who cares how she got married and with whom?
Sister Chuan asked with a solemn expression: "Have you really thought about it?"

"Yes." Ouyang Yue'er nodded, and said softly, "Please, Sister Chuan. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life."

Sighing heavily, Sister Chuan said bitterly: "Okay, but you have to give me a few days to prepare. If you regret it during this time, you can tell me anytime."

Ouyang Yue'er shook her head and said: "I won't regret it." After a pause, she said one more thing firmly in her heart: never in my life.

"But the company..."

"That's my personal business, I don't need to ask the company's permission."

Sister Chuan said with a look of embarrassment: "But, you still have a contract."

Ouyang Yue'er smiled lightly, and said: "I didn't say that I would quit this circle soon. After I get married, I will finish the things at hand first, and then slowly fade out."

"However, there are still three years left in your contract."

"It's a big deal, I'll pay for breach of contract." Ouyang Yue'er smiled wryly: "Or let my dad come forward to help me speak out at that time, there shouldn't be any problem."

Sister Chuan sighed heavily, and said bitterly: "I hope that man is worth what you have paid for him."

"It's worth it." Whenever Ouyang Yue'er thought of that man, a happy smile appeared on the corner of Ouyang Yue'er's mouth, and said, "No matter how much I pay, it's worth it." After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and gently stroked her abdomen, Feeling the breath of little life inside, a ray of maternal love appeared on his face.

As long as it is for this child, no matter how much she sacrifices, it is worth it.

Sister Chuan shook her head, her face full of helplessness.Women in love are stupid, and Yue'er is even more stupid than hopeless.Sister Chuan didn't understand how good that man was to make Yue'er, the goddess of the masses, sacrifice for him so recklessly.You know, with Yue'er's popularity, reputation and stunning looks, will she have any man in this world?Even if she just revealed a little news that she wanted to fall in love, the line of men who came to apply for the job would probably circle the world.

Yue'er's charm may not be clear to herself, but Sister Chuan is very clear.She also knows that there are many men who can go crazy for Yue'er, and can go bankrupt for her. Although Sister Chuan also thinks that these men are really sick, how can she understand men's thoughts?

King You of Zhou can fight with the princes for the sake of Baosi, King Zhou can deceive Zhongliang without conscience for Daji, Lu Bu can disown his relatives for Diaochan, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang can "rise up in the spring and suffer in short days for Concubine Yang, and the king will never go to court early"... The ironclad evidence time and time again in history is witnessing that a man can sacrifice power for the sake of beauty.Although Ouyang Yueer is not Daji, Baosi, Diaochan, or Yang Yuhuan, her beauty and beauty will never lose to those women who have left their famous names in history.If she was born in ancient times, she might even become another Xi Shi, another Concubine Yang, another woman whose beauty is enough to make men willing to die for her.

And such a woman with infinite charm, a woman who is enough to make any man go crazy, is hopelessly in love with an unknown person, and she loves so deeply that she can't extricate herself, and even willingly gives her everything .What a stupid woman, too stupid to save.

Sister Chuan thought so distressed and helpless.

What is love?How could she let a goddess who looked down on all living beings from above fall down step by step to the world of mortals, willingly becoming an ordinary and ordinary woman?

Is Yue'er's choice today wrong or right?

Sister Chuan sighed faintly, no one would know the answer, probably even Yue'er herself would not know.

I just's all worth it for her.I also hope that she can really find her own happiness.

Every girl used to be a happy angel. From the moment they fell in love with a man, they lost their flying wings forever and fell from heaven to the messy world.Since then, girls have become women, and happiness and carefree have nothing to do with them.The price of growth is hard work accompanied by bitter tears.At this time, will these women who were once angels regret it?

Regretting, losing heaven forever for an ordinary man.

That, the age of innocence that can never go back.

(End of this chapter)

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