human ice maker

Chapter 932 The dusty mystery is waiting for you, a lifetime

Chapter 932 The Dusty Mystery Is Waiting For You For A Lifetime

The feeling of liking someone is like a seed waiting to germinate in a bottle. You can never be sure whether the future is beautiful, but you are waiting sincerely and stubbornly.

Falling in love with 11, Ouyang Yue'er can't see the future, but she is willing to wait, betting her youth and happiness for the rest of her life, just to bet on this illusory love.Even though she has paid too much for this, including family, career, and even family affection, it can be said that she is willing to give up everything for this man, but because of this she really loves this man who makes people love and hate.But just today, her hard work finally paid off. Although the reward felt a bit like charity, she didn't care. Wife, stay together for his life.

In the bedroom, the four women sat and stood silently for three times, and the atmosphere was a bit dignified, without the festiveness and joy that a newlywed should have at all.Although Wen Wei and Ruan Qingyu have been comforting her, Yue'er still can't let go of the knot of worry in her heart.

Ouyang Yue'er was sitting on a chair at the moment, her hands twisted together uneasily, and she glanced in the direction of the door from time to time.At this moment, Dowell's face, which was still relatively unfamiliar to them, appeared outside the door and knocked lightly on the open door. Dowell whispered in the still relatively blunt Long Guo dialect: "Yue Miss Er, General Ouyang Bo and the others have arrived."

"Ah?" Ouyang Yue'er exclaimed, suddenly jumped up from the chair, and ran out impatiently.But she seemed to have forgotten that she was wearing a wedding dress at the moment, and the long skirt was dragging the ground. Yue'er stepped on the skirt without noticing it, and immediately fell over involuntarily amidst exclamation.Wen Wei and Ruan Qingyu hadn't had time to react, but the queen who was farthest away from her had appeared beside her like a ghost at some point, reaching out to lift Yue'er's elbow which was being supported, preventing her from falling. Awkward.

"Yue'er! Are you alright?" Wen Wei and Ruan Qingyu had just reacted at this moment, and hurriedly stretched out their hands to support her.From here, we can see the difference between an ordinary person and an elite fighter. The difference in reaction ability between them is not just as simple as the difference between heaven and earth.

"It's okay." Ouyang Yue'er shook her head, and at the same time cast a grateful look at the queen.The queen held her forehead lightly, signaling that she didn't need to care about such things.

After this, Ouyang Yue'er remembered that she was still wearing a wedding dress at the right time, and hurriedly lifted the skirt, Wen Wei and Qing Yu also helped her pull up the tail, and the three women rushed out one after the other.Of course, Yue'er was the one who ran in a hurry, Wen Wei and Qing Yu were led away, if they didn't keep up with her footsteps, then they would either tear up the tail of the wedding dress, or they could only let go .As for the queen, she stayed by Yue'er's side every step of the way. Although she was only walking with legs, her speed did not lag behind Yue'er's trotting speed.

When the four women ran out, the monkey sitting in the living room holding the gun barrel only looked up once, then immediately lowered it down again. Eleven continued to stay in the kitchen cooking, even though he knew that Ouyang Bo's family had arrived, he didn't even raise his eyelids.It seems that in his eyes there is only food, and there is nothing else that can attract him.He didn't even look up when Yue'er ran out.

Passing outside the kitchen and smelling the aroma of vegetables wafting from the kitchen, Yue'er took a quick glance there in the midst of her busy schedule, only to see the busy figure of 11 concentrating on frying the vegetables there.For some reason, when she saw 11, her nervous and flustered mood just now subsided a lot inexplicably.After pausing for a while outside the kitchen, Yue'er held up her skirt and opened the door and ran out to meet her parents.

11 did not stop Yue'er's reckless behavior.The entire community has been completely blocked by the Dark Cross. You must know that these people are all the most elite fighters carefully selected from all over the country. They know how to cooperate and how to make up for the loopholes in defense. With these people guarding, Even if 11 wants to sneak in without attracting attention, it will take a lot of effort.Moreover, Yue'er has the queen protecting her, and she trusts the queen's ability 11 very much. Even if something unexpected happens, she still has more than enough power to protect Ouyang Yue'er.

When Ouyang Yueer ran out of the building, Ouyang Lin just turned off the car.Out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to glance at a white figure in the corner, Ouyang Lin turned his head suddenly, and subconsciously placed his fingers on the pistol at his waist.But when he saw clearly the appearance of the first girl in a wedding dress, Ouyang Lin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and even blurted out, "Yue'er?!"

The sound of "Yue'er" seemed to have a huge magical power, which made Yang Lin, who had been crying all the time, stop her sobbing, and raised her head to look out the window with her red and swollen eyes.Looking at her daughter in a white wedding dress, Yang Lin showed a trace of complexity and regret on her face, she finally gritted her silver teeth and closed her eyes, turning her head away from looking at her.Tears were unstoppable and slashed down his face again.

Ouyang Bo looked at Ouyang Yue'er who was running over in a hurry, and then at his wife, he couldn't see what he was thinking on his usual serious face.But soon, his attention fell on the queen who had been following Yue'er all the time.He has never met the queen, but he knows this person.The most prestigious female cover in the Dark Cross, and the only woman among the members of the Dark Cross.No one dared to underestimate anyone in the Dark Cross, let alone Ouyang Bo.Although the Dark Cross is small in scale, each of them has a unique side.Even Fat Duck, a waste material with zero combat effectiveness, also has a unique talent in driving skills, let alone others.If you have to make an evaluation of this mercenary group, which is not even considered small, then you can only use one sentence: Dark Cross, there is no mediocrity.

For everyone in the Dark Cross, Ouyang Bo has investigated very clearly, but I remember that after reading the investigation report, what surprised him the most was not that each of these people was outstanding, but was surprised by these unruly people. Talents who belong to the top category everywhere can be integrated by 11, and they are obedient to him. Ouyang Bo was most surprised and appreciated by 11's controlling ability.

It is not a big deal to have a few subordinates, and it is not a big deal to have a group of subordinates, but when these subordinates are all standing at the peak of the pyramid, then the ability of the person who can control them can be imagined .Just like DK, if you can't control him, you will definitely be backlashed by him. DK's direct boss, Dak, has already tasted the bitter fruit, and even the devil is now in trouble because of him.

When he saw that the queen was able to keep up with Ouyang Yue'er who was trotting all the way at a normal walking speed, Ouyang Bo's eyes showed a hint of approval.There are no ordinary people in the Dark Cross.

But at this moment, the queen might have sensed something, and suddenly raised her head and cast a cold look in this direction.Although there was no murderous intent in this look, and it was just a glimpse and then quickly retracted, but the queen's sensitivity to the surrounding area made Ouyang Bo startled, and then a thoughtful look appeared on his face. look.

"Sister!" Ouyang Ning cheered and broke the dull atmosphere in the car at the right time. This heartless girl was the first to push the door and jumped out of the car, hugging Ouyang Yueer who ran out.

The two hugged for a short time and then quickly separated. Ouyang Ning looked up and down at Ouyang Yueer's wedding dress with envy, and said, "It's so beautiful."

Ouyang Yue'er patted her head lovingly, then sent a ray of gratitude to Ouyang Lin who got off the car second, and softly called: "Brother."

"Yes." Ouyang Lin nodded with a smile on his face, and said, "Congratulations."

Yue'er moved her lips and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Ouyang Lin pouted towards the car again. Seeing his appearance, Ouyang Ning hurriedly moved her face to Ouyang Yue'er's ear, and whispered: "Sister, Mom came here crying all the way. Be careful."

Hearing what her sister said, Yue'er's heart, which had been temporarily put down just because of the appearance of her family, was raised again.With a slightly uneasy expression on his face, he slowly walked out of the car, with his head down, like a child who has done something wrong.Ouyang Ning saw the opportunity quickly, stepped up to help her open the car door, looked at the serious father inside the car, and the mother who closed her eyes and didn't look at her, especially the tear stains on her face, Yue'er felt as if she was trapped in her heart. A pair of invisible hands tightened fiercely, bit her lips, and said softly with a trembling voice: "Dad, Mom."

Ouyang Bo glanced at Yue'er who was standing outside the car nervously and looking forward to it, then looked at his wife again, reached out and patted the back of Yang Lin's hand lightly, and said, "Get out of the car."

Yang Lin didn't say anything, let alone move.

Ouyang Bo sighed, and whispered in a low voice: "When my daughter grows up, don't worry about her anymore. Today is her wedding day, and you don't want her to be unhappy, do you?"

"I..." Yang Lin twitched the corners of her mouth, she wanted to say something but couldn't, her face was bitter for a while.

"Get out of the car, isn't it your daughter after you get married? And there are so many people watching, you mother, don't make it difficult for Yue'er anymore."

Maybe Ouyang Bo's persuasion had an effect, Yang Lin wiped the corners of her eyes and got out of the car.Ouyang Yue'er quickly reached out to help her, but Yang Lin didn't even lift her eyelids, she just lowered her head and wiped her tears.

Seeing her mother's sad appearance, Yue'er also felt uncomfortable, choked up and said: "I'm sorry, Mom."

"You're not sorry for me." Yang Lin looked up at her, sniffing and sobbing, "You're sorry for yourself. Why are you so disobedient? really have to be mad at me to be reconciled?"

The tears on Yue'er's face were like rain, and the dripping tears stained her makeup.She didn't dare to raise her hand to wipe it, she held her mother's arm tightly, and said in tears: "Mom, I really don't want to make you angry. I really have no choice..."

Yesterday I was still in a dazed state, and I could hardly keep my eyes open even after taking the medicine.I went to bed early last night and slept until noon today and got up to eat something, and then I was too sleepy to lie down and sleep until seven in the evening.I got up and ate a bowl of noodles, and quickly coded while I was a little energetic.When I was only halfway through this chapter, my head started to feel dizzy again.God, although I know that estazolam tablets have a hypnotic effect, but it's so powerful, right?
(End of this chapter)

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