human ice maker

Chapter 958 The Dusty Mystery DK Falls?

Chapter 958 The Dusty Mystery DK Falls? (Four)
The moment the black boy set his feet on the ground, there was a loud "dong" sound, which made the entire ground tremble.The huge impact of the free fall from the fourth floor didn't bring much load to his body, and he just bent his knees and abruptly withstood the impact that was enough to break his legs.

The queen suddenly raised the pistol, but just as she was about to release the blow, 11's hand was already lightly on her wrist, and at the same time said: "Leave it to me."

The queen glanced at 11, nodded slightly, put away the gun without any hesitation, turned around and walked into the building alone.But Hou Zi and Leng Ye continued to fight against the increasing number of demon ambush soldiers, turning a blind eye to what happened here.In fact, the two of them couldn't get away even if they wanted to, because there were too many people surrounded by the devil, so many that even with monkeys' multi-barreled machine guns, they couldn't handle it.

The devil has appeared and surrounded by ambushes, there are about 80 to 11 people, not counting the number of people who have been killed by monkeys before.Such a large group of people did not know where they were hiding before, and they did not emerge one by one until they entered the encirclement on [-]th, and started a fierce fight with the monkeys.Although the cannon barrel in the monkey's hand is powerful, and he suppressed these people out of the front line with his own strength, as the number of people surrounded continued to increase, the monkey gradually felt great pressure.Fortunately, the cannon barrel in his hand is not a multi-barreled machine gun with a single function. It is a terrifying weapon tailor-made for him by Dr. Madman. A mobile firepower network that integrates multi-functional weapons of wide range of destruction.Among them, the power of the miniature cloud bomb is the most astonishing. It was finally manufactured by Dr. Madman on the basis of the cloud bomb by improving and compressing it.The improved miniature cloud bomb has the advantages of small size and great power. Once fired, the high temperature generated at the moment of the explosion on the ground can burn the ground into a glass-like shape, and burn all humans and animals within the coverage area. into coke.Moreover, when the cloud bomb burns, it can completely incinerate all the oxygen in the surrounding air, so that even if the people who approach it escape the deadly high-temperature burn, they will eventually be unable to escape the end of hypoxia and suffocation.It was thanks to the combined use of cloud bombs, poisonous smoke bombs, grenades and other weapons of mass destruction that the monkey was able to gain a firm foothold and force itself to withstand wave after wave of attacks.The role of Leng Ye is to contain the opponent's snipers and prevent them from causing trouble to the monkeys. The cooperation of Yuan Yizhong barely held the front line, but as the number of opponents increased, this situation could only be temporary.

On the other side, 11 and the black teenagers are also confronting each other.

11 did not dare to be careless about this black man who jumped off the building, because 11 sensed a trace of familiarity in him.In fact, just looking at his body covered with bloody bullet holes, but he still didn't look dead, the answer is ready to come out - transforming soldiers!Only those who are reformed fighters can have such tenacious vitality.However, this black boy's physical structure is obviously more "advanced" than 11's. At least 11's brain and heart are weak points. Once damaged, even if he is not dead, he will fall into shock.But the heart of the black boy in front of him was almost shattered by DK's bullet. Even so, he was still alive and kicking, which showed that the heart is a dispensable organ for this black boy.

This point may be difficult for ordinary people to understand. The heart is an important organ of the human body. Once the heart stops beating, it means the death of the person.But 11 knows that these common senses don't apply to the reformed fighters, because he is a generation of reformed fighters himself, so he has a better understanding of the genetic structure of the transformed fighters than others.At the beginning, he could be resurrected with only a pair of bones and a little flesh left. Compared with what happened to him, what is it that the black boy's heart was broken and he was still alive?Transformation fighters are beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension. Their most powerful foundation is their genes. In comparison, things like organs have become secondary anyway.So to some extent, 11 is not perfect, because he is still not out of the category of "person".

Of course, this is not to say that the black boy in front of him has no weaknesses. When 11 noticed that his whole body was full of bullet holes, except that his head remained intact, he already guessed where the black boy's weakness was.

At this time, the black boy had slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes never leaving 11's body.His left eye was scratched by DK's bullet, and the entire damaged eyeball was filled with blood, and the white of the eye and the pupil could no longer be distinguished. It looked terrifying.And what appeared in his right eye was no longer the emptiness and numbness that he had when facing DK before, but instead shone brightly, making no effort to hide the naked desire in his eyes.It is like a person who has been hungry for several days and suddenly sees an extremely delicious meal, showing his hunger and desire to eat.This look made 11 feel very uncomfortable, making him feel that the other party looked at him as hungry as looking at a pile of delicious food.But this kind of unhappiness was suppressed by him as soon as it appeared. When facing the enemy, any distraction may make him fall into a catastrophe.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder and gunpowder, gunshots continued, especially the roar of the monkey's cannon barrel was deafening.But 11 and the black teenager stood motionless and stared at each other, as if neither of them had the intention of taking the lead.

At this moment, a "bang" gunshot was heard from inside the building. The queen's shot was like a signal. At the moment of the gunshot, 11 and the black boy rushed towards each other at the same time.The speed of both of them was reaching the limit. As soon as they moved their feet, an illusory afterimage was left on their bodies. The next second, these two people collided fiercely.

"Boom!" With a heavy and dull impact, the two of them took a step back at the same time.The confrontation in strength was actually evenly matched.

11's face was slightly cold, and when he made a wrong step, he started a moon dance and walked around behind the black boy. Tian Zhan, who appeared in his hand at some point, stabbed fiercely at the back of the boy's head.

The black boy's reaction was also extremely fast. The moment 11 drew the knife, he had already turned sideways, and at the same time raised his left arm to block the path of Tian Zhan's stabbing.Tian Zhan pierced the black boy's arm without any suspense, and its blade tip pierced into the boy's cheek until it reached his teeth before finally stopping.If it wasn't blocked by the arm, this knife would be enough to cut off half of his chin.

The black boy didn't show pain, as if he didn't feel pain at all. 11 had already guessed this, because the reformed soldiers of the previous generation also didn't feel pain, probably their pain-sensitive nerves were cut off by Dr. Qin.For a fighter, no pain can ensure that they can exert their maximum combat effectiveness at any time, but this approach seems stupid to 11, and even Dr. Madman is very disdainful.If there is no pain, it is true that you will not feel pain anymore, but once you are hurt secretly, you will not know it, and you will only die faster in the end.Besides, is a person who has no feeling still a human being?Pain will certainly reduce combat power, but great pain can also stimulate adrenaline, which will bring more explosive power.Objectively speaking, a fighter without pain is like a machine with a fixed combat value, while a fighter with pain has a fluctuating combat value, which may drop to the lowest level, or explode with terrifying combat power.Dr. Qin obviously chose the former, after all, what he needs is a fighting machine, not a person.

At this time, the black boy's right fist hit 11's face. While 11 raised his left hand to block it, he swiped harder with his right hand. A section was cut off, and a huge cut was made along with the flesh of the cheek.A huge gash suddenly appeared on the left cheek of the black boy, and even the two rows of teeth inside were clearly exposed.

The black boy's expression remained unchanged. When his right fist was blocked by 11, he suddenly threw his head back, and then hit him hard with a head hammer. A cold light flashed in 11's eyes, and he hit him with a head hammer without dodging or dodging.

In the dull collision sound mixed with the sound of "cracking" bones, the black boy finally let out a muffled hum for the first time from his nostrils. His head was slightly tilted, and a small piece of his forehead was sunken. .This time the collision, obviously he suffered a disadvantage. 11's bones are "alive". After being modified many times, his whole body's bones are hard and steel. Coupled with the instant explosive power of the Long family's internal energy, anyone who dares to play iron head skills with him can only ask for trouble.This point, the master of the dragon soul tiger group already has a deep understanding.Think about it, when he was in the Chen family, the explosion of the explosives failed to damage his bones, so the collision of bones to bones was nothing to him.

The arrogance of the black boy finally made him try the powerful side of a generation of reformed fighters for the first time. The shattered skull directly caused a brief blank in his brain. At this time, 11's violent fists and feet had fallen on him again. .


There were constant gunshots in the building, and the queen and the thirteen devil warriors guarding inside had already exchanged fire. In the first confrontation, the devil lost one person under her hands.Although the Queen is not a remodeled fighter trained by Dr. Qin, her strength has also skyrocketed after being genetically modified by Dr. Madman, and it can be said that her huge potential has been fully developed.However, although the queen is strong, none of the devils who can come out of the training camp alive are weak, and they have an advantage in numbers. It is still difficult for the queen to win alone.

At the same time, in a corner on the third floor, a big white man was staring at the ceiling above his head in doubt.This bald-headed white man is a mech special police officer. The country of coal is founded on high technology, and their technology is at the forefront of the world.It is precisely because of the world's most advanced high-tech foundation that Coal Nation has finally mastered the technology to artificially create supernatural beings.It can be said that the number of supernatural beings in the country of coal is the largest in the world, but the combat effectiveness of these acquired superhumans is far from being comparable to that of real supernatural beings. Therefore, the country of coal has also researched and developed mechanical technology. Mechanical technology cooperates with these acquired abilities to make up for their innate deficiencies, which is the origin of the mech special police.

Of course, the Coal Nation is able to master such advanced superhuman production technology and mechanical technology. Some people speculate that they may be the reason why they have mastered alien technology.It's just that this is only speculation from various countries after all, and no one can confirm it.Although countless national spies wanted to investigate desperately, they were unable to find any clues in the end.I only know that it is not free of cost for Coal Country to create man-made supernatural beings. One of them is that the success rate is too low. It is already very lucky to be able to produce one supernatural person out of almost a thousand experimenters.It is this success rate of less than one in a thousand, or even one in case, that prevents Coal Country from producing a large number of supernatural beings in large quantities, otherwise all countries in the world would have already become their territories.But even so, the number of supernatural beings in the country of coal is still huge. At least the supernatural group of the dragon country cannot compare with them in terms of numbers. Ranked second among all secret organizations in the world.

This bald white man wears metal skeleton-like things on the outside of his two arms, and there are wire tubes directly leading into his body.He also wears a pair of wide glasses over his face.The glasses are very similar to those worn by Cyclops in the "X-Men" movies, but the shape is slightly different.Moreover, the glasses of Cyclops are to prevent his eyes from accidentally injuring people with the laser light from his eyes, but the function of this pair of glasses for this big white man is to generate microwaves to stimulate his brain, which can make him release more powerful abilities.

However, acquired supernatural powers are acquired after all, and even with mechanical assistance, it cannot bridge the gap between them and real supernatural beings.If he is a real self-awakening earth-type supernatural user, the previous earth thorns will not be released in a small area, but the entire fourth floor will be surrounded by huge earth thorns, and the people inside will simply hide. There is no hiding.These acquired supernatural powers are also looked down upon by real supernatural powers from other countries. If they hadn't had an absolute advantage in numbers, it would have been impossible to rank second anyway.

At this time, the bald man was retreating step by step, with a suspicious expression on his face becoming more and more dignified.Just after the black boy jumped off the building, he lost track of DK, only Zhang Xinxin's magnetic field fluctuations remained upstairs.It stands to reason that this is impossible, as long as a person is still alive, the body will inevitably emit a magnetic field, and the pair of glasses on his face will also receive the location of the nearby magnetic field, which is why he has been able to accurately attack DK s reason.If the magnetic field of this person suddenly disappeared, there are only two possibilities. One is that the person died, and the other is that he left the range that the glasses can receive at this moment.Compared with the second possibility, he really believed that DK was dead.However, this death is too fast, right?

At this moment, the big white man was startled suddenly, turned around and rushed towards the nearest window.At the same time, DK's cold voice sounded near him: "Run now? It's too late."

Following DK's words, a saber radiated a cold glow and flew towards the big white man.

Unknowingly, I wrote too much... Khan.

(End of this chapter)

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