Chapter 281

But since Luo Lingrui thinks so, he should always think so.

Helian Shuyin thought about it, and suddenly said with a serious face: "Luo Lingrui, I don't want to lie to you, let's be honest, I really like sunny days, and sunny days also mean that to me!"

"We are interested in each other, but there are too many obstacles between the two of us, so I can't marry Qing Tian, ​​and Qing Tian can't marry me either!"

Luo Lingrui frowned, clenched his fists, and panicked, this is really the case!
He has long seen that Xia Qingtian treats Shuyin the most differently except for his sister-in-law.Taking a deep breath, Luo Lingrui asked, "What's the obstacle between you?"

He Lianshu's face suddenly became desolate, her eyes looked into the distance, and her voice was distant: "The obstacle between us is my brother! My brother also likes sunny days, and because of this, I cannot marry sunny days, and neither can sunny days." I!"

Helian Shuyin burst into laughter, but she was actually telling half the truth.

Luo Lingrui was shocked, there is such a relationship?Sunny's market is too good, both men and women like him. "Shuyin, does your brother know that you and Qingtian are interested in each other?"

Helian Shuyin suppressed a smile in her heart, and nodded blankly: "Yes! It's because my brother knew that I like sunny days, so he disregarded my wishes and made an appointment for me! On the day of the wedding, sunny days came to snatch a kiss, and I Fly far away with the sunny day!"

Helian Shuyin felt that the love story between her and Xia Qingtian was so touching that she was almost moved by herself.

Luo Lingrui frowned, always feeling that something was wrong, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Who is that man who made the clay figurine you made that day?"

Helian Shuyin sighed: "That's my brother. In fact, my brother is very kind, but because of the sunny day, my brother and I became rivals in love, and my brother treated me badly. I was thinking about it that day, and I felt sad." , so I cried!"

"Because of my brother, Qingtian and I, alas...Luo Lingrui, I know you like Qingtian, but it's really impossible for Qingtian to like you!" He belongs to my brother.

"Brother and I, the relationship between Qingtian and the three of us is already complicated enough, so Luo Lingrui, you should stop getting involved and let go!"

I took the initiative to help the emperor brother eliminate his rival in love. I don't know if the emperor brother can be lenient and spare her when we meet in the future.

Hearing Helian Shuyin's words, Luo Lingrui's heart was very complicated. If Qingtian and Shuyin really liked each other, but they were forced to separate because of his brother, then he really felt a little sympathetic to them.

No, how could he sympathize with them?It's good that they are separated!Only when they are separated, will he have a chance!However, after such a long time, sunny day has no feeling for him at all.

Luo Lingrui was immersed in his own thoughts, very tangled.

Complacent, Helian Shuyin continued, "Luo Lingrui, you can't force things about your relationship! You don't have to have someone you like! Sometimes, letting go is also a way of love!"

"It's like me and Qingtian, we love each other, but we can't be together. But we don't feel sad, just like now, it's good to get along like friends!"

"Actually, you and Qingtian can also become like this. As long as you don't press on every step of the way, Qingtian will be able to accept you staying by his side! It's better to be by his side than the two of you have been fighting tit for tat!"

Luo Lingrui felt that what Helian Shuyin said was reasonable, and was moved unconsciously.

He and Xia Qingtian have been confronting each other now, and it is difficult to meet each other.If he gets along with him as a friend, Sunny Sky won't reject him so much anymore.After a long time, he can also pursue sunny days again.

"Shuyin, you're right! I shouldn't push Qingtian too hard, it's good to start with friends first!" Luo Lingrui said seriously.

Helian Shuyin was so happy!The smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't be concealed no matter what, she was just talking nonsense, but she didn't expect to succeed!

Seeing Helian Shuyin's weird smile, Luo Lingrui thought about it back and forth, and suddenly felt a sense of being fooled, his complexion darkened, and he said coldly, "You fooled me!"

Helian Shuyin secretly cried out, she got carried away for a moment, fearing that it would arouse Luo Lingrui's suspicion, she quickly waved her hand, "No! How could I fool you! Every word I say is absolutely from the bottom of my heart !"

Luo Lingrui sneered coldly, and looked around Helian Shuyin, "Shuyin, you and this son are rivals in love, and the relationship is still very bad. Will this son believe what you say?"

He Lianshu's face froze for a moment, and then she returned to normal, "Believe it or not!" Anyway, she and Qingtian were about to leave, and even if Luo Lingrui wanted to pester Qingtian, there would be no one to see.

Luo Lingrui believed Helian Shuyin's nonchalant behavior.

"Luo Lingrui, it's getting late at this time, you should go back!" Helian Shuyin said lightly, "Is it interesting for you to run to my place all day?"

Luo Lingrui raised his eyebrows, with a rascal look on his face, "It's boring! It's because it's boring that I ran to you. As long as I see you worrying, I feel at ease and feel that life is beautiful !"

"Mind distortion!" Helian Shuyin said bitterly.

"Mental twists are different!" Luo Lingrui smiled, "Shu Yin should be honored to be treated like this by her own son!"

"What an honor!" Helian Shuyin was annoyed and swears directly.

"Tut tsk tsk!" The expression on Luo Lingrui's face was disgusted, "Juyin, it's better for girls to be more educated and sensible! Just say your farts casually, it will show that you are you should pay more attention in the future !"

"Lack of what?" Helian Shuyin put her hands on her hips and gritted her teeth.

Luo Lingrui smiled mischievously: "It's better not to say anything! So as not to hurt your self-esteem!"

Helian Shuyin snorted coldly, "I'm sorry you don't dare to say that!" If she really dared to say that the princess of her country is not educated, she would definitely kick him to death.

Luo Lingrui smiled, it's not that he didn't dare to say it, it's just that he felt it would be too much to say it.


After Xia Qingtian left Wei Lan Court, she went to find someone to arrange to leave.It was not until evening that he returned to the Duke's Mansion.

After returning home, he went directly to Liyue Pavilion.

Li Yue was still sitting in front of the desk with a book in her hand, but her thoughts had already gone far away.

"Yue!" Xia Qingtian called softly.

Li Yue raised her head and smiled at Xia Qingtian: "Qing Tian, ​​you're back!"

Xia Qingtian found a chair and sat down, looked up at Liyue, and said in a warm voice: "Yue, everything has been arranged! After tomorrow night, we will leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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