Reborn Totalitarian Queen

Chapter 708 Yin Shao's Revenge, Concubine Xin's Death!

Chapter 708 Yin Shao's Revenge, Concubine Xin's Death! (4)
"Yes! The concubine understands." Everyone hurriedly agreed, and then hurriedly left as if fleeing.

Concubine Yuan Gui was helped back to the bedroom, and she always looked out of control all the way. She looked quite calm at first, but she didn't want to step into the threshold with one foot, but her legs softened, and she knelt down directly .

"Ah! Your Majesty!" Jixiang and Ruyi hurried over to help her, but it took a lot of effort to help her to the chair next to her and sit down.

"Ma'am, are you okay? Are you knocked?" Ji Xiang asked, going to check her knee.

Concubine Yuan Gui's complexion turned pale at some point, her expression was muddled, she suddenly grabbed Ruyi's hand, and said firmly: "This matter is not a coincidence, it was arranged by someone."

Is it Yin Shao?Or Empress Liu?
It's Yin Shao!Yin Shao must have done it, he must have found out that Concubine Xin helped in that matter, so he couldn't wait to take revenge.

Concubine Xin knew that she was a concubine Yuan Gui. Although that woman was more greedy for profit, she was not so clueless. She would still keep things that would cause trouble to her upper body, or even kill her.

Concubine Xin was framed, and she was able to use all the convenience and connections in the palace, and even put her hand into the Chonghua Palace of the Empress Dowager just to design a woman like Concubine Xin. introduced.

"What are you talking about? You are skeptical—" Ruyi and Jixiang looked at each other, their eyes filled with confusion.

Concubine Yuan Gui, on the other hand, was in a panic. She glanced around with messy eyes, and said hastily and eagerly: "Quick! You two, thank you for asking someone to check all the rooms outside this place, hurry up!"


This matter became more and more terrifying the more I thought about it, since the other party was able to play tricks on Xin Concubine——

What if it was her place instead?Will her fate be the same as that of Concubine Xin today?

The two maidservants only vaguely understood at this time, and they were immediately terrified, and called two confidantes to come in, and the four of them searched inside and out to make sure that they didn't find any clues, so they were a little relieved.

"Your Majesty, I have already checked everything, and there is nothing wrong with it." Ji Xiang replied: "In our palace, Your Majesty has always been on guard, but in fact, it's not something that just anyone can do if they want to. Is the empress thinking too much? But if they have a chance to succeed, they should do it today, so why did they just take down an insignificant concubine Xin?"

Concubine Yuan Gui still had confidence in her own methods of governing the palace, so she calmed down a little at this moment.

Ruyi brought hot tea over, she took a sip, and she was still not at ease after thinking about it, so she said: "In short, this time, the prince is here for me, even if he can't help me for a while, he still wants With the matter of Concubine Xin, let me give Ben Gong a warning. This time, he has come back from the gate of hell, and he didn't delay for a moment to make another move. This person—"

He almost lost his life, and this Yin Shao can be regarded as a ruthless opponent, but anyone who has experienced such a catastrophe of life and death must first adjust his body before talking about it when he has lingering fears.

"I think what happened this time really angered His Highness the Crown Prince." Ruyi said, paused for a moment, and then tried to speak again, "But empress, that method really doesn't work once, so it can't be used again. gone?"

Yin Shao is a very formidable opponent. Although they failed this time, if they can use it again, they must succeed, right?

"This kind of thing, how can you say that you can use it at your fingertips and use it as you like?" Concubine Yuan Gui said, her expression was full of regret, "I have confirmed it on purpose, the horoscope and the doll are just a cover, but they are actually A Gu worm that was placed on the prince played a role. That Gu worm is extremely rare and difficult to cultivate. It is said that even the top witch doctor in the southern barbarians may not be able to cultivate one in his lifetime. It is magical to take things. Yes, as long as it is planted, it can kill people invisible. Even the best doctor in the world can definitely get almost any clues. I just don’t know why it has already worked, and it’s only a little bit worse. In the end, it allowed him to escape, could it be that he is really a member of Qin Tianjian—"

This matter, the more I think about it, the more regrettable and unfair I feel.

But it is also a matter of chance, even if the success falls short, there is no way.

Concubine Yuan Gui sighed and waved them off.

In the palace, the thief was frantically caught all night, but nothing was caught in the end. Only the next day came the news that Concubine Xin died of a sudden illness in her bedroom.

However, the death of a concubine by the emperor was originally an innocuous matter, and the matter passed quickly.

During this period of time, the city of Dayun was calm and peaceful. Song Chuxi and Yin Shu were bedridden to recuperate from illness, and they did not see each other. Two months passed in a blink of an eye. In April, the weather had gradually warmed up.

The Gu poison in Yin Shu's body has been completely removed after several treatments. On the contrary, Song Chuxi's internal injuries recovered more slowly, and he couldn't get out of bed until these days.

He Xu told Yin Shu about the situation on Song Chuxi's side, and then looked at the scene of peach blossoms in full bloom in the yard, and said worriedly: "Your Highness, you have been away from Beijing for several months. There is nothing wrong, should I consider going back? Fourth Miss Song's injury has stabilized, and she will be returning to the Sergeant Army to take charge of the army in a short time, and she definitely can't stay at the Song family forever."

He came out at the end of the year, so it has been more than four months, but the emperor didn't ask any questions at all, and even handed over the booklet from Song Chuxi pretending to be him in the matter of his appearance in the Sergeant Army After that, he didn't ask a single word.

The corners of Yin Shu's lips curled up in a self-deprecating arc, and he casually plucked off a cluster of peach blossoms, asking, "Is Father still in a bad mood these days?"

After He Xu understood that he was referring to Concubine Xin, his face changed a little when he heard the words, and he lowered his eyes on purpose, "Actually, His Majesty has never summoned His Highness to return to Beijing, and it may not be because of this incident. The matter in Nantang was originally difficult, and the emperor couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he avoided talking about it, which is normal."

"Is it normal?" Yin Shu smiled, but with a nonchalant expression, at this moment, He Peng just led Song Chuxi in from the outside, "Your Highness, Miss Fourth is here."

Yin Shu followed the prestige subconsciously.

After Song Chuxi was injured, her body was weaker than ordinary people, and her recovery was slow. Although she can walk around now, she still asked her maid to push her in a wheelchair when she came out.

I haven't seen her for three consecutive months. Although her spirit looks good, she seems to be thinner and thinner. The skin on her face is almost fragile and transparent, and she can vaguely see the tiny blood vessels under the skin. .

Although she had a bright smile on her face at the moment, Yin Shu saw it inexplicably sad.

The smile on his face faded unconsciously, and he stood there pursing his lips.

"Go down first." Song Chuxi turned her head and waved at the maidservant.

The maidservant did her duty very well, she just turned and retreated with her head down.

He Peng and He Xu also took a look at Yin Shu, and then consciously walked out first.

Song Chuxi was sitting in a wheelchair, too lazy to move, just looked at Yin Shu with a smile and said: "I'm almost healed, you have been stranded in Dayun City, you must wait for me to come over to thank you in person, and then agree to see you off." did you leave?"

Yin Shu stayed here, he was already fine, but this brat didn't know what was wrong, he lived in her house, but avoided seeing her.

Yin Shu looked at her, maybe because he had been in contact with her a little while ago, when he sees Song Chuxi now, he doesn't blush obviously at every turn, only a little blush creeps up behind his ears.

"It's not that I have to wait for you to come and thank me in person, it's just that there are some things that you have to say in person even if I'm not interested in listening to them, right?" good.

Song Chuxi choked on him.

Between her and Yin Shu, there was indeed a need for a frank and honest talk, but it was a bit unexpected for her to choke her like this when she opened her mouth to the bear child.

She pulled the corner of her mouth in embarrassment to cover it up, but Song Chuxi didn't shy away, looked straight into his face and said: "I don't have a reason to accept favors for nothing, I owe you such a big favor in front of me, I always have to pay it back .”

"Why?" Yin Shu asked.

He especially didn't like her clear tone and attitude, but he understood Song Chuxi's temperament, and if he wanted to keep in touch with her, he would always ask her to speak clearly.

Of course, she said hers. As for how he decides in the end, it's his own business.

Song Chuxi didn't expect the small calculation in this brat's heart, he was only a little surprised by his cooperation, but he quickly settled down and said: "I don't want to be involved, you are involved now, what happened in the capital recently I am a little surprised I also heard, Prince—he seems to have already started to attack you."

Although her subtext was euphemistic, it touched the biggest secret and taboo in Yin Shu's heart. He couldn't help holding his breath, and frowned as he looked at her face.

Yin Shao took advantage of Concubine Xin's affairs to give him eye drops in front of the emperor. It stands to reason that Song Chuxi shouldn't know about the inner relationship of this matter, but since she would say that, it means she knew of.

Yin Shu looked at her with a complicated expression, and remained silent for a while.

Song Chuxi took off the blanket covering her legs, stood up, walked to the side, and continued to say slowly: "Everything, as long as it happened, there will always be clues left, I will Cha, it's not surprising. I'm just sorry, but now I have to bring up the old matter again, which makes you unhappy."

In fact, not many people knew about the matter of Concubine Chun from the beginning to the end. The emperor regarded it as a great shame, but for the sake of his own face, he still insisted on not deliberately neglecting Yin Shu in front of others, but in reality In fact, he was still angry because of Concubine Chun, so he didn't really care about this son.

This can be regarded as a dark history of his mother and concubine, and now that someone he likes mentions it face to face, Yin Shu is naturally very embarrassed.

He pursed his lips hard, suppressed the impetuousness in his heart, and said, "Will you underestimate me because of that?"

Song Chuxi blinked and looked up at him.

The two of them met each other's eyes, and her expression was very calm, which made him feel deeply in his heart. He couldn't say it was comforting, but he didn't feel uncomfortable either.

"Heh——" Yin Shu suddenly gave a wry smile. There was a sentence, even if he hadn't argued for her mother and concubine in front of the emperor when the incident happened, he suddenly blurted out at this moment, " Would you believe me if I said that what happened to my mother and concubine back then was not true?"

In this world, he is the only one who believes in the innocence of his mother and concubine. He didn't bother to say this to anyone, because he believed it himself, so he was always frank in his heart, but at this moment, he would suddenly I also started to care a little bit about what other people think.

(End of this chapter)

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