Chapter 262

Tang Xingfang tapped the table with her chopsticks, "Why are you so ignorant? Your godfather has done his best for you, but you are doing well, and you are still arranging him behind the scenes, sneering and sarcastic, how hard is it for your godfather to have today? He suffered How many grievances, how many crimes have he suffered? For our mother..."

"Okay, okay, don't say it... I'm wrong, can't you?" Lu Ning drooped his eyelids and pouted impatiently, "Give the remaining 500 million to my godfather. Think of it as me working for nothing to honor his old man."

After saying this, Lu Ning put down his chopsticks, didn't eat the meal, and went back to his room with a slap in the face.


The word "Ning" that Tang Xingfang didn't utter was slammed back by Lu Ning, and her breath was stuck in her chest, with nowhere to vent.

She squinted upstairs, and after a while, sighed deeply.

"Why did I raise such a white-eyed wolf!"

The mother and daughter got angry and went back to their rooms. At night, when the moon was in the sky, Lu Ning was so hungry that he came out to call his mother.

"Mom, what's for dinner?"

No one responded in the living room. Lu Ning was so hungry that his eyes blurred, and he yelled a few times, but still no one answered. Lu Ning dragged his heavy legs up to the second floor.

The door of the mother's room was ajar, Lu Ning gently pushed open a crack, and looked through the crack.

Tang Xingfang was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, wearing only a red tight-fitting leather jacket, with a red hat on her feet, and holding a small Hermès leather whip in her hand, like a queen, gesticulating, constantly Twirling his body in various sexy shapes, he admired himself in the mirror with a full face.

Lu Ning quickly covered his mouth, but his eyes fell on his mother and he couldn't take it off.

Towering breasts, wasp waist and buttocks, slender and straight long legs, coupled with fair and delicate skin.

A girl like Lu Ning stared straight at her. She finally understood why her godfather was so obsessed with her mother.

I can only use four words to describe my mother's figure - the best in the world!
I didn't think so when I was young before, but after seeing it by accident today, even I am a little jealous of my mother's figure.

Lu Ning suddenly remembered the scene he saw in the swimming pool yesterday. Lin Shen was wearing a swimsuit to participate in the competition. It seemed that her figure could stand up to her mother, and she even faintly surpassed her mother.

Why did Lin Shen get all of her mother's good genes?It was even carried forward by that little bitch!There is no reason for someone who grew up planing food in the valley soil to grow up like this, Lu Ning felt very uncomfortable.

In the room, Tang Xingfang held up her mobile phone and kept taking selfies. When the mobile phone turned, she suddenly saw Lu Ning, who was peeping from the screen.

Tang Xingfang was startled, she shook her hand and the phone fell to the ground with a "slap", and the mother and daughter uttered "ah" at the same time as if they had seen a ghost.

"Mom, I didn't see anything!"

Lu Ning covered his eyes, left such a sentence, and fled in despair.

Half an hour later, the mother and daughter sat face to face in the living room.

No one took the initiative to mention what happened just now.

"Mom... I'm hungry."

"You still know you're hungry?"

"Mom, I was wrong."

"'s time to reflect on it. If you want to be in the entertainment industry, it's not enough to have IQ. The key is to have EQ! You have to be a human being!"

"Mom, I got it!" Lu Ning pouted, lowered her head, and hid the resentment in her eyes.

"What shall we have for dinner?"

"Yangshengtang, drink porridge."

Half an hour later, Tang Xingfang drove away with Lu Ning, mother and daughter.

In the middle, Lu Ning had nothing to say:

"Mom, you... have a really good figure! Those young models and Internet celebrities in their twenties on the Internet can't compare to your figure."

"Come on! Your tone is too insincere!"

"Mom, what he said is the truth!"

"Okay, I'll take it as if you're praising me. Don't flatter me, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Mom, that navel nail of yours is quite beautiful, why don't you give it to me!"

"You're so young, why do you want that thing? Besides, you won't be able to wear it even if it's given to you."

"Why can't I wear it? At worst, I'll make a hole. If it hurts, it hurts! The key is to look good!"

"Mom... That navel nail seems to be made of ruby? Who bought it for you?"

"Of course it's you... little devil, don't ask if you shouldn't!"


In the health hall, the mother and daughter chose a secluded booth, ordered their favorite health porridge, and a few side dishes.

The environment here is very quiet. When the mother and daughter were halfway through eating, Lu Ning raised the topic:

"Mom, when do you think about Linshen?"

Tang Xingfang looked at her watch, "Mr. Feng is free on Friday night the day after tomorrow, and I think I will get confirmation from Lin Shen the day after tomorrow at the latest, and the headache now is that I'm afraid I won't be able to ask her out.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely be able to ask her out!" Lu Ning winked at his mother, curled his lips, and smiled slyly.

Tang Xingfang looked at her daughter quietly, feeling rather strange in her heart.

"Where did you get the confidence? After so many years in the society, Lin Shen might not be as smart as you?"

"Mom, you forgot. If you want to control someone, the most effective way is to do what they like. I know what Lin Shen likes the most."

Tang Xingfang: "What does she like?"

"Guess." Lu Ning made a fool of himself on purpose.

"Then I can't guess."

"Let me tell you, Lin Shen likes antiques."

Tang Xingfang was taken aback, her daughter's answer was beyond her expectations.

"A girl would like antiques, just those broken bottles and jars?" Tang Xingfang couldn't understand, "Who did you listen to?"

"Of course that fool Lu Shanshan told me. During the summer vacation, Lin Shen participated in a car race with Kuang Silun and Fang Can in order to win an antique vase, and Lin Shen even won! "

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but Lu Jin was also at the competition. He said that at the beginning, Kuang Silun invited Lin Shen to compete, but Lin Shen refused. But Kuang Silun used an antique vase of his grandfather as a mortgage for the competition, and Lin Shen As soon as I saw the vase, I agreed to participate without hesitation."

"It's so..." Tang Xingfang was thoughtful.

"Of course, that vase is worth more than 1000 million!"

"More than 1000 million! No wonder..." Tang Xingfang curled her lips in disdain, "Let me just say, this girl, following the genes of the Lu family, is a money addict!"

"Mom, so, I think we should beat dogs with meat buns—whatever we like."

"You want to use antiques to lure her out?"

"That's right! If you use other temptations, that little vixen Lin Shen will definitely not come out to meet you. Only antiques. Besides, grandpa has collected so many antiques, so we don't need them for nothing, right?"

"You have to be careful, antiques are your grandfather's lifeblood, if he knows that you stole his antiques..."

"Don't worry, grandpa locked the baby in the basement and didn't go to check it several times throughout the year. Mom, I want to go back to the Lu family villa tomorrow and start the operation. Just wait for the news of my victory! enhen!"

(End of this chapter)

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