The ace all-rounder is on fire

Chapter 268 Hello Kitty

Chapter 268 Hello Kitty
Tang Xingfang raised her teacup first, "Ningning, bring me a cup of tea too, this slightly spicy."

While breathing in, Tang Xingfang pretended to fan the air with her hands, as if it was really hot.

Lu Ning twisted his body, went around Lin Shen and came to his mother's side, and first poured some tea into the cup in front of Tang Xingfang.

After finishing, he turned around and came to Lin Shen with the teapot in hand.

Lin Shen sneered in his heart, it seems that tea is very popular tonight...

She looked at the antique enamel pot in Lu Ning's hand, yo ho!I'm afraid it should be an old object from the court of the Tang Dynasty. When it is brought to the market, it is worth more than one million!

It's just that compared with the trendy style of the clubhouse, the teapot in Lu Ning's hand looks abrupt.

Ha ha…

Lin Shen's teasing eyes moved from the teapot to Lu Ning's face, and he looked at Lu Ning without blinking, with a meaningful smile.Miss Lu's self-cultivation today is really excellent. Just now, she was so red-faced and mad because she was molested by herself, but now she can still serve herself warmly and thoughtfully.

Why is this?

Lin Shen sneered in his heart.

"Lu Ning, are you nervous about pouring me tea?" Lin Shen suddenly asked without thinking.

"Ah? What!" Lu Ning's face turned pale, and he squeezed the handle of the pot tightly with his fingers.

"Look, your hands are shaking..." Lin Shen imitated Lu Ning's tone and pointed with his fingers.

It's okay not to say, but Lu Ning's hands really shook when he said it, and the tea splashed on the table all of a sudden.

"You're just joking, how can I have it! Don't make trouble!"

Lu Ning was whimpering, and half-jokingly patted Lin Shen's arm lightly to resolve the embarrassment.

After turning around, Lu Ning tried his best to maintain the expression on his face, and returned to his seat without squinting like a model practicing walking, and bumped into the chair twice in the middle.

Lin Shen smiled and narrowed his eyes.

When Lin Shen interfered, the rhythm of Tang Xingfang's mother and daughter was disrupted.

There was no harmonious atmosphere on the wine table, and Tang Xingfang was speechless for a moment.

Lu Ning saw that his mother was misfired, so he had no choice but to put it on the top and raised the wine glass, "Lin Shen, you replace the wine with tea, let's toast Mr. Feng together."

Lin Shen bowed slightly and waved his hands, pretending to be flattered, "You're welcome, I'm just here to eat, and my mouth is not as sweet as yours, I'm afraid that saying the wrong thing will affect your drinking mood."

After speaking, he moved his butt back and leaned against the back of the chair, and Ge You was almost paralyzed.

Unsurprisingly, seeing Tang Xingfang's face collapsed again, she couldn't help laughing.

Feng Gaokun's wine glass was already raised, but Mr. Lin leaned back on the chair in a steady state without moving.

Lu Ning was so angry that he wanted to curse.Fortunately, her mother, Tang Xingfang, kept up with her assistant: "Lin Shen, you probably don't know Mr. Feng's identity yet?"

Lin Shen took a look at the fat, big-eared middle-aged man sitting opposite him, and the smile he had confiscated just now deepened a bit, with a harmless smile on his face, "Oh, this... Auntie, I'm alone It's normal for a poor girl who came out of the valley to have never seen the world."

Not to be outdone, Tang Xingfang rolled her eyes at Tang Xingfang, not to be outdone, and said, "Mr. Feng is the executive of the Baolige brand sub-region."

The corners of Lin Shen's lips raised slightly, "Oh?..." The ending sound picked lightly.

Tang Xingfang was planning to bring things back to the planned track, when Lin Shen suddenly asked:
"Which restaurant is Baolige? Chinese food or Western food, is it delicious? But judging by the figure of this executive, the taste should be pretty good!"

The breath Tang Xingfang had just raised was stuck in her throat gorgeously.

Feng Gaokun couldn't hold back anymore. He coughed and was about to speak when Lu Ning hurriedly stood up with his wine glass, "Mr. Feng, my classmate is young, ignorant, and careless. I will apologize to you on her behalf!" After finishing speaking Dried up the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Tang Xingfang's complexion couldn't be maintained any longer, she could see that Lin Shen was here to make things worse, she really didn't accomplish enough and failed.She really wanted to slap her hard and make her face full of peach blossoms.

"Lin Shen, you are too ignorant. Baolige is a world-renowned luxury jewelry brand. Mr. Feng is in charge of the entire sub-region. If he supports you, it will at least save you ten years of struggle in the entertainment industry! If you want to be popular, this is your chance!!"

"Opportunities are not everyone's turn. When the opportunity comes, you have to find a way to seize it!!"

Lin Shen couldn't be allowed to be willful, Tang Xingfang began to put pressure on Lin Shen.

"Well, it makes sense! So, should I thank Mrs. Tang for being so kind, even giving me this opportunity despite her own daughter?" Lin Shen nodded his head seriously, and asked in a neutral manner.

Tang Xingfang blinked from choking, and couldn't think of a word for a long time.

After paying respects to Feng Gaokun, Lu Ning turned his head and gave Lin Shen a sideways glance, "Lin Shen, it's your turn. Replace wine with tea, and toast Mr. Feng."

The mother and daughter blatantly ordered and pressured again and again.They seem to have forgotten that the boss's patience has a limit, and playing with them is like a cat catching a mouse.

In the end, the paws were not shown. The mother and daughter really thought the kitten was a Hello kitty?

If you don't "return" something, it seems that you are sorry for the good intentions of Tang Xingfang's mother and daughter tonight.

Lin Shen smiled, but his voice was as cold as ice: "Lu Ning, are you still addicted to acting? You two are trying to please your benefactor's father, but unfortunately, in my eyes, he is just a middle-aged greasy man! You hold your golden ham, please don't take me, OK?"

That's all for now. After finishing speaking, Lin Shen took the car keys and stood up.

Tang Xingfang's mother and daughter were caught off guard, and were dumbfounded by Lin Shen's words. They didn't expect Lin Shen to be so ignorant of flattery.

According to their habitual thinking, Lin Shen, an abandoned girl who was kicked out of the house, has no relationship and no background. If she has the opportunity to sit and eat with Feng Gaokun, who has status, status and resources, she will be ecstatic , Let go of your reserve, and take the initiative to get closer.

But unexpectedly, this girl Lin Shen was so crazy that she openly yelled at the mother and daughter, and even made a mockery of Feng Gaokun.

It's the opposite of her!Tang Xingfang was furious.

Without waiting for Tang Xingfang to explode, Feng Gaokun spoke:

"Little girl, it's not a good thing to be arrogant at such a young age. You haven't experienced the beatings and tempering of society, you still don't understand. In the entertainment industry, if you want to be popular, you must first learn to be a human being! Since you can't let go of your loftiness, you shouldn't be here. Instead, Disappointing everyone, it's not good for you..."

Executive Feng put one of his hams on his lap, and leaned against the chair with his legs crossed.Tapping the table with his fingers again and again, his eyes meaningfully re-examined the girl who wanted to leave in a hurry, with an attitude of arrogance and disdain for all sentient beings.

(End of this chapter)

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