The ace all-rounder is on fire

Chapter 285 Fang Can is getting cold?

Chapter 285 Fang Can is getting cold?
Kuang Silun: "When you are happy, you flow; when you are angry, you also flow."

Fei Jia: "When you're full, you can bleed; when you're starving, you can bleed."

Du Fei: "When you're nervous, your heart beats faster, and you can get some nosebleeds to ease your mood; when you're bored and have nothing to do, you can get some nosebleeds to pass the boring time."

Kuang Silun: "When you see a beautiful woman, you can bleed; when you see a young and handsome father like me... you must bleed."

Fei Jia: "I bleed when I stand up; I bleed when I lie down."

Du Fei: "If you cough hard, you will bleed; if you sneeze too hard, you will bleed."

Let me go, these three brothers, like Shulaibao, are all beaming.

Lin Shen listened to Fang Can's legendary gossip about nosebleeds, his eyes were straightened, "How long has he had this symptom." Kuang Silun: "Not too long, since puberty. However, I guess he is not far from Liang Liang." , Alas... good brother, I wish him all the best in advance."

Fei Jia: "When I was in high school, my boss's nosebleeds were so shocking. In the first year of high school, I talked back to the class teacher and sneezed, and the nosebleed sprayed my boss all over the face."

Du Fei: "Old Ban was terrified. He thought he was going to touch Cier, so he quickly apologized to the boss and forced him to pay 200 yuan."

Kuang Silun: "In the summer of my second year of high school, I still have the video of him standing on the winner's podium with a nosebleed in the Molongshan Car God Competition. I still have it."

Lin Shen ( ̄ ̄゛): "It's a miracle that Fang Can survived till now!"

Kuang Silun: "That's right, his father went to all the hospitals in Yundu to treat him, and he did all kinds of checkups. There was nothing wrong with him, and he was so healthy that he couldn't be healthier. In the end, the money was spent and the disease was not cured. .”

Fei Jia: "Yes, I also went abroad. The doctor who saw him was a hot blonde beauty. The boss showed it on the spot and soiled the beautiful doctor's white coat."

The three fox friends patted the dining table, gloating.

Du Fei: "We didn't go home this weekend. Last night, the boss and us had a dinner at the restaurant, and we got a nosebleed."

Fei Jia: "In order not to affect the team's record, the boss carried forward the spirit of not getting out of the line of fire with minor injuries, and blocked his nose with a tissue."

Kuang Silun: "As a result, the paper towel was soaked, and the blood dripped into the rice bowl, almost 200cc."

Fei Jia: "Yeah... just a little bit more! Boss's spirit is worth learning from!"

Du Fei: "Si Yang was so frightened that he dragged his boss to the hospital this morning."

The three of you talk to each other and get carried away.Without paying attention, a figure swayed to the edge of the table and kicked the table leg with a bang.

When they looked up, Fang Can appeared in front of everyone with his hands in his pockets, and Si Yang followed behind listlessly.

"I saw the three of you beaming with joy from afar, talking non-stop, talking ill of me behind my back, right?"

"Yo! Boss, you're back! What did the doctor say?"

"How can I say it, it's still the same old way, let me supplement vitamins, pay attention to nutrition, and pay attention to rest."

"Supplementary nutrition? Then I'll make you a pig's trotter soup!"

Fang Can: "Give me a bottle of Coke! I want ice!"


Du Fei and Fei Jia went to get food, Fang Can and Si Yang sat down.

Lin Shen looked at Fang Can, this guy is like a normal person, he is alive and well, and he should not die for a while.

Si Yang, on the other hand, had all his worries written on his face.

It seems that this trip to the hospital was in vain again.

After a while, Fei Jia and Du Fei came back with some dishes.

We eat together.

Kuang Silun: "Sao Can, how long did the doctor say you can live?"

Fang Can: "Don't worry, Dad can live until the four generations live together. You will never see the day when Dad will be proud. I will go to the grave to see you with a walking stick."

The two continued to bicker heartlessly.

Si Yang couldn't eat, and kept frowning, "Fang Fang, going on like this is not an option."

Fang Can: "What can I do? The doctors can't help me with my nose. My nose is so bloody and stubborn."

Si Yang: "I have an idea, I don't know if it can work, let's try to post on the campus website, soliciting folk remedies for nosebleeds, and let everyone help to find a solution."

Fang Can paused, his eyes brightened, "That's a good idea! Folk remedies can cure serious illnesses, and the experts are among the people. I still have a 100K gold brick worth more than 24 million yuan hidden in my study, so I use it as a bonus. Whose remedies are there?" If it works, the gold brick will be rewarded to whoever!"

Fang Can carried forward the rich and self-willed prodigal tradition to the extreme, and he sold a gold brick worth 100 million!

Si Yang: "Then I'll post a mobilization post!"

The two settled the matter in a few words.

Si Yang's flash of thought reminded Lin Shen of one thing. The teacher who taught her acupuncture and moxibustion skills, He Lantai, a great national doctor, left her a collection of folk medical classics. She vaguely remembered it when she read it before. There was a folk remedy for nosebleeds, but she didn't pay much attention to the contents.

Lin Shen didn't bring it up on the spot, she needed to go back and read it, and tell Fang Can when she was sure.

When Si Yang saw Fang Can's nosebleed, as if the faucet was broken and couldn't be turned off, he felt that his soul was going to flow away with him.

She doesn't want to worry about it all day, for the sake of her boyfriend, she will do what she says.

A few minutes later, the freshly baked post appeared on the post bar on the campus network.

——#集集指鼻鼻鼻鼻的实用重方,a prize of a gold brick worth 100 million#
[I have been deeply troubled by nosebleeds for more than ten years, and I am now soliciting a lot of money for folk remedies to treat nosebleeds. The prize is 100 gold brick worth 1 million.The collection time is within one week from the date of posting.Solicitor——Fang Can]

[The format of the post to participate in the solicitation is as follows:]

Folk prescription and usage: XX…………

Provider: XXX
Contact information:! ##¥%^|^&&*
[The folk recipe has been tried by me at random. Once it takes effect, the solicitor will be contacted and a million gold bricks will be awarded]

[The same folk prescription, subject to the priority releaser]

After the post was posted, several people ate and drank, but no one took it seriously.

As a result, within a short time, the post was topped on the hot search list on the campus network, and hundreds of people reposted it.

——#平头哥有财·兴弟, Millions of Gold Bricks Seeking Remedies#
——#Brothers and sisters act, million prizes are waiting for you#
——#Fang Can!Hold on, my brother goes into the mountains to collect herbs for you!Keep the gold bricks for me#
——#I want to go back to my hometown, offering a reward of 10 to ask the seven aunts and eight aunts for folk prescriptions#
Si Yang's post was pinned to the top by the administrator. Fang Can's popularity is not very good, but his reputation is top-notch.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man.I can't wait for the entire Yundu Media University to take action and actively look for folk remedies for nosebleeds.

Xiangshan Hot Spring.

Qiu Nan and Jiang Lin drank tea in the pavilion in the Japanese garden, enjoying the warm autumn sun in the afternoon.

Jiang Lin swiped her phone and accidentally discovered what was going on on the campus network.

 ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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