The ace all-rounder is on fire

Chapter 290 Don't do anything else?

Chapter 290 Don't do anything else?

Mouse: "What else? 100 million, Dongzi wants to give a bride price to his partner, and I'm in a f*cking hurry to buy a car!"

Liu Yuan squinted at him, his posture of swallowing clouds and mist was very similar to that of a procuress in a brothel in the Republic of China, his eyes were full of hatred for iron and steel, as if mocking that these two brothers had never seen the world.

"Have you ever thought about it? Lin Shen is the new school beauty of our Communication University. She has a first-class face and body, so there is no choice! You... just... don't have any ideas?"

Liu Yuan skillfully dusted off the cigarette ash, crossed Erlang's legs, looked at Dongzi, then at the mouse, with a heartbroken expression on his face, "It would be a pity if you were so innocent, I have seen Lin Shen in a swimsuit , that figure... tsk tsk, absolutely amazing!"

Liu Yuan gestured up and down with his hands while talking, and halfway through speaking, he started to cook hot pot again.

Dongzi drooped his face, his eyes were cold and expressionless, as if he wasn't listening at all.

The mouse's eyes were blazing, and a wretched smile appeared on the face of the crater, which was stained red by two bottles of beer.

"Hey, sister, tell me, why is Lin Shen's figure so amazing?"

"How to describe this, what are the fish and wild goose, the moon and the shameful flower, and the fat swallow and thin ring, I'm afraid you won't understand if I say it too deeply. Hey, let me tell you this, for a simple example, turn the beauty filter to 10 After class, the appearance and figure presented are exactly what she looks like in reality, do you understand?"

"Stupid! Is it true?!"

The mouse was taken aback by Liu Yuan's words, "I only saw the one-inch photo that the boss gave us, and he looks really good-looking, prettier than a celebrity. Hearing you say that, if the figure is...fuck, then it's not Beautiful fly!"

The mouse sucked the saliva that was about to drip to his mouth, and the craters on his face turned into craters.

"enheng..." Liu Yuan raised his eyebrows and smiled without saying a word.

Liu Yuan deliberately used words to lure the two gangsters out of her personal purpose. She knew that it was extremely unsafe for her to be in the same room with two gangsters who dared to kill and kidnap in the middle of the night.

She could see that Dongzi was indifferent to women, but Miaozi was different. The first night that guy met from the riverside, he threatened to fuck her first and then kill her.

If it wasn't for repaying the usury, she would never have anything to do with such a person, and she would easily get herself involved if she didn't pay attention to seeking skin from a tiger.

Don't look at Liu Yuan's calm surface, but his heart is always hanging on a steel wire.

As a girl from the Communication University, her appearance is still acceptable. In order to ensure that she is under a safe protection, she must find a shield. Lin Shen is the only and the best candidate.

If the two hooligans had used up all the hormones in their bodies, they probably wouldn't be eyeing her.

Liu Yuan's words really worked.

The rat with a head full of yellow scraps didn't want to eat or drink, dropped its chopsticks, rubbed its hands, its eyeballs whirled like glass balls, and its breathing heated up and accelerated.

The more the mouse thought about Liu Yuan's words, the more the fire in his heart flared up. He scratched his heart and picked up the cold beer in front of him, and drank it to the bottom in one gulp.

"MD, catch Lin Shen tonight, deal with him first, and then hand it over to the boss! What do you think, Dongzi?"

Dongzi ignored the mouse, tilted his head, rolled his eyes, looked at Liu Yuan without blinking, and spoke in a neutral voice:

"I've always thought that we hooligans are evil, damaged, and bad. I didn't expect you, a girl, to become wicked... even worse!"

Liu Yuan's face was a little uneasy, and he gave Dongzi a sideways look, and muttered in his mouth: "Everyone has cheated you to come to the door, do you want to do it or not! I didn't take other people's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs for your own good."

Dongzi snorted, and suddenly leaned forward and grabbed her chin, "For our own good, huh? Don't fucking take us for fools, everything you do is for yourself, okay?" ?”

The true thoughts in his heart were exposed, and Liu Yuan panicked a lot in his heart. The blush on his face after drinking faded instantly, and his smile was uglier than crying, and he clapped Dongzi's hand away pretending to be calm.

Dongzi became fierce like a hungry wolf.

Under the gloomy gaze of the other party, Liu Yuan's aura weakened, but he didn't want to lose when he lost, so he said stiffly:
"Don't make trouble, you are a rare and good man, okay? Just because you are willing to protect yourself for your fiancée, doesn't mean your brother thinks the same way."

"Damn! You don't need to flatter. Liu Yuan, we are all fucking scum, please don't always feel good about yourself. It was you who came to us and said that you had a way to kidnap Lin Shen and let us share you 11. I helped you repay the usury loan. When the money is in hand, if you take your share, get out of here!"

Dongzi stared with bloodshot eyes, and the boat of friendship turned over as soon as he said it.

The atmosphere at the wine table was destroyed, and the mouse quickly jumped out to be a peacemaker, "Don't tell me, Dongzi, we are eating hot pot. Tonight Liu Yuan helped us kidnap Lin Shen. No matter how you say it, it is the number one hero, isn't it? Earned 100 million, how beautiful! Why are you so angry! Besides, Liu Yuan also has difficulties..."

"Is she fucking in trouble? She's fucking doing it on her own!"

Dongzi twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Liu Yuan with disdain, "In order to buy a broken bag, take photos, borrow a campus loan, and owe a whole lot of debt, in her heart, what else can't be sold? You Look at her gleeful face when she was a child playing tricks and tricks, whoever marries this bitch will be unlucky!"

Dongzi spat, "Liu Yuan, I'm warning you, be careful when you talk to me! Don't act like you know me very well! Even if I'm a hooligan, I'm still a loyal hooligan. Thirty-eight people!"

These hooligans are as moody as mad dogs. Liu Yuan was wronged, her face flushed and she felt ashamed, she shrank her head, not daring to confront her again, and clenched her fist under the table on her lap.

The mouse turned to comfort Liu Yuan, "Hey, Dongzi is outspoken, don't take it to heart. His first girlfriend is just like you. He is very vain and owes us a loan shark. Dongzi pays for her. A lot of money. In the end, the forced woman became a mistress for a fat man with a mine at home, and gave Dongzi green. Dongzi has always been unable to get over this hurdle, so when he saw you with such a virtue Girls... are annoying. You, don't use your hot ass to stick his cold face. "

Using this way of speaking to comfort people, the brain circuit of the mouse is also useless.

Liu Yuan, who boarded the pirate ship, was beaten a lot. He was so aggrieved that he didn't even dare to fart in the end. He drooped his head like an angry quail, as much as possible.

Outside the window, Lin Shen understood probably that this girl named Liu Yuan owed a lot of money to usury, and for money she got together with two thugs who were hired by others.

(End of this chapter)

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