Chapter 315
About a week ago, Liu Yuan asked her to borrow her ID card once, saying that she wanted to go out and surf the Internet, so she lent her ID card to someone else to use temporarily.

At that time, Sun Wenjing agreed without even thinking about it, but she jumped into the fire pit set by her friend.

Everything was figured out, it was my own negligence, out of unconditional trust in my friend, but in the end I was ruthlessly used by my friend.

To put it bluntly, it is Chun!

The money went into Liu Yuan's account, and Sun Wenjing was responsible for the debt.

After further verification by the police, there was indeed 3 yuan of unknown origin in Liu Yuan's account.

The ins and outs of the case were quickly investigated.

Now Sun Wenjing finally understands what it means to be sinister. She regrets it very much and hates the dead Liu Yuan to the bone.

But it's too late to make up for it.

The police followed the clues and investigated overnight to destroy this gang of usury criminals.

The police came forward to announce the investigation results on the campus website, clarified for Sun Wenjing, and deleted the photos on the Internet. At the same time, they reminded these new students not to lend their IDs to others easily.

Sun Wenjing is a living lesson. The negative impact of this incident on her is difficult to eliminate. It will be difficult for Sun Wenjing to get out of the shadow of this turmoil for a long time to come.

She managed to turn herself into a joke. She once spoke up for her best friend with passion, but was sold out and counted the money for others with a smile.

Sun Wenjing's bowels were turning green with regret. Now, she finally understood what Lin Shen said that night - "If you don't slap your face, you won't know what pain is!"

There is a report in the weekend news broadcast - Recently, in the 17th International Primary School Mathematics and Natural Science Olympiad held by XJP, the young players of the Huaxia team have achieved remarkable results. Among the members, there are two primary school students from The same mountain village primary school deep in the mountains【Linshen Primary School】

The award-winning young contestants stood gracefully in front of the camera, confiding their hearts to audiences across the country.Her home is deep in a poor mountain.

In the past, she and her friends had to walk tens of miles of mountain roads back and forth every day, and cross a turbulent river to go to school in a small town outside the mountain.

Later, a young lady named Lin Shen came to their mountain village and donated money to build a primary school for the children in the village.

Since then, the children in the village have beautiful schools and spacious and bright classrooms.

Sister Lin Shen also invited many excellent teachers for them, and they took turns to teach them in the mountains, so that their academic performance improved by leaps and bounds.

The little girl also said that for the most difficult question in this competition, the problem-solving skills she used were taught to her by sister Lin Shen.

Sister Lin Shen is very good at studying. She will come to the school every summer vacation, give them lessons, herd sheep and mow grass with her friends, teach them to dance and sing, and bring them many beautiful new clothes. Favorite teacher.

This news directly rushed to the hot search. The children in the mountain village represented the country in the competition and won the first prize in the international competition. How hard-won this award is, it is admirable and sad at the same time.

After the news, the official media jointly reported on a modern elementary school hidden deep in the mountains.

The principal is a retired village party secretary. He proudly told the reporter that their primary school was built with donations from a lady named Lin Shen and her grandfather. The school’s hardware conditions are comparable to modern primary schools in many big cities. Art, music classrooms, and computer rooms.

The principal ordered a boy to perform a drum set in front of the camera. The boy was skillful and did not have stage fright at all.

The principal said that the teachers who teach these mountain village children are all teachers who graduated from professional normal universities and have rich teaching experience.They specially formulated a systematic teaching plan, and came to the school to teach regularly, with close connection.

Ms. Lin donates a lot of money to the school every year, so that this mountain village primary school has a first-class education level.

The children in their village have never lost at the starting line.

The reporter was deeply impressed by the mountain village modern primary school.

When the reporter asked if Ms. Lin could be interviewed by the media, the principal said tactfully that when Ms. Lin donated to build the school, she signed an agreement with the village and would not accept any interviews.

The reporter only took a photo of Lin Shen and the children on the wall of the classroom.

After the special report, the fellows in the "Years of Friendship" group were very excited and asked Lin Shen what was going on.

Lin Shen told them that a few years ago, when she and her grandfather went to the mountains for inspection, she was bitten by a poisonous snake and almost lost her life. It was an old man in the village who rescued her. Later, she and her grandfather donated money to build a primary school in the village.

Fang Can forwarded this link to the campus website, and once again slapped countless people in the face.

There was no class that afternoon, so Lin Shen went to the hospital to visit his father. During the conversation, Lu Liancheng asked about Lu Ning's recent situation.

Lu Ning hadn't called Lu Liancheng for a long time, and she and Tang Xingfang didn't even know that Lu Liancheng had been transferred to Donglan Hospital.

Since Lu Ning was admitted to university, the relationship between Tang Xingfang and Lu Liancheng has deteriorated sharply, and Lu Ning has also begun to distance himself from Lu Liancheng under the influence of his mother, which makes Lu Liancheng very sad.

He loves his two daughters, but the eldest daughter, Lu Ning, stands by his wife unconditionally and deliberately distances herself from him.

In the past month, the father and daughter were strangers. Lu Liancheng called Lu Ning many times and sent countless messages, but Lu Ning didn't answer his phone or reply to the messages.

The eldest daughter was held in his hands like a pearl and cared for by him for 18 years. Why did she suddenly ignore her?
Lu Liancheng couldn't figure it out. The only explanation was that Tang Xingfang blocked the relationship between his daughter and him.

The divorce negotiations between him and Tang Xingfang were still at a stalemate. Lu Ning was probably dissatisfied with him because of this, and Lu Liancheng was extremely disappointed.

This time, taking advantage of Lin Shen's visit to the hospital, Lu Lian couldn't help asking Lin Shen about Lu Ning.

"Yoyo, you and Lu Ning are a major, are you together in class?"

Facing his father's expectant eyes, Lin Shen felt as if he had knocked over a seasoning jar.

Originally thinking that Lu Ning deserved what he deserved, she should be happy, but facing her father, she couldn't be happy at all, and her heart felt a little bitter.

I don't know if I feel worthless for my father, or feel helpless for myself...

Ever since Tang Xingfang and Lu Ning joined forces to calculate her failure last time, Lu Ning has not been to school.

Lin Shen doesn't know about Lu Ning's situation, but what is certain is that Lu Ning must not be having a good time during the suspension of classes.

(End of this chapter)

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