Chapter 471

"I remember...her house is at the east end of the village. There is an old locust tree at the door. There is a stone mill under the tree, which is as big as a round table for eating. Her house is very close to the river. By the way, I heard that her parents burned it The official kiln has been to Dongyang, and it seems that his father’s generation doesn’t do much. However, their family built a kiln at the back of the village and helped everyone burn bricks and tiles. Thanks to his dad."

Lin Shen carefully remembered the old lady's words in his heart.

After finishing the call with the old lady, Daniu saw that it was about the same time and the three of them were full, so he bid farewell and prepared to go back to Yangcun.

Lin Shen asked the hotel manager to prepare two bottles of Feitian Moutai for each of the three of them, and told them to take them back to honor the elderly.

Sending off the folks, Lin Shen returned to Shanglin Tiandi, and the nanny washed Lin Shen a plate of late red apricots, orange red and orange red apricots, not big in size, but very sweet to eat, with a light bite, the juice flowed all over the mouth , better than honey.

A box of 5 catties of apricots, Lao Qu gave her 60 boxes, a total of 300 catties, and the packaging is also very beautiful.

Eggs and mushrooms are also very good. The nanny said that the mushrooms have been soaked, and she will cook old chicken and mushroom soup for Lin Shen at night.

Lin Shen gave each of the nannies two boxes of red apricots, and asked them to take them home for their loved ones to taste during their shifts.The two nannies were very happy, saying that their grandchildren had never eaten such delicious apricots.

Xingzi Linshen kept 4 boxes for herself, and asked the nanny to take [-] boxes and express them to Qin Xiaoran's grandma in Yanjing.

The rest was pushed by the nanny to the underground parking lot with a cart, and they were all loaded on their own Wrangler, and they drove to friends' houses to visit the house to pay New Year's greetings.

First, Fei Jia and Du Fei, who lived far away, sent them off. Lin Shen called at the door, handed the apricots to them, and hurriedly sent them to the next family.

Then came Si Yang's family and Fang Can's family. They wanted to stay with Lin Shen for dinner, but Lin Shen still had a lot of family members who hadn't left, so they declined the offer.

When he called Kuang Silun, he was accompanying Qiu Nan in the hospital.

When Lin Shen arrived at the hospital parking lot, considering the two of them, he packed two more boxes of apricots, and pushed 6 boxes of apricots to the ward with a small cart.

When he got to the door, Lin Shen didn't knock on the door in a hurry to go in, but took a look inside through the glass window.

Sure enough, two stinky and shameless guys squeezed together on a hospital bed, leaning against the head of the bed, playing mobile games together, and when they were happy, they hugged each other and kissed each other.

Lin Shen looked at his watch, and then at the sky outside. If he didn't go in, these two guys might eat until dark.

I still have to go to see my father later, so let's just knock on the door.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Um... who is it!"

Young Master Kuang, who cherished time, squeezed out two words from his lips without even raising his head, speaking and kissing without missing a beat.

Lin Shen opened the door a crack, but no one could go in and pushed the cart in.

"Crayon Xiaolun, I wish you two a happy new year! Hurry up and accept the gift, return the car to me, I have to go to see my dad!"

Kuang Silun jumped out of the bed, and the shiny wire on his lips broke silently.

"Lin Shen! I forgot that you said in the group that you would give everyone delicious food, please come in!"

Lin Shen stood outside the door, put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, and took two steps back.

"Don't, don't go in, don't go in, hot eyes will affect your appetite for dinner!" Lin Shen teased Kuang Silun
"It's all your fault, why didn't you say that Lin Shen was coming." Qiu Nan twisted Kuang Silun's butt like a little girl.

Kuang Silun stomped on his slippers and ran to open the door, welcoming Lin Shen in graciously.

"What's delicious? Red apricots? There are so many! I'll take two boxes back for my parents to try."

This guy is a bit of a scumbag, but he always thinks of his parents first when something good happens. From the perspective of a friend, it's really hard to hate him.

Kuang Silun opened a box on the spot, took out some apricots and put them on a plate to wash.

Lin Shen sat by the bed and asked about Qiu Nan's condition.

Qiu Nan said that she was well, but Kuang Silun insisted that she stay for a few more days.

Lin Shen's eyes fell on her stomach, which was only two months old, so she couldn't quite see it.

Following Lin Shen's gaze, Qiu Nan lowered his head and gently stroked his lower abdomen, "I can't see it when I put on clothes, but it's already a little bit noticeable. The doctor said it looks healthy now."

"Is there any reaction?"

"One thing, I don't have a good appetite."

Just as he was talking, Kuang Silun brought over the washed apricots, "Nannan has never had an appetite, so you just brought the apricots here. It's really rare to have red apricots on the market this season!"

While talking, he picked a big red apricot and stuffed it into Qiu Nan's mouth, "Try it, is it delicious?"

"Yeah..." Qiu Nan took a bite, mouth full of honey, "It's so delicious, the taste is very sweet and juicy, give me another one."

The color of the late red apricot is half red and half orange, and the color is very attractive. The individual is only a little bigger than the cherry, and the apricot core is small, juicy and delicious.

Kuang Silun also threw one into his mouth, chewed harder, and the juice flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"This is the first time I have eaten such delicious apricots. Where did they come from?"

"My hometown, Quyang Village, Jiayu County, is a late-ripening variety. There is a cold storage in the village, and the apricots are stored until the Chinese New Year and put on the market. The market is very good. My old family gave me a car."

"I sent you a car? That is, these few boxes are finished, do you still have some at home?" Kuang Silun smiled brazenly.

"I didn't think you were hungry before, did you?"

"That's because I haven't encountered anything I particularly like to eat."

Lin Shenfo, and threw his key to him, "Underground parking lot, parking space No. 2 on the second floor, you get in the car and move it yourself, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay today."

"Okay, I won't take more, at most 4 more boxes."

Kuang Silun went downstairs excitedly.

Seeing Kuang Silun go out, Qiu Nan sighed, and the smile on his face disappeared.

She looked at Lin Shen and said seriously, "Lin Shen, I didn't say thank you properly at the airport last time."

"Don't worry about small things. Is that guy still pestering you?"

The guy Lin Shen was referring to was naturally Young Master Xiong.

Qiu Nan nodded, with a sad expression on his face, "I sent a message yesterday, threatening to kill me, and now I'm very anxious." The next moment, he raised his lips in self-deprecating, "I can't help it... I loved vanity back then, for the sake of Selling your body for money, you have to blame others for your own sins."

"I don't know how to deal with Siren next. I didn't want to be with him at first, I thought he just wanted to play with me. But that day he suddenly said that he was serious, and his parents also came to me. , and gave me an emerald bracelet... I was stunned..."

"Hey... If I knew today, why did I..."

(End of this chapter)

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