A Godzilla's Time Travel

Chapter 136 Ah 3 Becomes Ultraman

Chapter 136 Ah San Becomes an Ultraman
(Seek to order!)

As night falls in the Eastern Hemisphere, countless cities are still lit, and people get rid of the busyness of the day and start a carnival at night.

This world does not seem to cause huge changes because of who returns or who disappears, just like people often say "the earth will continue to turn without you", but this is only for ordinary people.

For some beings, their every move, disappearance or return, will have a huge impact on this world!
Cheng Fan is holding a special meeting, which is his No.19 meeting in this world, so this meeting...is also called "Godzilla Federation No.19 Earth Congress".

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is Cheng Fan who is talking to his many fragments, receiving the information sent back from each fragment that happened on the earth during his absence on the earth.

Generally speaking, during the 21 days when Cheng Fan went to fight aliens, the earth was very peaceful, without monsters, Ultraman, or aliens.

But this is the world most people see.

In fact, there are monsters, monsters, and Ultraman, such as a certain inhuman girl who was observed by Cheng Fan and lived for hundreds of years, such as some vampires hiding in the dark, such as the lightning man in the ionosphere... …

After receiving the information sent back by each division, Cheng Fan began to assign tasks.

When he comes back this time, he plans to clean up the earth first, and capture the rare species on it. If he goes out one day and finds that some rare species have disappeared after returning, wouldn't it be a great loss?
"Last time, before I left the solar system, the experiment on whether spiritual thoughts, or whether the spiritual level can affect the transformation of giants can be carried out. The earth has been quite peaceful recently, but there are still many monsters lurking, like these little bats, these Lightning Man, those who should be detained should be detained, and those who should be reformed through labor should be reformed. The action and tone can be made bigger!"

"I'm going to build a quantum satellite warning network on the outskirts of the solar system. In the future, if any alien monsters come from space, they will be captured directly. Save trouble on Earth."

"Dr. Cheng Fan, how about collecting information about humans with super ancient warrior genes?"

"Subject, I have sent the information to you."

"Let me see……"

Cheng Fan quickly read the information sent by Dr. Cheng Fan's body, "There are only five ultra-ancient giant stone statues found all over the world, and the one in Kumamoto City has been taken away by me, and there are four left. Four people were selected from the study and divided into two groups for controlled experiments.

One group requires good-natured, kind and upright people; the other group chooses people with evil hearts.Let them respectively activate the four stone statues! "

"Pay attention to the recycling of stone statues. They cannot be destroyed by others. Every time one is destroyed, it is our loss."

"In addition, I think the world is too peaceful. If Tiga Ultraman is the protagonist, the monsters and aliens we captured are likely to be the villains in the original plot, so we can upgrade the protagonist to gain experience Useful. Now that the monster is taken away by us, it will undoubtedly affect the growth of Ultraman Tiga. Therefore, I think we can create some enemies for Ultraman Tiga to help him grow."

After Cheng Fan arranged the next work, many experimental plans were launched around the world.

In four places in the world, four people began to have a very strange dream. In the dream, they all dreamed that they would transform into a giant, or protect the world, or kill the Quartet.

The giant in the dream seemed familiar, and it looked like the same kind of creature as the Tiga Ultraman that had been shown on TV.

The four were very happy, the two were glad that they would finally become the heroes who save the world and protect mankind, and the two felt that they had gained god-like power and could do whatever they wanted.

"Create a dream, guide the test subject JR0001 into the giant ruins, and find the giant stone statue."

Cheng Fan's many divisions worked together to carry out this experiment.

The serial number JR0001 is an Indian named Sonny. He looks like a dog. He is only in his 20s and is already the leading rich man in the local area. Fortune raped women many times, and at the age of 16, he also participated in the gang rape of a young girl.

Typical humanoid beast!A fresh piece of scum!
Tonight, Sonny had that strange dream again, but this time, the dream was clearer than ever.

The dream showed him the way to the super-ancient civilization relic. Sonny remembered that there was not a mountain near his home?He also visited that mountain when he was a child. There is a temple on the mountain that enshrines the statue of Vishnu.

In the dream, Sonny arrived at the ruins, transformed into a giant, and mastered the power of a god. He flew out of the mountain with brute force, causing the entire mountain to collapse.Sonny flew in the air and saw that the temple on the mountain collapsed, people in the villages and towns below the mountain ran wildly, and some ignorant people actually knelt down and prayed for the blessing of the gods.

At that moment, Sonny felt how ignorant he was before, to believe in such illusory gods, and how weak those mortals were who ran away and prayed.

He is God, the only God in the whole world!

All mortals should obey his orders!
Sonny descended from the sky, and under the horrified eyes of the people, he destroyed the temple in the town, and then destroyed the government building, the police station, all the things that made him dislike...

Destroy, destroy, do as you please, dominate everything...

Sonny liked this feeling very much. He had been lawless since he was a child, and he always liked the feeling of being uninhibited and wanton.He wants to drink the strongest wine, kill the wildest dog, and let the President of India worship him like those stories and novels.

What is God?He is God!

However, at this moment, a cat meow woke up Sonny who was in his dream.

Sonny jumped up from the bed all of a sudden, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

He looked around nervously, when a black shadow of a cat flashed by outside the window, he sighed, "Oh, it turned out to be a cat. I was doing that..."

When Sonny said this, he suddenly stopped. He climbed out of bed in a strange way, put on his clothes and shoes, washed his face with cold water, and bowed a few times to a statue of Vishnu in the hall.

"Great Vishnu (don't know what the Indians call Vishnu) bless."

Then, with a flashlight and no bodyguards, he sneaked up to the mountain near Mengli's house overnight.

"If it's true, I remember that in the dream, the passage leading to the mountain is under the statue of Vishnu."

More than three hours later, the sky in Japan had turned white. Sonny pushed down the statue of Vishnu in the temple, took a complicated look at the statue that fell on the ground, and jumped into the passage.

After falling down the passage and feeling dizzy for a while, Sonny got up from the ground regardless of the pain in his body, and was shocked by the scene in front of him. He had already arrived at the space inside the mountain, which was illuminated by its own light. A ten-meter-high giant stone statue stood in front of him.

"Hahaha, my Sonny is indeed a god!"

When Sonny was happy, a beam of light shone on him from the giant stone statue, and his body could not move. Sonny felt that something in his body was being activated under this beam of light, and his body gradually turned into a beam of light. , and shot towards the crystal on the chest of the giant stone statue.

"The optogenetic factor converter developed by Keigo Masaki is pretty good. God, I wish you good luck."

(End of this chapter)

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