Young lady, she always wants to jump over the wall

Chapter 614 Follow me to Qin's house

Chapter 614 Follow me to Qin's house

Because it is likely to be the only one in the world.

They had hot pot for lunch.

Qin Mu can't eat much spicy food, so they ordered mandarin duck pot.However, Qin Mu helped her wash the water the whole time, propped his head lazily, and looked up at her from time to time, without taking a few mouthfuls of food.

"Will Third Uncle come back this time?" She asked while eating.

"Should not return."

The answer was concise and to the point, and Ji Fanxing couldn't help asking: "He told you?"

"Guess." Qin Yichen and Qin Shuhan fought so hard for power before, and he couldn't get any good looks when he went back.What's more, his current thoughts are all on Jian Tao, so he won't be in the mood to come back.

"Do you think they will get back together again?" She only needs to be responsible for eating, and her husband will do the cooking.

Qin Mu glanced at her, and said flatly, "It's hard to say."

He can't manage other people's affairs, so he can't figure it out. Ji Fanxing just chatted with him casually, and didn't express his own opinion, "I invited Grandpa Qin to play chess tonight."

Qin Mu paused the hand holding the chopsticks, "No."

"I didn't tell you to go, I'll just go. I'm going to stay there tonight. Remember to close the door when you rest at night. My husband is so good-looking. I'm really afraid of who will think I took you away." When she was talking, she still glanced at him from time to time, trying to see his expression.

But Qin Mu's expression control is really good, and there is nothing unusual at all.

Ji Fanxing was not in a hurry, took a sip of sour plum soup, and then said tentatively: "Otherwise, husband, will you accompany me? I'm really afraid that you will be abducted."

"No." With a firm attitude, he put the boiled shrimp slides into her bowl.

"If you go, I'll listen to you this month, okay?" She spent a lot of money.

To Qin Mu, this condition was more important than a thousand pieces of gold. He raised his brows lightly, and squinted at her, "Really?"

Speaking of which, in the past four months, they have only been together twice.Every time I think about it, either one of them has something to do, or her menstruation is inconvenient, Qin Mu's past four months are as if he had no daughter-in-law.

"Really, I won't lie to you. When I get back, I'll move back from school and stay with you, okay?" She moved her hand slowly to his, and whispered, "Honey, promise me, okay ?"

She stubbornly wanted to take him back to Qin's house, but she knew that he still missed home in his heart, and wanted to find a reason to take him back.After all, that was the place where he was born and raised, and it would be great if the relationship could be eased.

"Really, you promise everything?" He asked again to make sure.

"Well, yes, I definitely didn't lie to you. Mr. Qin, do you agree? After passing this village, there will be no such shop." When she said the last sentence, she deliberately elongated her voice.

Can Qin Mu not agree?He nodded: "Yes." He knew that the purpose of her going to Qin's house was to bring herself back.

This girl probably fell in love with her family photo frame last time she saw it on her desktop.

How can a husband ask for a wife like this?

Both of them knew what the other was thinking, but it was tacit and neither said anything.Some things, just keep in your heart, don't need to say it.

After eating, they drove to Qin's house.This time the car was driven by Ji Fanxing, before getting in the car, Qin Muduo said: "Drive slowly."

This girl used to be a racing driver, and she couldn't help driving fast when she touched the steering wheel.

(End of this chapter)

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