Chapter 676
The copyright of the film "A Breeze in Two Sleeves" written by Ji Fanxing was bought by Universal Entertainment Media, and the cast auditions have already started.This time, the female lead is a big celebrity, the male lead is Su Tu, and the second male lead and the second female lead are newcomers who have not debuted for a long time, but they are said to have good acting skills.

What surprised Ji Fanxing the most was that Su Tu was the hero again.

Shen Qinghe didn't go to the audition, and he didn't know if it was because he knew that Su Tu was going to audition that he avoided it on purpose.Outsiders can't control the affairs of these two people, so she can only watch quietly.She had been staying at school for the past few days, and suddenly became interested and wanted to go back to Mu Xingyuan to find Qin Mu, so she slipped out when the night was dark and the wind was high.

However, going out in the middle of the night was indeed not a good thing, and she was stopped by someone.The people on the other side didn't seem to have discovered her by accident, as if they planned to deal with her.They didn't say anything, and they did it when they came up.All of them are Lianjiazi, and she gradually became difficult to fight against.When she was mentally exhausted and prepared for a mistake, someone swung a stick and smashed it at her.

It was too late when she found out, but the expected pain did not come.The palm of the man holding the stick was pierced by the knife, blood was flowing, he was holding his wrist with a ferocious face, and looked around vigilantly.

"Don't look, I'm here." The man was wearing a mask, dressed in white, with his hands in his pockets, standing under the streetlight, his shadow was long and slanted.Because of the light hitting his face, his face was blurry, and he could only see that the other party was a man, and he couldn't see anything else clearly.

They paused when they saw him.The man waved to Ji Fanxing, and said casually: "Come here quickly, what are you still standing there for? Do you really want to be beaten?"

Although Ji Fanxing didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, she would rather run to him when she was a wolf.But how could those people in the back let her go?Immediately chased after him, but before running halfway, he was stopped by a strong man.He stood there like an iron tower, motionless.

Before she could look back to see what happened behind her, she was taken away by the man wearing a mask. The two of them were running on the street. Ji Fanxing was terrified, because there was a lot of ice on the ground. If you don't make it right, you will fall into the mud.

Outside a milk tea shop, he stopped, took her in, ordered a caramel macchiato at the counter, and asked her what she wanted.

Did Ji Fanxing think he was dreaming?Being chased and beaten one moment, and being dragged to a milk tea shop for a drink the next?She felt that her head was a little slow, and with doubts, she ordered a cup of hot honey grapefruit water, and then followed him to sit by the window.

It's late now, they're the only ones at the table, and it's very quiet.There are still Christmas ornaments hanging in the store. Sitting here to look outside, the scenery is pleasant, and the room is heated, so sitting here is comfortable.

"You are..." Ji Fanxing was puzzled.

The man sitting opposite him took off his knitted hat without haste, and said, "We haven't seen each other since the filming of the TV series. It's normal for you not to recognize me for a while."

Ji Fanxing was surprised, "Li Moyan?"

"Surprise or disappointment?" The man rolled his eyes with a smile, the smile didn't reach his eyes, it was a bit fake.

"Thank you."

"I was entrusted by others, no thanks."

The elder in the young master's family started to do it again. He couldn't come because he had something to do, so he had to come by himself.Although, he didn't want to help Ji Fanxing at all, he wished she would die, so that the young master could concentrate on doing his own thing well.

(End of this chapter)

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