Super invincible enhancement

Chapter 19 is actually +15

Chapter 19 is actually +15

In the morning of the same day, Li Zhifan went to buy four more Qi training books, and the 5 taels of silver he had just received within two days were completely spent!
But Li Zhifan didn't feel distressed, now was the time to lay the foundation, no matter how much money was spent, it didn't matter!
For the next three days, Li Zhifan would practice without sleep and food, and as soon as he recovered enough blood power, he would immediately strengthen it!

Because I have rich strengthening experience and prepared many +12 little ants as mats, all four Qi training techniques were successfully strengthened +10 successfully!However, one book was broken when I was at +11, and two books were broken when I was at +12. When the last book was left, Li Zhifan was very nervous, and he didn't dare to strengthen +13 anymore!
It may be because of too much pressure in his heart, or because he was too exhausted for the past three days, so Li Zhifan decided to cultivate for a day and wait until his spirit returned to its peak state before strengthening.

Li Nianci also knew that his son had been working very hard these past few days, so he never dared to disturb him lightly. He prepared three meals a day and brought them in, and he basically couldn't speak.

Although it hurts to see her son getting thinner and thinner, Li Nianci has always endured it, fearing that it will affect her son's mood. She knows that she must become stronger as a mother, otherwise she will be sorry for her son's hard work these days!
In the middle of the night, Li Zhifan finally woke up from hunger, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to eat up all the food on the table!
"Zhifan! When did you wake up! Don't eat it, it will ruin your stomach! Mother will do it again for you immediately!" Hearing the movement in the room, Li Nianci walked in quickly, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw his son Eating the cold food on the table like wind and clouds, I felt extremely distressed.

"No! This is very good, it's too hot to eat! Just rest, I've finished eating!"

Li Zhifan drank the last sip of soup as he spoke. Now that he is full, his energy is much better.

"Zhifan, if you practice so hard, you will have problems sooner or later. You must know that the rigidity is easy to break, and the best way to practice is to relax one piece at a time. Otherwise, haste makes waste!" Li Nianci said worriedly.

"You know mother, don't worry, I have my own measure!" Li Zhifan sent his mother out of the room, adjusted his mentality, and prepared to continue strengthening.

Strengthening equipment is actually related to luck. When luck is good, the chance of success is so high!But when you are unlucky, even using all the strengthening skills is useless!

Although Li Zhifan understands the truth of this very well, he still needs to do a good job of preparation before strengthening Qi training technique!At least five +13 ants must be used as mats!As for what happens next, we can only resign ourselves to fate!

+4 Little Ant fails!
+4 Little Ant fails!
+7 Little Ant fails!
+7 Little Ant fails!
+13 Little Ant fails!
+13 Little Ant fails!

The pads in the three special stages of +4, +7, and +13 all failed. According to the normal probability, this is completely impossible, but the more this is the case, the more likely it is to succeed in the next strengthening!
+13 The little ants smashed four in a row!Li Zhifan has already made a plan in his heart, as long as the fifth +13 little ant is broken, he will directly strengthen the +12 Qi training technique!

But sometimes accidents always catch people off guard. Just when Li Zhifan was about to invest in the +12 Qi training technique, a colorful light suddenly appeared in the Qiankun Reforging Furnace!
"+14 Little Ant succeeded! Congratulations!"

When Li Zhifan received this information in his mind, his brain was stunned!Because he spent so many mats and hard work in order to strengthen his +12 Qi training technique!

"Why succeed? Here's why!"

Li Zhifan muttered to himself, at this moment he really wanted to cry, but he couldn't be happy at all!

Now in this situation, if the +12 Qi training technique is further strengthened, it will definitely be shattered, which means that all the previous preparations will be in vain!
What to do next?Continue to strengthen the mat?But there will definitely not be such a good opportunity in a short time!
Strengthening equipment is actually a very exhausting thing. Although it looks simple, it is extremely damaging to the mind. Li Zhifan himself can feel that within three to five days he will no longer have the energy to strengthen equipment!
But if he just gave up like this, Li Zhifan would not be reconciled at all, he wanted to improve his qi training skills!
"Fight it! At worst, it will all be broken!"

Li Zhifan gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. He had already prepared the worst plan in his heart. Now he will use the +14 little ant as a cushion. If it can be strengthened to +14, Qi training can be advanced to the mysterious level!

When the +14 little ant was thrown into the Qiankun Reforging Furnace, Li Zhifan was so excited that he almost suffocated, his heart was tugging all the time, and his mood at the moment was very complicated, because he didn't want to strengthen success, nor did he want to strengthen failure!

This time, the Qiankun Reprocessing Furnace was running very slowly. Of course, this may also be due to Li Zhifan's own perception problems.

When the Tai Chi pattern on the Qiankun Reconstruction Furnace stopped working, Li Zhifan closed his eyes subconsciously, he didn't dare to see the final result!

However, the strengthening result was directly sent to Li Zhifan's mind: "+15 little ant succeeded! Congratulations!"

"What! It actually succeeded!"

Li Zhifan himself didn't believe this fact, thinking how could this be successful?This is +15!There are no mats, no skills, no prayers to gods and Buddhas, no incense to bathe and change clothes, but it is such a simple success!

Li Zhifan doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh now, the +15 little ant succeeded, which also shows that his plan to strengthen Qi training in the future is completely in vain!
At this time, if he uses the +15 little ants as a mat, it is obvious that he is mentally handicapped, but if he directly throws the +12 qi training technique into the Qiankun Recycling Furnace, it will even more show that he is mentally handicapped!Because he himself felt that doing that would be a very stupid act!

If good luck happens to you once, it's luck, if it happens twice, it's a miracle, but if it keeps falling on you, it means you're dreaming!
Li Zhifan believes in luck and wants to have luck, but he must not regard luck as his own strength, otherwise he would be really stupid!
Li Zhifan calmed down his excitement, he wanted to take a closer look at the difference between this +15 little ant in the Qiankun Recycling Furnace and ordinary little ants!
But at this time, several messages came from Li Zhifan's mind, which made him look astonished!

"+14 little ants can advance to gold-winged ants! Do you choose to advance?"

"+15 little ants can be advanced to annihilating ants! Do you choose to advance?"

After a while, Li Zhifan said to himself: "After +13, can I advance once every time I strengthen it?"

But if you think about it carefully, the difficulty above +14 is enough to be worth +13 many times, so it should be advanced!

 Open a new book!Title of the book [Insect Burning] This is the story of becoming a bug and constantly evolving!I hope you will vote and collect more new books!

(End of this chapter)

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