promise with you

Chapter 350 We Don't Need Contraception

Chapter 350 We Don't Need Contraception

What kind of understanding is this man? !
Tao Wanxin was also drunk.

"We really don't need it anymore." Tao Wan said slowly.

"Look, you still won't let me touch it!"

"I'm not letting you touch it! I don't need condoms anymore! We don't need contraception anymore! Do you understand?!" Tao Wanxin yelled.

Nangong Che was completely silent.

After yelling, Tao Wanxin blushed immediately, and she immediately turned her head to the window on the other side, "Drive, go back."

Nangong Che stretched out his hand, abruptly turned Tao Wanxin's face, and faced him.

"what did you just say?"

"Nothing to say."

"You said it, I heard it."

"I heard, you still ask!" Tao Wan lowered her eyes.

"I heard that, I want to ask too. Say it again." Nangong Che's eyes were full of excitement that couldn't be concealed.

"I do not want."

Nangong Che cupped Tao Wanxin's face, and pecked her lips fiercely, "Say it again, be good."

"No." Tao Wanxin still lowered her eyes, not daring to look directly at Nangong Che.


"do not want!"


"do not want!"

Nangong Che raised Tao Wanxin's chin, "Are you really going to have a baby?"

Tao Wanxin smiled slightly, "Didn't we agree last time? You don't need contraception anymore, and you're ready to have a baby. If you don't want to have a baby, then let's continue to use contraception."

Why is this man's memory so bad?
"I'm crazy about wanting so much!"

Can you stop swearing when you get excited?
However, Tao Wanxin was still flattered, "A lot of things have happened recently, and my menstrual period has not been very accurate in the past two months, so I want to go to the hospital to have a look and recuperate, and then we can prepare for a baby, okay?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Then we still need to use contraception in the past few days, and we won't be relieved until we go to the hospital for an examination."

Nangong Che suddenly took out a box of condoms from his pocket, "Haha! I still have a box left! It's enough!"

Tao Wanxin was amused by Nangong Che, "Okay, let's go home."

Nangong Che pecked Tao Wanxin's lips again, then sat upright with satisfaction and started the engine.

On the way, Tao Wanxin looked out the window. This was the first time she was sitting in the car, feeling like she was home.

Yes, she is going to have a home.

Because Tao Wanxin made the decision to have a baby, Nangong Che was as excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

The next day, they went to the best obstetrics and gynecology hospital in Z city for an examination.

After getting the test results, the two of them went to the doctor's office together. The doctor who made an appointment was an authoritative obstetrician and gynecologist in Z city.

Tao Wanxin handed over a stack of data reports to the doctor. She was so nervous that she couldn't control herself, fearing that there was something wrong with her, Nangong Che put one arm around her shoulder and held her hand with the other.

After reading the list one by one, the doctor raised his head.

"Doctor, is there a problem?"

"Miss Tao, there is nothing wrong with your body, you can prepare for pregnancy."

Hearing this, Tao Wanxin finally breathed a sigh of relief, "But, doctor, my menstrual period has been inaccurate for the past two months, often delayed, and the dysmenorrhea is also relatively serious, will it affect it?"

"Miss Tao, do you have a lot of mental stress recently? Or do you have a lot of troubles?"

Tao Wanxin nodded.

"That's right. Emotions also have a great impact on the menstrual period. If you are planning to have a baby, you must pay special attention to your emotional changes. This is the case when you are preparing for pregnancy. When you are pregnant, you must pay more attention."

"Okay, thank you, doctor."

They left the hospital and got in the car. Tao Wan felt that something was wrong with Nangong Che.

(End of this chapter)

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