Wanli 1592

Chapter 1000 Stupid Genoese

Chapter 1000 Stupid Genoese

On the sixth day of May in the first year of Longwu, envoys from France and Genoa in the European continent came across the ocean to meet the Chinese emperor.

Emperor Xiao Ruxun made an order to entertain the envoys and received them personally.

However, on the issue of meeting etiquette, the two sides had some disputes.

Xiao Ruxun's confidant, Zhang Yue, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites temporarily acting as the Ministry of Rites, proposed that when the emperor received them, because it was the first official meeting, they should bow five times and bow three times to the emperor according to Chinese etiquette. , to show respect to the Great Emperor.

The envoys of France and Genoa raised objections to this.

Although Matteo Ricci told them to follow Chinese etiquette, they still had doubts after hearing such etiquette.

"Our highest etiquette is to kneel on one knee to show respect. Why do we have to kneel so many times in China?"

Matteo Ricci explained: "This is an ancient etiquette in China. On formal occasions, it is necessary to use this etiquette to confirm the respect and respect of the subjects to the Great Emperor. His Majesty the Great Emperor calls himself the Son of Heaven and exercises power on behalf of God. His status is second only to that of the emperor. Heaven can also be understood as our God."

"There is such a thing?"

The envoys further learned about the authority and power of the Chinese emperor.

However, they disagreed on whether to accept this etiquette. The envoy of Genoa felt that it was detrimental to dignity, while the envoy of France felt that it was not unacceptable.

Then Xiao Ruxun ordered to receive the French envoy, and leave the Genoese envoy in the posthouse.

Now the envoy of Genoa panicked, the emperor talked with the envoy of France alone for three days in a row, and every day he talked about coming back very late. Like ants on a pot.

If you can't get along with anyone, you can't get along with money, isn't it just kneeling?
I admit it!
The envoy of Genoa said that he was willing to accept the etiquette of five prostrations and three prostrations, and asked the great emperor to receive him.

Then she was rejected by Xiao Ruxun.

I don't see you.

Now the envoys of Genoa panicked even more, and the envoys of France also ridiculed him.

He was summoned by the great emperor every day, gave him a banquet, and had a pleasant conversation. He was so happy.

More importantly, he ate the amazing Chinese food that was spread in Europe.

He had never tasted this kind of food in France. The two Chinese chefs who went to Genoa a few years ago only cooked Chinese food for the Governor of Genoa and his distinguished guests, and taught them to use Chinese magic tableware.

The Governor of Genoa is proud of this and shows it off in his official residence all day long. Others are extremely envious, but only the kings and nobles of Genoa's friendly countries can have the honor to enjoy this honor.

Although a new aristocrat like him is very favored by the king, but his status is not enough, he can't get it, and the governor of Genoa doesn't look at him at all.

He also only heard others describe the tableware called "chopsticks", which is said to be a strange tableware composed of two thin and long sticks.

Every time he heard those nobles discussing how delicious Chinese food is, he was always dazzled by those other descriptions. It was a feeling that no matter how much veal he ate, he couldn’t compare it. .

Not only that, the places where people live and the daily necessities they use are either made of gold or silver.

And those expensive and exquisite porcelain, the toothbrush that works well, the exquisite room, the bed, those quilts made of silk...

My God, to use something so expensive as silk for quilts and sheets, and tablecloths!

How rich is China?

How powerful?
Not only that, in addition to delicacies, there are also all kinds of pastries, which are sweet and delicious.

White, red, green, yellow, the sweet smell makes him want to stop.

Expensive tea leaves in Europe not only need to be soaked in hot water, but they are also reluctant to throw them away, and they have to find a way to eat them. However, in China, they don’t drink plain water at all.

The interior is lit with incense, and the inside and outside are full of fragrance. When you enter, you feel comfortable all over your body, and you sleep very sweetly.

By the way, there is also a Chinese-style breakfast. In addition to the main meal, there is also a very delicious breakfast, food called steamed buns and dumplings, as well as porridge and tea eggs. This kind of food has never been heard of by him, but it is so delicious.

God, do Chinese people live in heaven?
He felt that the qualification to go to China that he had fought so hard for this time was so correct and worthwhile.

For this day, he has been preparing for a long time, ready to suffer some bad treatment, but who knows that good luck fell from the sky, he got such an honor just by bowing down a few times, this is really...

China is really great!

He thought so.

It feels like the whole person is in an ideal land.

The more he thought about it, when he saw the envoy of Genoa with a blue face, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​mocking him.

So he didn't mock the Genoese envoy once or twice, mocking him that he only had simple food every day, no incense and silk supplies, let alone being able to watch the spectacular sights of the Chinese capital with Chinese officials.

That stupid guy didn't even want to kneel. Now that he knows he's anxious, he says he's willing to kneel, but he doesn't care anymore. He doesn't need it anymore. You can go home!

What business do you do if you don't know how to respect your negotiating opponent?
Coincidentally, the trade with China is completely monopolized by our country!We will sell as high a price as we want!
Through trade with China, we can become the richest country in Europe, equip the most powerful army, and even form an alliance with China, gain China's friendship, and develop and strengthen our country!
In that case, Spain, the Netherlands, and England are not our opponents!

He was full of confidence.

Then he learned that those guys in Genoa actually increased the price of purchasing Chinese goods by 5.00% in order to gain the favor of the Chinese emperor, and then they were received by the Chinese emperor, and they performed five bows and three kowtows to the emperor , Convict the Emperor of China!
These guys are too ruthless, right?A direct price increase of 5.00%?

He immediately went to the palace to see the great emperor, but the news he got was that His Majesty was discussing the relevant details with the envoy of Genoa, and asked him not to go in and disturb him for the time being.

He was pissed off, pissed off by these shameless Genoese who had no bottom line!

The lower the purchase price of Chinese goods, the higher the profit of course, because the price itself is very expensive. If it continues to increase, the selling price will be higher, which is more difficult for people to accept.

Of course, the lower the better.

But those guys in Genoa actually made another mistake to make up for their own mistakes, these stupid guys!
Don't these guys know that once the price goes up, it can't go down? !
He wanted to strangle those stupid Genoese!
(End of this chapter)

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