Wanli 1592

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016

On the first day of July in the first year of Longwu, Xie He, who was in command of Jiangxi's land reform in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi, received news from Xiao Ruxun.

The problems in the court have been cleared up, and the central obstacles to the full implementation of the land reform no longer exist. Xiao Ruxun asked Xie He to increase the intensity and speed of the land reform, complete the land reform of the Han land in the Jiangnan area as soon as possible, and then move to Jiangbei. Land reform actions in settlements.

Speaking of which, Xie He didn't understand Xiao Ruxun's resolute decision to carry out land reform in the foreign settlements. In his opinion, how could those foreign people trust the Han people?When the Han people said that they would help them with land reform, they would definitely not believe it, they would definitely doubt it, and they would definitely follow their leaders to resist.

Although this kind of thing has made extremely amazing achievements in the Han area, helping the imperial court to spread its power to every village and every township, and realize the most straightforward and thorough rule since the former Qin Dynasty, but there are things that the former Qin can't do, Lingnan and the Xiongnu were also the confidantes of the former Qin Dynasty.

Xie He didn't believe that this kind of policy could be successful even in places where foreign races lived, and the Great Qin was so powerful that the foreign races didn't dare to act rashly. Wouldn't it be better to just follow the policy of the previous dynasty?The mountains are high and the roads are far away in these places, and the alien races are more tricky, so it is very difficult to deal with, even if you master it, you will not get much benefit, right?

Everyone has been in love and killing each other for thousands of years, can they turn enemies into friends all at once?
Xie He questioned the emperor's confidence, but he still carried out the emperor's orders meticulously.

Businessmen were selected from all over the country to become the dogs of the land reform working groups, to enter these areas to do business with foreign races, gain trust, or use the original trust to further communicate with them, and at the same time accelerate the organization of personnel to learn foreign languages.

Not to mention, the land reform was a big move, those former local officials who were rampant in his memory, and the country gentry were as fragile as a quail.

The incited people became very aggressive for their own land and continued survival, easily overturning the once unbreakable autonomy of the gentry.

The gentry were howling, and the farmers were celebrating wildly.

The weakness of the Ming local government is also obvious. These individual places that have not been willing to accept the orders of the Great Qin have been trampled down by Xie He's command of the army without hesitation.

Surrender is no longer accepted at this time, and those who did not surrender before are now rebels, rebels will die, and the whole family will be executed together.

Xie He has become more and more proficient in using this method, and found that this method is applicable to any place. As long as the people are organized to win over to his side, his side will be invincible, no matter what city or iron Wall defenses are all the same as paper.

The land reform officials under him have also become very proficient, and each has their own routines. They set off a storm against the gentry in the local area, and tore the gentry into pieces with extremely fierce offensives, allowing the power of the Daqin government to intervene at the lowest level , rooted in the ground, unbreakable.

Now the enemies they faced were not only gentry, in fact there were no gentry in some places.

There were not as many scholars in Daming as imagined, but there were not many landlords at all. There were village tyrants who could not read a single word, and rich landowners who could not read a single word. When the land reform team arrived, they were all finished.

It's not that they didn't dare to resist, but once a relatively strong resistance army appeared, they would be declared as rebels immediately. The troops of the Xuanwu Battalion under Xie He's command could easily crush those mobs and form a complete blow to them. Repression, so resistance is useless.

A loose place cannot resist the strong strength of the Great Qin Central Committee.

Local powers are constantly being taken back, localities are constantly being controlled, and the power of the central government of Daqin has penetrated into places far away from the emperors like never before, telling them that the era of paradise is gone forever, and be prepared to accept the iron fist of the central government.

At the same time, in the Liaodong region, the Liaodong provincial government under the jurisdiction of Liang Menglong also carried out the government structure of the Liaodong region with unprecedented strength.

Batch after batch of experienced land reform officials transferred back from the Jiangnan area by Xiao Ruxun entered the Liaodong provincial government and carried out the business they were most familiar with in various places. If there were gentry and powerful landlords, they would be wiped out. Organize the people to live here, open up wasteland, build houses and so on.

The scope of the village is divided, the scope of the township government is divided, the scope of the county government is divided, and then the state capital is built.

Then divide the land, grant fields to each household, make fish-scale atlases, and strengthen the management of land and household registration. Then these people will serve as township heads on the spot, and those with more seniority and greater merit will become county magistrates and lead the people to start their homes. construction and recovery from the war.

The situation in Liaodong, which was chaotic to a certain extent during the period of Liaodong Army control, was gradually improved and stabilized.

At the same time, Liao Zhong led the whole army of the White Tiger Battalion to station in Liaodong, replacing the position of the Liaodong Army, and carried out defensive arrangements in Liaodong. .

With the army in charge, Liang Menglong has more confidence, and has implemented several decrees in succession to clear the land and verify the registered residence.

Then, according to Xiao Ruxun's request, the policy of "reforming the guards to the government" was implemented, that is, the management system of the guards in Liaodong in the previous Ming Dynasty was abolished, and the guards were reorganized into state capitals for administrative management.

In the former Ming Dynasty, there was basically no formal administrative organization in Liaodong, and the Weisuo management system of the Hongwu Yongle period was still followed, and Liaodong was ruled by military control.

Xiao Ruxun changed the military service system, abolished the military household and guard system, and changed the abolition of local military guards to state capitals, and Liaodong was the first to bear the brunt.

Various formal administrative agencies were set up in Tieling Prefecture, Shenyang Prefecture, Dongning Prefecture, Dingliao Prefecture, and Gaizhou Prefecture. Officials went to various places to carry out government operations. According to Liang Menglong's requirements, they cleared up the local land, verified the local household registration, and eliminated the powerful landlords and village tyrants. , The township government was established, and government officials went deep into every village.

Xiao Ruxun introduced the potato planting technology to the Liaodong area, and promoted the planting of potatoes in Liaodong. At the same time, he also encouraged farmers to plant soybeans, hoping to fully utilize the fertile black land in Liaodong and become a major potato and soybean production area.

The planting of potatoes can at least ensure that Liaodong will not run out of food during the Little Ice Age. The value of Liaodong may not be too prominent during this period, but as long as it survives this period, the value of Liaodong will be reflected, so Xiao Ruxun develops Liaodong. The will cannot be shaken.

However, the most important problem that needs to be faced in the development of Liaodong is not the power of the gentry. These scattered gentry have no deterrent power at all. solve.

At this moment, the Liaodong occupied area left by the former Ming government is equivalent to about half of the Northeast region, and the other half is in the hands of Beilu and Jurchen. Political means to expel the northern captives and Jurchen from this area.

Liang Menglong is responsible for infrastructure construction and providing food and grass, and Liao Zhong is responsible for military offensives. The division of labor between the two is clear.

(End of this chapter)

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