Wanli 1592

1021 show off

1021 show off
Dai Shan stayed in the capital for seven days, and Chu Ying took leave of absence from the army for seven days, and took her younger brother to travel around the capital city and the scenic spots around the capital.

Chu Ying took him to see the idyllic scenery of Daqin, the tall buildings of Daqin, the public toilets and sanitation management of Daqin, and took Daishan to eat many famous shops in the streets and alleys. Daishan ate until his belly bulged, and he gained a lot of weight.

Daishan felt that he had never had a good life like these seven days since he was born, and when he left, he seemed a little reluctant to part with him.

The days here are really comfortable.

Eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, these days are simply the days of gods.

"Brother, can I still come in the future?"

Daishan looked at Chu Ying expectantly.

Chu Ying nodded with a smile: "Of course, you and the brothers can come, the eldest brother will receive you."

Daishan nodded happily.

Daishan only brought five cars when he came here, but now there are twenty cars, most of which are gifts Chu Ying prepared for Nurhachi and his brothers, and some gold and silver, which can be regarded as his son's filial piety to his father .

"Be careful when you go back, follow the official path, and protect yourself. If you encounter any problems, go to the Daqin army and tell you that you are the younger brother of the adopted son of the Daqin Emperor Chu Ying and Chu Guihan, and you will get help."

"Well, I see!"

Dai Shan left the Great Qin Capital with a group of followers and dozens of carts.

After more than 20 days, Daishan returned to Hetuala, and Nurhachi and He Heli came to greet him in person. When they saw Daishan returning with so many carts and looking excited, they were also relieved.

It seems that Daishan got a good result.

This is indeed a good thing.

So they went up.

"Father! Brother-in-law!"

Daishan also rode his horse and galloped past.

Afterwards, the three of them discussed what Daishan had learned about going to the capital.

Of course, the most important thing is the relevant information obtained from Chu Ying.

Daishan repeated what Chu Ying said, and Nurhachi and He Heli looked at each other. Although they felt a lot more relaxed, they still felt a little strange.

Then they noticed the cart that Chu Ying brought back.

"what is this?"

Nurhachi asked.

"These are the presents my eldest brother brought me back from a store in Beijing. By the way, father, my eldest brother said that he is now adopted by the Emperor of Qin as his adoptive son. He has a Chinese surname and married a wife. He is so rich." of."

Daishan said excitedly.

Nurhachi and He Heli were taken aback.

"What? Xiao Ruxun adopted Chu Ying as a adopted son? And married a wife?"

Nurhachi exclaimed.

Seeing his father's surprised look, Daishan nodded a little strangely.

"Yes, the elder brother said that he made a lot of contributions, and was adopted by the Emperor Daqin as his adoptive son. He happily told me that he now lives in a big mansion. His sister-in-law is also very beautiful, and there are many servants serving him. Very big, beautiful, and comfortable! The house he lives in is bigger than the house my father lives in!"

Dai Shan described Chu Ying's house excitedly.

And the impact of these news on Nurhachi and He Heli was so great that Daishan did not consider it.

Of course, for Daishan, these things don't make much sense.

But for Nurhachi and He Heli, that means too much.

His own son was adopted as a adopted son by the emperor of the Central Plains Empire...


Nurhachi looked at He Heli, and He Heli also looked at Nurhachi, and both of them could see the shock in their eyes.

This is no ordinary shock.

Several people returned to Hetuala together, and then, Daishan gave the brothers all the gifts that Chu Ying bought for the brothers. A group of children who saw the exquisite objects, beautiful decorations, and gold and silver objects were dazzled and excited , Nurhachi also received a gift from his son.

A dagger studded with pearls and emeralds.

"Brother said that this was a spoil given to him by His Majesty the Emperor of Qin. Brother wanted to give this to my father, and asked me to tell my father that he is doing very well now."

Nurhachi took the dagger and looked at the exquisite dagger up and down.

Only the ingenious craftsmanship of the Han people can create this kind of thing.

But compared to these, Nurhachi hoped to get steel and firearms.

However, Daqin rectified the border market and gathered the border people. In the past, they could get some old firearms from the Liaodong Army, but now they can't get anything, let alone new firearms.

How should we go on this road?
Nurhachi fell into confusion.

He Heli walked out with Nurhachi alone and chatted about this matter.

"Chu Ying was adopted as the adopted son by Emperor Qin. This should be the reason why Emperor Qin came to grant us the title first, but I really didn't expect that Chu Ying would be adopted as the emperor's adopted son. Emperor Qin didn't care about Chu Ying. Isn’t Ying Han Chinese?”

Nurhachi said the doubts in his heart.

"Compared to this, I am more concerned about Chu Ying marrying a wife, and being given a Chinese name and surname by the emperor. Chu Ying must be living a very good and comfortable life now. He He must like his current life very much, so, is he still willing to come back?"

He Heli looked at the problem very thoroughly.

Nurhachi was taken aback for a moment, then narrowed his eyes.

"You are quite right. Chu Ying's actions, in my opinion, seem to be..."

"show off!"

He Heli pointed out Chu Ying's psychology to the point.

"That's right, Chu Ying is showing off, showing off to my father and his brothers what he has obtained now. Although I am very satisfied and happy with what he has achieved now, I am a little suspicious now Is it right for me to send Chu Ying to Xiao Ruxun's side?"

Nurhachi doubted himself a little.

"It's better not to say this kind of thing. It has already happened. For us, it is better to consider the current situation. Before the Han people came, they said that they would reopen the mutual market in Fushun in a few days. Please let us Do business in the past, shall we go?"

"Of course we want to go. If we don't go, there are some things we can't get by ourselves."

Nurhachi rubbed his temples in distress: "Why are the Han people so smart? Why can we produce so many useful things but we can't? If we can do it ourselves, we shouldn't rely on it so much. Is it a mutual market?"

He Heli instantly understood what Nurhachi meant.

"what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything else. At this time, if you want to rob Han craftsmen, you are just asking for it. Behind us are the enemies of Haixi and Donghai. If we fight against the Han people at this time, we are looking for death. This kind of I don't do things."

Nurhachi shook his head: "However, after Li Chengliang left, I don't know whether Xiao Ruxun will play the same role as Li Chengliang, and whether he is still willing to support us in the battle against Haixi and Donghai. If there is no support like before, it may be difficult for us to solve it by ourselves." Those guys from Haixi and Donghai."

He Heli thought for a while.

"Actually, as long as the Han people don't interfere with us, we can train powerful fighters and slowly clean up Haixi and Donghai. We are afraid that the Han people will suddenly intervene, and it will be difficult for us."

Nurhachi was also worried about this.

"Yeah, that's why I asked Daishan to inquire about Xiao Ruxun's tone. Now it seems that with Chu Ying around, Xiao Ruxun will not be hostile to us, and we fought with Xiao Ruxun a long time ago, and we can barely be regarded as comrades-in-arms. I don't think he'll do anything to us."

He Heli then added: "But we also need to be careful."

"Ok, I know."

Nurhachi said: "Let's go to the mutual market to buy things first, see how the Han people treat us, and then decide whether to attack Haixi. Those old guys dared to attack us before, and they are getting impatient!"

(End of this chapter)

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